Chapter 51

The construction of the workshop area started in the cold winter, and Xiao Ming succeeded in adding more than 900 mouths to his meal. In addition, the recruits are going to camp again, which is about 3000 mouths at a time.

Such continuous consumption of silver makes Xiao Ming feel great pressure, and at present, he has no way to get rich quickly except for business.

So whether it's preparing for your own business or making money from the Wangs and qins, you can't afford the money.

After arranging the slave business, Xiao Ming went to the king's house and talked about the trade with the barbarians.

"Your Highness, our Wangs dare not bear such a big charge." Without waiting for Xiao Ming to finish, Wang Chengchou kneels down with a "Gudong". Wang Shijie's forehead is sweating, and his whole body is like a swing.

They got the news that both the emperor and the queen had given money to the king of Qi, and the news from Chang'an also proved from the side that the emperor and the prince seemed to be relying on the king of Qi.

The significance of a prince who is not asked is different from that of a prince who is in charge. In the past, they dared to bully Xiao Ming's ignorance.

But now the power behind Xiao Ming makes them have to weigh the pros and cons carefully. If Xiao Ming makes the Wang family commit adultery with foreign enemies, the Wang family will be killed.

Even if the Wang family is powerful and not afraid of the king of Qi, and the Qingzhou army is not afraid, there will be the emperor and the prince. When the army moves, it will only be a matter of time before the ashes of the Wang family are annihilated.

Xiao Ming has some helplessness. It's the first time that he sees the fear in Wang chengchip's eyes. It seems that Xiao Wenxuan and the queen have given the money in time, which makes him fake the tiger's power.

He said: "councillor Wang, brother Wang, get up, get up. I'm not here to punish you. I think you two know that many cattle and sheep of huyantuo tribe have been frozen to death on the grassland this year. Today, barbarian scouts frequently investigate the garrison situation outside Cangzhou City. You probably know that. "

Wang Chengchou wiped the sweat on his forehead and said with a smile," Your Highness, I've heard about this. The cattle and sheep are really frozen to death. The daily food of the barbarians on the grassland is basically goat's milk and meat. The cattle and sheep are frozen to death, and there are no cubs. After the spring, there will be no cattle and sheep to put. At that time, the barbarians will be hungry. "

"Lu Xiaowei said the same thing, so there is only one simplest way to solve this problem and avoid the barbarian siege of Cangzhou." Xiao Ming said.

"Your Highness, please." Wang said.

Xiao Ming didn't say it directly, because he didn't want to bear such a charge. He beat around the Bush and prepared to give Wang Chengchou a pit jump. He said, "the cattle and sheep are dead, so the merchants don't want them. But the meat oil of the cattle and sheep can be used to make soap. What will happen to the barbarians if the king takes food for meat oil at this time? What the barbarians want is only beef and mutton, and meat oil is not valuable to them. If these cheap meat oil can be transported back to refine large quantities of soap, what will happen to Wang Yuanwai? "

Wang Shijie and Wang chengchip look at each other with strange looks.

"Well, I hope Cangzhou is all right. "With these words, Xiao Ming left the Wang family.

Wang Shijie immediately got up and sent Xiao Ming out. After a while, he turned back and said to Wang chengchip, "Dad, your highness is right. If you exchange grain for meat oil at this time, it will definitely be a huge profit, and your highness seems to encourage us to do it. "

Wang chengchip was still kneeling on the ground, and then he slowly got up and sat down on the chair." this king of Qi is really unpredictable. He didn't want to bear the charge of adultery with foreign enemies, and he wanted to resolve the danger of Cangzhou, but we Wang family can't take the risk. "

" what should we do? " Wang Shijie asked.

"Hehe, it's not that there's no way out. Why do we need the Wang family to do this? You just need to let the business people in Cangzhou know that our Wang family will buy meat oil and then pass on the way of exchanging grain for meat oil from huyantuo. Are you afraid that no one will go? At that time, it was better for us to spend more money than to bear the charge. I don't want to have a handle in the hands of the king of Qi like the Qin family. " Wang chengchip twists his beard and says.

Wang Shijie put up his thumb, "Dad, you are still smart."


Seven days later, the Wang family transported the first batch of meat oil to Qingzhou, and the last material for soap production was also available.

Although all kinds of news proved that the Wang family didn't have it, Xiao Ming was excited about the large amount of meat oil this time. For this reason, he specially asked the equipment department to build five huge iron pots, and chose the place for refining soap in the workshop area.

This is where the soap will be made in the future.

"Your Highness, the smell of oil, how to use the soap?" This time, lvluo came with Xiao Ming to see the production process of soap.

Since the concept of soap was put forward, the news of soap spread slowly from the royal palace to Qingzhou City.

For this kind of bath products, of course, the most concerned about women.

There are five big stoves in front of Xiao Ming. Coal is burning in the stoves. On the stoves is a two meter wide iron pot. The meat oil is steaming.

Because it's winter and the meat oil hasn't rotted yet, the first step is to boil the fat and the oil in the fat. After all, the barbarians won't directly extract the oil for him.When the fat and fat come out, we will fish out the meat dregs, skin and other things. Now we have reached this step.

"Hey, hey, the essence I asked you to prepare is not white." Xiao Ming then said.

green Luo was stunned for a moment before he realized that he was ashamed to say, "I thought your highness was used to make perfume."

This time, Xiao Ming didn't avoid Wang Shijie. Instead, he asked him to come in person. When he saw Xiao Ming flirting with lvluo, he couldn't help admiring, "Your Highness, good luck."

Lu Luo's face turned red, while Xiao Ming glared at Wang Shijie. He said, "you are here to supervise the use of meat oil. We are always fair and impartial in our business and will not take advantage of your family. "

the meat oil is provided by the Wang family this time, so it's not appropriate to let the Wang family come. However, Xiao Ming is not afraid that the soap technology will be learned, because alkali is the key to soap making.

This time Xiao Ming came directly with caustic soda, and Wang Shijie didn't know what it was for.

The uncooled meat oil is orange yellow and transparent, which is the same color as modern soybean oil. When the first pot of pure meat oil comes out, Xiao Ming asks someone to pour caustic soda in.

at that time, the chemical reaction occurred in the oil pan. After a while, the oil became sticky, like tofu curd, and then he put people in the mixture.

When the soap in the oil pan was thick enough, he asked ten strong slaves to hold the iron pan and pour the soap into the prepared large square mold.

When it cooled down, the liquid soap turned into a big solidified square with milky white color. It looked very clean and gave off a light aroma. At this time, the slave who was responsible for cutting used a long knife to cut the soap into standard small squares according to the drawn square hemp thread. , the fastest update of the webnovel!