Chapter 20: Learning a Foreign Language

Chapter 20: Learning a Foreign Language

Part 1

After Eris' 10th birthday she became more obedient. She also listens attentively in classes, and the number of times I get hit has lessened.

I am released from the fear of domestic violence, and my heart is more composed.

Because of that, I started my own studying.

First of all, I started a rough investigation into the world's history from the history book I found in the library.

According to the book, the world started 100,000 years ago and it's a really fantastical history.

Based on the chronological table, it's something like this.

— 100,000 years ago —

There were 7 worlds back then, and governed by each god. They are called "The Gods of Ancient Times."

The gods are different from each world.

The human world, the Human-God.

The demon world, the Demon-God.

The dragon world, the Dragon-God.

The beast world, the Beast-God.

The sea world, the Sea-God.

The heaven world, the Heaven-God.

The void world, the Void-God.

At that time, there's something like a barrier that isolates the world, and there is no easy way to travel through and from.

The citizens of one of the worlds don't even know the existence of other worlds.

The only people who knows the existence of the other worlds are a portion of the Gods, and individuals that have very strong powers.

— 20,000 – 10,000 years ago —

An evil Dragon-God was born in the dragon world. He possessed exceptional power, and destroyed the barriers between the worlds, and he commanded the <<5 Dragon Warriors>> to destroy the other worlds.

The citizens of the worlds had their worlds destroyed and were continuously chased, until finally they escaped to the human world.

After that, because of these events the <<5 Dragon Warriors>> betrayed the Dragon-God, and the leader of the <<5 Dragon Warriors>>, the Dragon-Emperor, teamed up together with the 4 Dragon-Kings and battled with the exceptionally powerful Dragon-God. A death match of 5 versus one, and in the end it ended up as a tie.

Because of the battle, the dragon world was destroyed. In the end there's only the human world left, which is this world.

— 10,000 – 8,000 years ago —

This era is called the Age of Chaos. The ancestors of the human race here enter into a chaotic war between the other worlds' citizens.

There's almost no data contributing to this era, but according to the scholars, after a very long time, each race is respectively segregated.

The beast races stayed in the forest, the sea race governed the oceans and the heaven race controlled the high grounds. The dragon race was nearly destroyed and they went into hiding. The void race can live anywhere, so they were everywhere.

And then, only the human race and the demon races were fighting ceaselessly on the plains. At that time, the Central continent and the Demon continent were linked together, and was called the Grand continent.

— 7,000 Years ago —

With the advancement of magic and martial skills, the population also increased.

At this time, there was the human-demon war, and just like the meaning of the words, this was a huge head on collision between the human race and the demon races.

That's something like the world war back then in my previous world. The war not only included the human race and demon races, other races were also involved in this long war.

— 6,000 years ago —

The human-demon war had repeated a regular streak of fierce battles for 1,000 years, and the hero Alus and his 6 companions defeated the <<5 Great Demon-Kings>> and the <<Demon Worlds's Great Emperor Kishirika>>.

From the words alone the Great Emperor is probably a female, my mind suddenly has an image of Eris laughing in high pitch, wearing a full set of SM clothing.

Talking about the Hero Alus... Isn't it the Hero vs the Evil Dragon?

— 5,500 years ago–

With the human race's naivety and ignorance, as well as believing themselves to be powerful after defeating the demon races, frequently picked fights with the other races.

There were civil wars happening too, and fights were commonplace. Also, the demon races were treated as slaves to be used.

This nearly went on for 500 years.

— 5,000 years ago —

The 2nd human-demon war exploded out, as if to avenge the 1000 years of hatred, the <<Demon World's Great Emperor Kishirika>> raised the banners again.

Again with Kirishika, is that a succession of a title name? But it seems that it's not that, the Demon World's Great Emperor is an immortal, even if she dies, 1,000 years later she can be revived.

Being called as the Great Emperor, that means she's much more powerful than the other emperors.

