Chapter 7-38. Side -Hoen- Lequam’s Laboratory

Lequam was involved with the devil.

That was confirmed since he was working with Dacia.

Now, I wondered how to investigate, but fortunately I knew of a place that I believed Lequam was using.

The Ramleys.

I had only heard stories about it, but the house was said to have been filled with dead slaves from the basement of the house.

I had put it to the back of my mind at the time, wondering if there had ever been such an incident, but I never thought it would come in handy here.

“And of course, I already know where it is. ……”

The Ramleys were evicted from the mansion where the basement dungeon was located.

I don’t know why they were kicked out, but it seems that they were in all sorts of trouble for sheltering Lequam.

But that is not important now.

Because of that, now I can ransack the mansion day and night.

I’ve heard that the basement can be accessed through the floor of the warehouse.

Since I have never been there, I would have to take a look to know for sure, but, well, I would be able to find it soon enough.

I entered the house with a nonchalant look on my face.

A few residents were watching, but did nothing to stop me.

If a single person could enter a place like this, no one would be suspicious, I suppose.

I should have done some research before I came here.

I don’t know the layout of the house at all.

I haven’t even looked up the incident at the time …….

Because I was in a hurry and came here at once. ……

Well, it can’t be helped if I’ve already come here.

I’ll just quickly gather the information and check the incident at that time and compare it with the information I have.

I opened the gate and went inside.

The rooms are almost empty, and I feel that there is a lot of dust.

The house is no longer inhabited, and the weathering of the house is abnormally fast.

I guess no one has ever been in here before.

Now, the place where the basement used to be is a warehouse.

Judging from the construction of this house, …… the warehouse is probably on that side of the house.

This was an intuition I acquired when I visited the nobleman’s house many times and kept rejecting their invitations.

Surprisingly, the layout of most places are similar.

Especially on the first floor.

Going out into the hallway, I opened the door of the place that appeared to be the same.

“There is a broken window. ……”

I wondered if someone had thrown a rock at it for fun.

There is no debris and it looks like it has been cleaned but not repaired.

However, this is the place that seems to be the warehouse …….

And there was a ladder to the basement open in the corner.

It’s an entrance with a stone lid…….

That’s pretty elaborate and confusing, isn’t it?

It seems they didn’t want anyone to see what they were working on.

Well, it’s a kind of torture of slaves and human experiments.

That’s also true.

I went inside immediately.

It was very dark, so I put out a flame and secured the light.

The inside is definitely a prison, and there is a door at the back.

I opened that door with a clicking sound.

Even though time had passed, it seemed that the items that had been there before had not been discarded.

There are shackles, a stretcher ……, and a shelf where some kind of drug might have been kept.

However, there is nothing there anymore.

There are only some stands and shelves, but there isn’t any kind of material inside them.

“This must be the place.”

I open the door and go out into the corridor.

There is probably not much of anything near the prison, and it would be a waste of time to check the other side.

Inside the torture chamber, there was no door leading to any other place.

If there was, it would be somewhere in this corridor.

I walked along the wall, tracing the walls with my hands.

It would be unfortunate if there was a trap, but I would come back to life even if I died, so there would be no problem.

Although it hurts like crazy. ……


I knocked over a small pebble as I was walking.

Although I turned on the light, it was still a dark place.

I couldn’t pay attention to the small pebble.

But that pebble made a strange sound.

Clack clack …… clok,

Halfway through the walk, the pebble made a sound of hitting stone against stone, but at the end, I heard a sound that was clearly made of a different material.

Yet, looking around, nothing but the stone could be seen.

I reached out my hand in the direction of the kick and walked carefully.

At the end of the corridor.

Just as I reached the end of the corridor and was about to touch the wall, my hand fell into the wall.


I pull it back in a panic, but there is no external injury.

I tried again, but it was still stuck in the wall.

As I reached back, I touched something.

“It was a wooden door …….”

What a clever way to hide it.

The fact that it is hidden means that this is a place where they definitely do not want to be seen.

Let’s get in there right away.

I searched for the handle by hand and grabbed it.

Since it was a door that I had to push to get in, I willingly let my body sink into the wall.

But it was only for a moment, and soon a different scene jumped into my eyes.

There were desks, chairs, bookshelves, and samples of research materials.

I found a place that looked like the Lequam’s research archives, with various objects sitting untouched.

Although dusty, the materials should be readable without any problems.

“Jackpot ……!”

I immediately started looking around.

With a magic tool bag at the ready, one by one, packing up the stuff in this room.

Though what I am doing is the same as robbery, Lequam is already dead.

These materials must be put to good use.

I need time to examine it.

Just what in the world was he studying here, and what was he trying to do with the slaves?

Perhaps it was all connected to the devil.

No documents at all that I don’t need.

I don’t want to read the letters in this place.

I will just collect them quickly and read them in a different place.


As I was rummaging through my bag of materials and research samples, I saw a crystal.

It has a strange creature inside.

“The magic crystal ……!”

There is surely a connection between Lequam and the Devil.

The material evidence was enough to confirm this.

I quickly shoved that into the bag of magic tools, and then shoved the other items into the bag at once as well.

Hurry, hurry, hurry.

Now that the connection to the devil has been confirmed, even being here is getting dangerous.

This is the place where Lequam and the devil were researching something.

It is not surprising that they are planning some countermeasures.

Since this is Lekuam’s laboratory, no traps are likely to be set here.

However, there is a possibility that something that can sense people has been placed there.

Before the devil finds out about this place, we need to get out of here quickly…

