Chapter 21: Absolute Promise

Chapter 21: Absolute Promise

Part 1

After experiencing various things, I'm about to reach 10 years old.

I spent the entire year on learning languages, Demon God Language, Beast God Language, as well as the Fighting God Language.

The Fighting God Language is similar to the Human Language, learning it isn't very difficult, and it feels like it is English mixed with a little German in it.

The only differences are the vocabulary and the way of how things are expressed.

The grammar is basically the same as the Human Language.

This world's languages aren't very hard.

Once you remember one thing, the others are easy to apply.

Perhaps it's affected by the fact the world has been deeply involved in war.

But there are no literary contributions to the Heaven God Language and the Sea God Language, along with no people who know how to use it, so I am unable to acquire them.

In regards to using the sword, I'm finally at the intermediate rank. Eris has already risen to the Advanced rank within less than 2 years, so I'm already not her match.

I experience a distinct difference in talent.

But she's also training on her rest days, so she's also affected by that.

I spent time learning on languages while she trains in the sword. It's a natural thing that there would be a difference.

In regards to Magic, I am training in it to the extent by making figurines.

I'm capable of making minute details so I should have improved.

But even if that's the case, I have certainly reached a bottleneck.

Well, since I'll be going to the Magic University to study, there's no need to hurry.

With all things considered, I have already been here for nearly 10 years and I feel deeply moved.

Part 2

Just before a month away from my birthday, Eris and the people in the mansion start becoming busy, did something happen?

Something like an important person visiting, or some person in the Greyrat's family, or Eris's fiancee...

No, surely not, that can't really be. How can Eris have a fiancee (Laughs).

But I still felt a little uneasy, so I started to investigate.

I tailed behind Eris magnificently, and found her happily talking to the maids.

Ghyslaine was also there as well, and it seems that she didn't notice me, staring at the food (fresh meat) meant for dishes.

"I want to see Rudeus surprised, he will probably be overjoyed in tears!"

"That's difficult to say, even if Rudeus is surprised, it is unlikely he will show it on his face."

"But he will be happy right?"

"Of course, he has probably had a lot of great hardships since he's from the branch family."

Actually I didn't go through a lot of hardships...

But what are they talking about?

Are they talking behind my back? Even though I'm confident I did pretty well, but perhaps I'm the only one who thinks that way.

Did I affect the members in this house?

If I did that I'll be confident that I'll cry.

"We won't be in time for Rudeus birthday!"

"But if we hurry too much we won't be able to do it well."

"If we don't do it well, he won't eat it?"

"No, if it's Rudeus-sama, even if it turns to cinders he will eat it."


"Yes, if Sauros-sama is there."

Oh, so that's what it was? Preparing for a birthday party?

"If Rudeus wasn't born in that family..."

Eris says with pity in her voice.

I see, after I grasp the contents of the conversation, I leave the place.

In any case it seems that I'm not a person who can really be shown to the public.

That's true, now matter how you cut it, I'm still that fellow's son.

But I don't mean it that way.

This is something I know after staying here for a few years.

Paul's original name is Paul Notus Greyrat.

"Notus" is Paul's noble name, and he broke off ties from the Notus family.

Right now it's his cousin or younger brother that's the head now.

Well it's fine if things come to an end like that.

However, some people don't think that things have come to an end, because the current head of Notus is even worse than Paul, and they are keen to change that.

The current head is very sensitive, and is spending great effort to eliminate possible candidates who can replace him.

Even though I'm not interested in this area, but there are people who might be thinking that Paul's son has the Boreas' family backing him up, and he's planning to back the Notus family name.

The so-called authority wielders will jump at shadows. The worst case will be assassins being sent over, so there's a need to stay low.

Well going back to the earlier eavesdropping.

About Rudeus's pitiful status.

I could have originally received a standpoint that's not below Eris, but I'm given a treatment like a servant, so it's pitiful.

And in the custom amongst the nobles' custom...

As a very special day for a 10 years old, the party cannot be overdone. Pitiful, that's really so pitiful.

Eris who has not asked Sauros-sama for a selfish request in a very long time, requested him of this, and it's decided that there will be a birthday organized for me privately.

A small family party that only the people in the mansion will attend.

A party for me.

Don't say something that will make me cry.

And to be honest, that's really dangerous.

Even though I know it, but I didn't realize the birthday when you reach 10 years old is so special. Also the party that I commonly know of, isn't as grand as Eris's birthday, it's just a small party.

