Chapter 1015

Marcus followed the crowd to the ranch south of Wales with a withered grass in his mouth.

The owner of the ranch was governor Kenneth, the notorious black hearted businessman in England. He did not know how Kenneth became governor of Australia.

However, in his opinion, now Kenneth must have fled here by his own armed merchant ship. After all, this is not the first time for him to escape. He is very good at this kind of thing.

"Oh, what shall we do now? Will the people of Dayu kill us like the natives? " Marcus was surrounded by a blonde boy, who was scared to death, and his body was shaking slightly.

After chewing the withered grass in his mouth, Marcus said, "Mike, if they want to kill us, they won't wait until now, and it's even less cost-effective for them to come here from far away Dayu to kill us. "

" are you sure? " Asked Mike.

Marcus nodded. He and Mike were exiled to Australia two years ago. Mike was arrested in England for stealing a noble's purse. His crime is much heavier than that of Mike. He was arrested for killing a soldier who tried to bully his wife.

As they spoke, the crowd gathered on the ranch. At this time, they saw a general of Dayu standing on a high platform in the middle of the ranch.

And this high platform used to be the place where the death penalty was executed, which made the atmosphere of the crowd even more tense.

Thunder looked down at the crowd in front of him. In front of him, thousands of soldiers separated the crowd from him to avoid accidents. At the same time, the soldiers aimed their guns at the British.

Waiting for all the Welsh people to arrive, a translator comes to thunder.

At this time, Lei Ming said, "I'm sorry to tell you that Britain and the Chinese Empire, which you used to call Dayu, are in a state of war. Today I stand here to show that you have lost this war. From now on, the whole of Australia will belong to the Chinese Empire, and you will be the private property of the Empire. "

at the end of his speech, the translator picked up the iron hollow amplifier and translated the thundering words aloud.

"Private property? What does that mean? " Asked Mike in the crowd.

Marcus said calmly: "when we British first came to Australia, we also declared that to the aborigines here."

"So we are all slaves now? "Mike said pessimistically.

"I'm afraid so." Marcus relaxed his shoulders. "It doesn't seem to have changed for people like us. They're all slaves. "

" I'm not going to be a lowly slave like you. "A big man with a red nose suddenly snorted," I'm a free citizen of England. The Chinese Empire has no right to declare me a slave. "

with that, the red nosed man pushed Marcus away and walked forward. Meanwhile, dozens of freedmen came to the front with him.

"You don't have the right to do that. We are free people from England, different from these criminals." Cried red nose.

Thunder stopped the soldiers who tried to stop these people, but signaled the translator to translate.

After understanding the intentions of these people, Lei Ming said, "you don't seem to understand one thing. Now you are defeated. As the victor, I have the right to deal with everything in Wales, including making you submit to the Chinese Empire."

"It's impossible. We're British. We won't submit to you yellow pigs. "Red nose glared at his eyes with a look of disdain.

Thunder's face is still with a faint smile. In the war of conquest, there will always be some reckless men who don't have a long mind. He said: "you have made a mistake. The skin of the pig is as white as you, so the white pig is more appropriate."

Then he said, "and now I'm not talking to you, I'm announcing this fact. Now you have only two ways, surrender or die!"

The translator translated the thundering words, and suddenly the English below were silent.

With a sneer, thunder continued: "then it's time to make a choice. Those who are willing to surrender kneel down."

With his order, the British hesitated for a while, and then one by one began to kneel down on one knee, put his right hand on his chest, and lowered his head.

In a short time, there were only more than 3000 English people standing on the whole pasture.

”Machine gun ready. "Thunder gives orders coldly. Obviously, there are still many thorns. If he can't frighten these British people, how can he maintain the rule here.

The machine gunner was ordered to point his gun at the red nose in front of him and the man who came out with him. This man seems to have some influence here.

Everything is ready to continue, thunder nodded gently.


In the crisp sound of the machine gun, the bullets flew out, and the red nosed Challenger immediately fell into the pool of blood.

Lying on the ground, red nose still had an expression of disbelief. From the beginning to the end, he couldn't believe that Dayu would really shoot them. After all, Britain is the world's hegemon, and any country has to consider the consequences.The cruel scene happened in front of us. The continuous shooting weapons of the state of Dayu shocked all the British people. The red nose died, and those who stood up immediately chose to kneel down.

"I don't cry when I don't see the coffin. "Thunder turned his lips.

Then he said: "now we need some volunteers to help us manage Wales, so who wants to?"

"Yes, sir. I have been serving the nobles in the governor's office. I know everything here very well." Marcus raised his hand.

"Good! "Thunder nodded with satisfaction.

Let Marcus go to the front, he also asked the translator to issue a temporary decree, requiring each Welsh resident to provide accommodation and food for a soldier. If the soldier is murdered in a resident's home, ten nearby households will be implicated.

At the same time, all the wealth of Wales will belong to the Chinese Empire.

The decree was read out and thundered to disperse the Welsh people. This decree will solve the supply and personal safety of the imperial soldiers.

After getting off the stage, he asked Shi Yanjun to set up a temporary security patrol team to receive the wealth here and establish a preliminary ruling order.

Marcus really knew the affairs of the governor as he said. With his cooperation, they quickly accepted the governor's house and other aristocratic houses.

The soldiers were also assigned to every home in Wales before night, and they would have dinner with the defeated at their home. , the fastest update of the webnovel!