The demon, beast and sea races formed an alliance to surround the human race, driving the human race to a corner.

— 4,200 years ago —

The 2nd human-demon war ends, the human race that's fond of wars, finally overturns the situation after 800 years of bitter battles.

It's thanks to the accomplishments of the golden knight Aldebaran.

This fellow was a serious cheating bastard, he vanquished an army of 10000 by himself, defeated all the important people and fought the Great emperor on a 1 on 1 duel.

He released a special move at the end, separating the Grand continent by piercing a great hole, and created the surrounding Ringus sea.

Based on one theory, he's called the Human-God. The Aldebaran that I know is able to kill anyone if he uses his ultimate skill, but this world's Golden knight is ridiculous.

Even though there's a lot of suspicious details, but at the end of the war's conclusion, the continent is split into 2 and it's the truth there's a new ocean formed in the middle.

In any case, it's lucky that the continent split into 2, and the long-awaited peace has finally arrived.

— 4,200 – 1,000 years ago —

The era goes over quickly, the world is at peace, but the demon races are driven out of the central continent.

The human race used cunning methods and sealed the demon races on the Demon continent.

The soils at the central continent are very fertile and extremely suitable to stay there. But the Demon continent is a place that easily gathers mana and is infertile.

The human race slowly forces all the lowly demon races to the Demon continent, as if twisting the ropes slowly to tighten the noose on the neck, sealing the Demon continent away.

They developed a silent agreement with the other races, to avoid another human-demon war.

The Demon races might have tried some resistance, and used foreign ties to pressure their opponent, but no war broke out.

It's uncertain when it happened, but it became truth that the Demon races were unable to go out from the Demon continent.

Due to the harsh surroundings and the competition over finite resources, the demon races easily fell into a state of civil war.

The demon races adapted to the environment, but the population had decreased by a lot.

— 1,000 years ago —

The Demon-God Laplace, in this long History, there are quite a few Demon-Kings and Demon-Emperors, but the only Demon-God that's known is Laplace.

Laplace immediately brought the demon races together, and subjugated the Demon continent. The records of this war still exist, and it's handed down from the military history.

Even now, Laplace is the idol within the Demon continent. Laplace created a united demon kingdom, and proceeded to nurture the demon races with a tough hand.

— 500 years ago —

Laplace suddenly starts a military campaign.

The beast race and sea race took a long time to persuade, and Laplace begun to attack the central continent.

The human race was in for a bitter fight that cannot be compared to anything in that came before. First Laplace's army invaded from the south, and the Human race's forces gathered there.

Red dragons were placed at the central continent, and the mountains could no longer be passed through.

With the Northern area being attacked as well, the human forces were split up, and the southern area fell all at once.

The situation soon turned into a flanked attack, proceeding from 2 directions attacking west area.

— 400 years ago —

The cornered human race finally brought out the their trump card, the 7 heroes persuaded the sea race, released the ocean's blockade and allowed the access to Milis continent.

The reasons that the Milis continent isn't being attacked are many, there's a holy Milis barrier and robust holy knight army, and there are poor conditions to allow the army on land, etc.

Also the reason why they are trapped was due to the Grand Forest on the northern side. The demon and beast races had formed an alliance, and did not allow the Milis kingdom to easily move.

Thus the 7 heroes persuaded the beast races, but even if you say "persuade", it's the 7 people who kidnapped the various tribe's children as hostages and threatening them. After much editing, this was actually written as receiving the children's help.

Are you trying to deceive me?

On the day of the final battle, the final kingdom left behind in the human race is the Milis Kingdom, who rallied the entire army to resist. After a short time, the 7 heroes led the holy knights and the beast races, and assaulted the Laplace army.

After the fierce battle, 4 of the 7 heroes died, but the entire main Laplace army was completely routed, and successfully sealed the Demon-God Laplace.

The only 3 survivors are, Dragon-God Urupein, Kaaruman, the Armored Dragon King Perugius.