To the party that my family participates in, I will go [Ah, it's like that, thanks yeah.]

That kind of response.

This is planned by Eris, and she doesn't have anyone the same age as her, and everything is done for the first time.

If I'm not happy she will be very disappointed. Looks like I need to train more in Water Magic to fake crying.

I'm also a guy who knows how to read the mood.

Part 3

On that day, the mansion is busy.

After classes are over, Ghyslaine comes to my room. It is rare to see her to be so tense, her tail is standing up really, really high.

"Well, I have some questions that I want to ask in Magic."

She shifts her eyes away, looks like she's sent to keep me in the room, OK, OK, I'll follow along with this card.

"Hoh~ What's the question?"

"Can I see a saint-ranked magic?"

"I can do it, but the city will be in rubble if I do it."

"What? What type of magic is that?"

"The saint-ranked magic is violent winds with lightning storms, pouring too much power into it will drown this city."

"That's really too powerful, I need to see that the next time."

I rarely see such praise from her, this is probably a trick for preparing the battle.

Alright, I'll tease her a little.

"I understand. Since you already put it that way, alright. If we travel on horse for 2 hours, we will be able to go outside the range of the magic, let's set off now."

Ghyslaine's face vibrates like a string.

"N, no, wait. If we set off now it will be late when we come back, there are monsters in the wild, and it's very dangerous out in the plains."

"Is that so? But it should be fine with Ghyslaine, you said the beast race is very sensitive to sounds so it should be okay in the night."

"B, being overconfident is forbidden."

"That's true, using saint ranked magic also requires a lot of mana, we will go on the next rest day."

"A, ahh, that's good, we will do that the next time."

Things ended naturally.

It's quite interesting to tease Ghyslaine who doesn't normally react to things.

When she's panicking her tail will stand up with a swoosh, when I say something her tail will move, just looking at that alone makes me feel happy.

"Ah, come to think of it there are no drinks here, except hot water..."

"N, no, there's no need, don't move. I'm not thirsty."

"Is that so."

Well, I can create hot water, but if she doesn't discover that I won't say it.

Very good, with this rhythm, it seems like she's still not prepared to let me go out, I'll do some sexual harassment.

"You know what, I'm making figurines nowadays."

As I say that I take a 1/10 Ghyslaine figurine out. Compared to the earliest product, I'm confident I have improved a lot.

The outlines of the muscles can be said to be on a professional level.

"Hoh. Is this me? You did it quite well, compared to the figurine you made of Eris ojou-sama... Eh, where's the tail?"

"I don't have enough knowledge on that area, and I always based it on my imagination to make it. This time this one came out well so I'm particular about it to make it life-like."

Ghyslaine seems to fall into deep thought as her tail wags.

Hah, I'm looking forward to what expression she will show.

"Can I look at it? The tail and the area where it's connected."

"That's easy."

With that, Ghyslaine stands up straight and let me see her butt, without any hesitation.

Amazing! As expected of my Ghyslaine!

You're so manly!

I can't win against her!

Wait, don't back off! It's not over yet, being able to do a little bit of erotic things to the usually alert Ghyslaine, this is a chance.

"C, can I touch it a little?"

"Ah, go ahead."

I almost grab it by slamming it down.



Wait, this is the butt right? Butt?

What exaggerated muscles, you can say it feels almost as hard as an iron board.

But I feel like there's some softness to it, how should I put it, the ideal type?

But it's still quite hard to think this as erotic.

The muscles that one will yearn for.

This is the ultimate kind of muscles that any male would yearn.

The pink colored type muscles that has both types of red and white colored muscles!

This is a blessed existence of super-bro and ero-goddess!

Please grant me this kind of muscles...

"Okay, I'm done."

With the feelings of utter defeat, I move my hands away from Ghyslaine's butt.

"I once saw Eris hiring an artist to do her portrait. I also want to leave behind an image of myself, I look forward to your complete works."

She smiles with delight.

I feel like I lost.

In being a man.

In being manly.

Dammmmn it, can't I win against Ghyslaine......

"......... It's about time for dinner."

"H, hmm, I think it's still early?"

I still want to see her tail go up in shock, but the maid comes in to inform the food is ready.

Part 4

The moment I enter the dining room, applause rings.

This is the first time time that everyone has gathered. This of course includes Sauros and Philip, and the rarely seen Hilda.

