Chapter 1014

Alden looked at the picture in horror.

Looking from a height, his soldiers are suffering unprecedented casualties. In the gap of the Da Yu state array, twenty strange shaped guns are continuously spewing flames, and light spots pour out from these guns, forming a tight net covering the soldiers on the line.

With the passage of time, the number of these terrible guns on the battlefield is increasing, 30, 40, 50.

The more and more dense firepower network accelerated the speed of harvesting life. Before he could react, all 3000 regular soldiers fell into a pool of blood, and no one survived.

"Withdraw! Retreat! "

Alden screamed, and his deep fear completely destroyed his will. He had never seen such a terrible killing weapon before, and their soldiers were vulnerable to the attack of the army of Da Yu.

But he reminded me too late. Although the militiamen were not within 50 meters, they were all within the range of the machine gun.

After shooting the regular army in red uniform, the machine gun immediately turned its muzzle and fired at the line of 8000 militia.

Within a minute, the rain of more than 30000 bullets rushed into the line of dense formation, and the militia began to face the same treatment as the regular army.

"It's a massacre! Alden, the world must be crazy. " Kenneth's face was as white as paper and his lips were shaking.

In the panic, he turned and went to the governor's house without looking back. Now he would leave here regardless.

Alden was also in despair. For him, it was not a war, but a massacre of them. Facing such an enemy, they had no strength to fight back. Now it was futile to put in more troops.

He can no longer care about the militiamen who are still on the battlefield. When he gets on the horse, he also goes to the governor's house. Before that, they have secret preparations. If the war fails, they will flee through the merchant ships hiding in the Gulf 30 miles south of Wales. Who cares about the descendants of these criminals and the free people?

On the beach, Chang Yuzhu was surprised to see the bodies of the British soldiers on the beach. Although they had fully understood the performance of the machine gun, the effect of its first use on the battlefield was unexpected.

After the machine gun fire, the war only lasted for more than ten minutes, but within the ten minutes, the war was on one side.

The unprepared British Army adopted the most advantageous line for the machine gun, which made the harvest of the enemy easier and easier.

Blood dyed the white sand beach red, Chang Yuzhu smelled the smell of blood in the air, and again issued an order, "March to Wales, kill the resistance! "

" yes! "The soldiers roared, and the smooth fighting raised their morale.

They carry bayonet equipped Chinese rifles across the body of the British army, in front of them, an English style town appeared in front of them.

At the same time, the news of the war's defeat spread like a plague across Wales with the scattered soldiers.

The nobles from the British mainland fled with the governor Kenneth with their wealth, while the freemen who migrated for free land were shivering waiting for the unknown fate. They did not have the same retreat as the nobles.

The exiled criminals break free from the supervision of soldiers. They rob and kill people everywhere in Wales to vent their dissatisfaction with being exiled to Australia.

"Pa pa pa..."

In the chaos, Chang Yuzhu and his soldiers crossed the beach and approached Wales. At this time, the imperial soldiers no longer used the line formation, but adopted the scattered line.

Armed with Chinese rifles, the soldiers watched the surroundings and shot and killed the British who were still fighting.

When they entered the Welsh City, the surrounding area suddenly quieted down. There was no Englishman in the street, but through the windows of the rooms, the soldiers could still see a pair of frightened eyes looking at them.

Lei Ming had already landed at this time. He and his division commander Shi Yanjun went to the center of Welsh city under the protection of soldiers. Although there were some episodes in the war, it was very smooth on the whole.

In a short time, they annihilated all the military forces of Australia.

"Report to the commander that we have eliminated the British soldiers who have resisted in the city and controlled the whole city." Chang Yuzhu gives a military salute to Lei Ming and reports it out loud.

"Very good!" Lei Ming said happily, "now I'll give you another task to gather all the British here. I want to announce to them that from now on, this place belongs to the Chinese Empire. "

Chang Yuzhu answered and said to his generals," don't let go of any family. Drive them to the field outside the city. Hurry up! "

having said that, Chang Yuzhu rushed into the residents' houses with soldiers like tigers and wolves, and English people were expelled from their rooms.

Shi Yanjun looked at this exotic city and said to Lei Ming, "commander, this city is not small. What are you going to do with the residents here and kill them? ""It's a pity to kill them. Since most of the people living here are criminals and their descendants, let them continue to work as coolies here. Anyway, their own country treats them the same way. Why should we pity them?" Lei Ming said faintly that before he came to Australia, he had a general understanding of Australia.

In short, there are three types of people in Australia. The first type is mainly prisoners and their descendants. They are engaged in hard work in Australia. Under the custody of soldiers, they do everything.

The second group is the free people who migrated from England. Since the British government claimed that Australia belonged to England, it was announced that all the land in Australia could be obtained free of charge. Therefore, some British people who dream of having their own ranches ventured to come here to herd sheep, because the prosperous industry in England needs a lot of wool, and the unlimited ranches here are very suitable for grazing.

The third group is the aristocracy from England, including the governor appointed by the British Parliament, officers and greedy aristocratic businessmen. They use their power to occupy a large area of high-quality land, and at the same time let the prisoners serve as labor for themselves and obtain a lot of wealth.

Now that he has occupied Australia, he naturally wants to make full use of the first two categories of people. After all, this is a lot of labor.

As for the nobles, they fled with their wealth when they lost the war.

Although he wanted to catch them all, these people had already run away, and they didn't know the geographical environment here, so they couldn't catch them at all. , the fastest update of the webnovel!