They are called the <<The three heroes who vanquished the Demon-God>>.

... You didn't vanquish right?

Laplace was defeated, but the human race was also exhausted and it was impossible to continue fighting. Therefore a treaty was signed with the moderate's Demon-king.

They will remove the blockade from the Demon continent, and the demon races can travel freely to other continents.

Also the discrimination towards the demon races are all banned.

In other words back in my world, it's the Universal declaration for human rights.

— The current era —

The discrimination towards the demon races' society is still as deep as before, but overall it can be said as peaceful.

Based on this I finally made things clear.

1) The reason why 7 is a lucky number.

This is due to History. 7 Worlds, 7 heroes. Lucky number is 7, unlucky number is 6. The <<5 Dragon Warriors>> and the <<5 Demon-Kings>> plus the boss is 6.

2) The long eared race (elves), charcoal race (dwarves), the small human race (halflings) and many races are associated with the demon races, and there's even a theory about the Age of Chaos creating a new race.

Perhaps there's something related to the void race which appeared the earliest, and some races that are unrestricted by age.

The Demon World's Great Emperor Kishirika is like this, and there are many undying devil kings.

Maintaining an undying body status, perhaps it's a magic in this area.

Part 2

Because of the time spent on learning history, I know more or less the languages in this world.

The common languages in this world are:

– The Central continent, the human language

– The Milis continent, the Beast-God language

– The Heaven continent, the Heaven-God language.

– The Begaritto continent, the Fighting-God language.

– The Demon continent, the Demon-God language.

– The entire sea, the Sea-God language

In any case the various continents use names that are related to their gods.

But only the human race isn't the Human-God language, be wary of divine punishment.

The human language in the central continent can be split into 3 types, there are some differences in the various human languages.

But the only differences are something like American English and British English.

I'm using the western area's human language in the central continent, and the western area's language is also used in the northern side. But it's best not to use that elsewhere.

It's common knowledge that the western area has rich people, so bad people will be attracted to them.

The Milis continent is split into Northern region and the southern region, the northern region uses the Beast-God language, and the southern region uses the human language.

There are sea people residing in the ocean, although I don't know where I heard of the term sea people, I've never seen their city.

Part 3

Besides my monthly salary, and selling my figurines, I do part time jobs in my free time (doing misc stuff for Philip, and reselling things that I bought several months ago.)

Every day is a busy day, and I finally earned some small change.

The money is enough to buy [Shigu's summoning magic], but that book was bought by someone else already.

I'm interested in the summoning magic, but I can't help it. I can't buy something that's already gone.

I think of spending the coins in my hand, and what kind of things can be bought with 5 gold coins. This time, a book about foreign languages comes into my eyes.

After looking at the stories in history, and seeing the languages in the stories, I suddenly think that it is important to learn about languages.

So I start to learn about other languages.

First of all, I start from Ghyslaine who also knows the Beast-God language, and wanting to learn about the Demon-God language, I write a letter to Roxy, letting her tell me what she knows.

Part 4

I'm 9 years old, it has already been 2 years since I became the home tutor for Eris.

The only thing that I did is to continue teaching him in the basics of the Sword-God style.

If he has the basics down, he should improve in the North-God style if he learns it.

In the end, it's whether he decides he wants to to continue training in the sword.

Even if he didn't meet any famous teacher to teach him, he will probably still succeed as a magician.

Reaching the god rank isn't something humans can understand, but he can probably reach the emperor rank.

The magician named Roxy must have agonized over on how to educate him for the future.

Even though I think that she's quite embarrassed from running away from Rudeus, but I don't intend to blame her.

I probably should even thank her, because of her, I'm able to use magic.

Learning from a dumb teacher will only curb the student's growth. Perhaps one day will arrive where I will agonize over who can teach him the sword.

The more I think the more I get lost.

I don't know what Rudeus is doing. Even though it's a rest day, he's different from the carefree Ojou-sama, and he usually does something novel.