"T, this is...?"

I turn back and Ghyslaine is also clapping.

"Ehh? Ehh?"

The acting of being flustered.

"Rudeus! Congratulations on your birthday!"

Eris carries a large bouquet of flowers and says to me. She's wearing a fiery red dress.

I receive it, with the acting of being flustered. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

"Ah, is that it. I'm, 10 years old, today..."

After saying the words that I prepared for today, my face darkens.

I bring my sleeve up to cover my eyes, and use water magic at the same time to create tears to overflow from them. Not long after, my nose is stuffed.

"S, sorry. I, I'm... like this...... for the first time...... I come here... always thinking I can't fail...... and I'm unpopular...... If I fail, I'll disgrace my father... I, I never thought... I'll be cong...ratulated."

I move away my sleeve, and Eris looks dumbfounded.

Philip and Sauros and everyone else in the mansion stop clapping, and everyone blanks out.

Uhoh, my acting is too poor...?

N, no, it's probably the opposite. The acting is too darn real, what an epic failure, I simply want to stop at a reasonable area.

Haaa. When I think about this, have I become a hateful adult...

Well whatever.

I'll keep on carrying on acting.

Eris asks the butler in panic.

"What should we do, what should we do?"

Looks like it's a big thing for me to cry.

She's so cute that I hug her. I softly whisper a thanks in her ears with a stuffy nose.

"Eris, thank you..."

"I, it's totally good! Rudeus is, is family, that's a natural thing! G, Greyrat's family member right, Otou-sama, Ojii-sama!"

If it was the usual Eris, she would've said "You should be grateful!".

But it seems like she's trying to find a reason to get Philip's agreement. But I only see Sauros roaring.

"T, to battle! We're going into battle with Notus! We will kill Philemon and install Rudeus as the family's head! Philip! Alphon~~se! Ghys~~laine! Follow me now!! Gather all the troops!"

And just like that, the war between Boreas Greyrat and Notus Greyrat raises its curtains.

The blood feud drags the remaining two Greyrat family in as well, and pulls the Asura kingdom in a long chaotic civil war, recorded into the annals.

...... Something like that, of course didn't happen.

"F, father, restrain! Please restrain yourself!"

"Philip, are you trying to block me! Just look at it yourself! Compared to that sheetty idiot, don't you think Rudeus is more suitable?"

"I think that too, but please calm down! Today is supposed to be a joyous day! Having a war is also bad, we will be enemies with Eurus and Zephyrus!"

"You fool! I'll win this on my own! Move away, move away!!!!!"

With that Sauros drags Philip out of the scene.

Everyone's dumbfounded.

"A, ahem."

Eris coughs.

"L, leaving Ojii-san things aside... Today is specially prepared for Rudeus!"

Eris raises her chest, her face blushing.

Lately her chest has grown so she she started to wear a bra, and she's quite cute when she puffs her chest out.

Sennin once said that it's now very cute, but once she grows up it will become brazen.

Thank you, sennin.

"About that, is there, a surprise?"

He's probably trying to seal the deal with chucking girls at me.

Paul's ill reputation is detestable.

"... I'm going to pretend that's harmless chatter during drinking."

Philip laughs quietly upon hearing that.

"That's right. That will be good. But taking away the stuff about Boreas, you can go ahead and like Eris, and you don't need to hold any responsibilities. In any case, if she marries she will come back."

Philip laughs again after that.

Marrying off to someone, after a few days Eris beats her husband to death.

I can imagine that easily.

But if I lay my hands on her, I can imagine myself being manipulated on Philip's hands.

"It's about time for me to rest."

"Yes, good night."

And with that, Eris' sponsored birthday party closes its curtains.

Part 6

"W, w, welcome back...!"

When I return to my own room, the Eris who's supposed to be asleep is sitting on top of my bed.

She's wearing a red nightgown.

From the past till now she probably has never worn something like this.

What's going on? That's a little overreaching for her. Heck, didn't she go to sleep already?

"What's wrong, it's already at this time."

"R, Rudeus will be lonely by himself, so I'll sleep together with you today!"

With that, Eris turns her face away blushing. She seems to be mindful of the fact that she told me that my parents won't be coming.

Eris is still sticking to her family even at 12 years old, and once she thinks that I have not seen them for 3 years, she probably feels that I am unable to stay on.

No, maybe this is something Hilda planned, waking her up and sending her here in a nightgown.

With this, Eris is already 12 years old, even though she can't really be seen with a female's figure, but she barely makes it to my strike zone.

My body still hasn't undergone puberty, so the day I will become a man isn't here yet, but it will probably be time soon.

My first time of the first time with a tsundere Ojou-sama doing it for the first time...

When that phrase crosses my mind, the 34 years old jobless me (with the slight atmosphere of a lolicon) controls me.

(De~gwehehehehofo ohhohodopffhohoho pffffhahahahou)

Looking at that illusion of an acne-scarred face with a disgusting smile attacking Eris brings me back to my sense.

No, no.

I can't lay my hands on her.

I will be manipulated by Philip.

I'll be sinking into the power struggle battles, that Philip lost in and Paul ran away from.

"T, today I'm really lonely, so I might do something ecchi okay?"

This is my polite way of hoping that she will leave.

Normally Eris hates sexual harassment the most, so I say something like that she will escape. That, is what I'm thinking of, but I receive an unexpected reply.

"J, just a little, i, it's okay!"

Are you serious!?

T, today Eris-san is really forcing herself.

T, telling something like that to this old mister, I, I will be unable to hold on.

I move beside Eris and sit down, and the bed answers with a small "kii" sound.

If it's the past me in my previous life, I would have surely make an amazing "gigigi" sound, completely spoiling the mood.

My mind has already turned blank, unable to think deep thoughts.

Being manipulated on someone's hands? What's so bad about it?

The Eris from 3 years has become so dere, of course it's a natural thing to have some risks involved.

"Your voice is shaking you know?"

"Y, you're imagining things."


I stroke Eris's head, feeling the sleek hair. Even though she's an upper class noble, but there's no bathtub in this mansion, so she can't wash her hair everyday.

The Eris who spends all her time to do nothing but train in the sword, who's usually so crude, has dressed herself up for my sake today.

"Eris is really cute."

"W, what are you, saying all of a sudden......"

Eris' blush extends to her ears and lowers her head down.

I lightly grab her shoulders, and kiss her on the cheek.


"I'm going to feel, okay?"

I couldn't help but extend my hand to her chest. Even though it's very small, but that's definitely a chest right there.

I have been given the permission to have the forbidden fruit.

It's completely different from the usual time, where I always tried to timidly prepare myself to be smacked , because I tried to have the forbidden fruit.

Even though it's through the clothes, I'm definitely commanding the Lolita's ship.


Eris can't possibly be feeling anything from it.

She just feels that she's doing something embarrassing, I know that.

Suppressing her troubled and embarrassing feelings, shutting her mouth tightly with slight tears in her eyes to look at me.


I feel her back, and because she constantly trains in the sword, there are really firm muscles there.

It's not to the extent of Ghyslaine, and it's more of flexible muscles belonging to a kid.

Eris shuts her eyes tightly, and grasps onto my shoulder as if to implore me.

Ah, is that a, that's an okay?

Okay right?

I can do it to the end?

I'm going to continue?

O, okay.

I, itadakimasu.

With that judgment, my hand reaches for her inner thigh. The first time that I touch a girl's thigh. It is filled with warmth, but it is not soft but filled with firm flesh.



I am knocked away.


My face is slapped.


I'm kicked to the floor.

Blam! Blam!

2 extra hits got in.

The perplexed me is defenseless and received every single blow.

Eris is standing up with her with a crimson face and her eyes are glaring at me.

"I only said a little! Rudeus is an idiot!"

Just like that, the door is left open as if it has been smashed through and she leaves like the wind.

Part 7

I stay like that, and stare at the ceiling in a daze.

The something that had seemed to possess my overheated brain, has cooled down completely.

"That is to say this virgin..."


I completely read it wrong.

I was too anxious, and forgot the person in front of me is still a kid, and I just made a terrible mistake.

"Ahh, damn it, what the hell am I thinking..."

Don't I know the feelings of heroines very well after playing so many Eroge?

It's true that when I look at the donkan protagonist types, and finish things quickly by pushing them down, that sort of irresponsible thing.

In the end the conclusion is that.

With the gamer's viewpoint, you can see the heroines' lines. But as the protagonist, you can't know that.

The world of donkan protagonist types.

I'm certain that I'm being liked, and from the things that are possible to occur, I'll pretend not to notice them and shorten the distance.

Am I doing things that are too superficial compared to the other real donkan protagonists?