Recently he said he wanted to learn the Beast-God language, and after dinner he would carry a book in his hand and come to my room.

A language that can only be used in the huge forest, even if you learn it what can you do with it?

But Rudeus only spent half a year learning it, it's not difficult to express yourself in the Beast-God language, and he can probably hold a daily conversion perfectly.

"With that, I can probably go to the 'Grand Forest'."

Why does he want to go there to the sealed area, I ask him.

"Eh? No, erm how should I say it? Ah, I can probably meet some cute girls, the nekomimi ones."

That moment I believed it, this child is indeed Paul's son, inheriting the Greyrat's blood.

That's right, the Greyrat family members always cast me strange glances.

As a woman, even though I'm being stared at I won't feel bad about it, but it's not that case.

The points where they look at are strange.

Most of the males will look at my chest. They will first look at the face, then pretend to look elsewhere while looking at my chest.

Then they will cast their eyes further down, to the stomach, between my legs and my thighs, and if my back is facing them they will look at my butt.

Even though I don't really mind.

But the Greyrat males were different.

I thought at first they were looking at my face and butt.

Well, it's okay to just take a look, since I don't expect them to move on to the next step.

Paul is also that kind of person who is curious.

Even though I thought something like that, but I felt their eyes were looking at somewhere strange.

The glances were slightly above my head, if you say they were looking at my butt it's a little off position.

I was thinking where they were looking, and they were actually the ears and tail.

Eris ojou-sama, Sauros-sama, even Philip-sama.

Before I went out to receive Rudeus, I asked Philips why they looked at the ears, and he replied without any changes in his face while looking at my ears.

"Because the 'Boreas' family likes the beast races."

And he said even though he didn't inherit the noblity, he's different as he's a [Notus].

"He's Paul's son, the fact that he likes pretty girls won't be wrong."

He added on.

At that moment, I thought it will probably be something like that.

But I couldn't believe Rudeus is Paul's son after seeing how gentlemanly he is.

Furthermore he's a hardworking person that Paul can never match, and he's a diligent person that Paul can never match, and he's a austere person that Paul can never match......... which is not true.

In any case, I thought he might not be Paul's son, that's the truth.

But I changed my mind, he's absolutely from Paul's blood.

"You're indeed Paul's son. The same human race with the common language is unable to satisfy you."

"Stop with the jesting. Please don't say that kind of stuff.]"

No, actually this isn't a joke.

He will definitely become a playboy.

Lately the looks that Eris give Rudeus are becoming strange.

Even if I don't understand the relationship between men and women very well, I still know it.

It's the same when Zenith was attracted to Paul.

Lately Rudeus seemed to have learned the Demon-God language. After the beast races it's the demon races?

That youth is planning to conquer the entire world's girls.

Paul also said something similar, saying that he will run all over the central continent and establish a harem or something.

In the end Zenith caught him and he gave it up, but that will seems to have passed on.

Really, these pair of worthless father and son...

No, I should respect Rudeus.

The only one that I should despise is Paul. Rudeus is just saying that, and he hasn't done anything yet.

Hasn't done anything yet.

He's a respectable youth.


"What's wrong Ghyslaine?"

When I was thinking about this, Eris ojou-sama appears before me, she has grown up a lot in these two years.

The first time I saw her was around 5 years ago, at first I thought she's an uncontrollable willful girl.

The first time she attended sword lessons, I gave her so much [painful love] that she couldn't even stand up.

She took a wooden sword in the middle of the night to attack me.

Even though she didn't get her revenge and was more obedient, she was waiting with sharp eyes for the next few months to get her revenge.

I was a bad apple back in the past, and I felt an affinity for her actions.

I was like that too.

At first when she practiced the sword, she always grumbled about "This is not good", "I don't want to do this". But she's becoming obedient recently.

After last year's party, she basically wouldn't make a fuss and won't get her dress dirty.