Compared to them, am I too shallow?

Especially after a talk like that with Philip.

What happened to the nonsense about harmless chatter during drinking, huh? Didn't I do something that's completely the opposite of what I said?

If I really did do it with Eris, I know what's going to happen.

Boom, did it, got married. 3 strikes and I become Boreas's little partner.

During that time I'll say something that I don't want to join in a terrible sheetty mess of political fights?

Trying to be irresponsible? Because that's a one night stand so I'll make an excuse?

Utterly stupid.

At that time I'll be like a damn monkey sticking to Eris night after damn night.

The past me was quite active in the previous life although it can't compare to Paul.

This cannot be satisfied with just one time. Today she initiated things, the next time will be me actively seeking her.

Both Philip and Hilda wish for me to do it, and no one will stop me. Just because of a moment of pleasure, I'll be dragged into the chaos of political struggles.

Sweeping my eyes around, I see the wand in the corner of the room.


That's right.

I have completely forgotten about Eris's feelings.

Even though it's Philip and Sauros who came up with the money, the person who wanted to give me the wand is probably Eris.

Planning a party to make me happy, concerned about the dialogue that we had, even coming to console me before I went to bed.

She has done everything for me today, but I am swallowed up by my own desires, intending to ravage her.

Having my way with a child whose head is filled with me.

Just think about the happy expressions that she had when she's talking to the maids.

The things that I'm doing are designed to trample on that.

"...... Haha."

I'm the worst.

I don't have any right to tell Paul off.

I don't have any right to teach anyone anything.

Trash that enters a different world is still trash.

I'll pack my things up tomorrow and leave. I should die like a trash halfway on the way back.


When I become aware of it, Eris is standing at the room's door.

She's showing half her face. I quickly stand up in a hurry, up strai......

...... No, I'll lie my whole body on the floor!

"I, I'm really sorry about that earlier."

I lie on the floor like a turtle.


She sneaks a glance at me and moves away, squirming in a small voice.

"T, today is a special case, so, I'll forgive you...!"

S, she forgives me...!

"Rudeus is very perverted, I know that!"

Who's the one who told her that...!

No. I'm perverted. I'm sorry, it's me. I'm a perverted man. It's my fault. Oswari-man is right over here. Me.

"But, this kind of thing is too early... 5 years! After 5 years, when Rudeus is all grown up, that time... J-Just be patient!"

"Y, yes...!"

I prostrate myself to the ground.

"T, then, I'll be going to sleep. Then, Rudeus, good night, I'll be troubling you tomorrow."

Eris finishes stuttering and goes back to her room, until I can't hear the footsteps that are further and further away, I close the door.


I sit down behind the door with my back facing it.

"Oh, oh yeah..."

Today's birthday is really too amazing!

Today's special situation is really too amazing!

Nothing happening worse than that is really too amazing!


5 years later! The promise!

With that Eris! The promise!

Alright. I'll never do something like that again. 5 years later means I'll be 15 years old. Even though it's a long time, but I can hold it in. Since I can definitely receive the goods, I'll persevere.

Before that I'm a gentleman, not a pervert but a gentleman.

The usual sexual harassment will be refrained as well, the older the wine, the deeper the flavor will be.

If I keep drinking it bit by bit, maybe 5 years later it will be tasteless.

Charge shot that's pressed as long as possible will increase in power.

I'll become a strong man who won't bend to ero.

This time I must become a donkan protagonist.

The A button that I'll press for 5 years, will be released 5 years later.

I take an oath in my heart.

Yes lolita, do not touch.


Wait, 5 years later...? Donkan type? My mind suddenly has Sylphy's pale face smiling appearing in it.


Part 8

When I wake up, my underwear has turned into a terrible state. Looks like I released the A button.

I, I'll work hard tomorrow.

I tell the maid who comes in to collect the laundry not to tell Eris. She might giggle at me when she sees me.

That's a little embarrassing.


Name: Eris Boreas Greyrat

Profession: Granddaughter of the lord of Fedoa

Personality: A little violent, obedient in certain places

Talking to her: She will listen with attention

Language: Almost perfect

Math: Knows division too

Magic: Can't use the voiceless incantation, finds intermediate ranked magic difficult

Sword: Advanced ranked in the Sword-God style

Etiquette: Learning the difficult rules in the palace

The people she likes: Grandfather, Ghyslaine

The person she loves: Rudeus