Rather than saying that she's learning it from the etiquette class, I think it's fairer to say she's imitating Rudeus.

Did Rudeus say something during the 10 years old birthday?

He must have said some Paul-like ensnaring words that sent shivers to her womb.

But on that 10 years old birthday, Eris ojou-sama did sleep in Rudeus room.

It's not possible... No, it's possible.

But in any case I wouldn't be surprised if something did happen that night.

The guys who can handle Eris ojou-sama can be counted on one hand.

"I'm thinking about Rudeus stuff."

"Hm? Why?"

Eris tilts her head and asks.

Her eyes are a little jealous. Don't worry, I won't steal him away.

"I don't know why he's learning the Demon continent's language."

"Didn't he say it before!"

He said something? I try to remember what Rudeus said, but I don't remember since he abruptly started learning languages.

"What did he say?"

"He said it might be useful in the future."

Come to think of it, he said the same things when he recorded the shop items and the prices.

In the end what use did it have?

I think back about the past parties where the thief is quite familiar about the necessities pricing.

The thief suddenly found a shop and said that the healing medicine was at half price compared to market rate, and I remember past events about buying fake goods.

No, now that I think about it, if you don't know the market rate, you might buy inferior goods for 2-3 times the price and still not discover it.

At that time I was unable to state it clearly, but now that I reflect on it, it's best to know the information.

Thanks to the Maths that I learned from Rudeus, I won't be scammed about the change I received back from merchants, but I really did get deceived many times in the past.

Even though I learned maths, I can't see myself as a merchant.

"Don't talk about the stuff on Rudeus, even if we keep thinking we won't understand, if you're free Ghyslaine help me train with the sword."

These few days she's paying full attention to the sword.

I don't know what happened, but perhaps she feels something that makes her anxious.

Rudeus is only 9 years old now, and compared to the Ojou-sama then, the current Rudeus is easily seen as more mature.

Never mind about studying, Math and Magic, he even has the ability to hold conversations and has the social experience. Even though he's not following the etiquette policies but he's very polite.

His actions are proper like a merchant and is a little humorous.

Even though one can't really get used to his pranks of sexual harassment, but it can be seen as his charm.

Is he really only 9 years old?

Even for a normal conversation, it's easy to believe he's 40 + years old.

Now that I think about this, the Dragon king's country will frequently have a con like this.

The bandits who know how to write will pretend to be a noble youth and send letters to children nobles, and after getting their trust and meeting on a random day, they will catch them and sell to slave merchants.

I think that Eris Ojou-sama will have at least one thing that will win over Rudeus, which is the sword.

I will be satisfied with that.

"Alright. Eris, we will go to the garden."


Eris ojou-sama nods enthusiastically.

Eris ojou-sama is one who's talented in the Sword-God style. If she earnestly continues the path of the sword, she might surpass me one day.

She might only be the intermediate rank, but with the result of teaching her the foundation for 3 years, there's a recent manifestation.

When she steps out sharply and swiftly, her body's already covered with "Fighting Spirit", and if she can self consciously use the "Fighting Spirit", she can easily reach the rank of an advanced ranked Sword-God style swordsman.

If she can completely control it, she will become a Sword-Saint.

That will probably be something not too far away, even though I'm not sure how much Eris ojou-sama will grow, but if she can become a Sword-Saint during the time I teach her, I'll let her meet with Shishou.

If it's possible, I'll bring Rudeus along.

What sort of reaction will Shishou make when Shishou meets them?

Haha, this really makes one look forward to it.


Name: Eris Boreas Greyrat

Profession: Granddaughter of the lord of Fedoa

Personality: A little violent

Talking to her: She will listen with attention

Language: Improvement in writing too

Math: Still weak in division

Magic: Can't use the voiceless incantation

Sword: Intermediate ranked in the Sword-God style (almost advanced ranked)

Etiquette: Imitation of a lady

The people she likes: Grandfather, Ghyslaine, Rudeus