Coffee Shop

“Howdy, Master!”

“Welc—……, you again……”

“Not greeting all your customers equally is your bad habit you know.”

“How about you start paying for your drinks then.”

Recently, I began frequenting a coffee shop.

The Master of this coffee shop is the younger of my aunt.

Let’s see how many recognize this man

(TLN: [Master] in japan commonly refers to a coffee shop or bar owner AKA Master Bartender)

In order words, that would technically make him…….., my uncle?

[Hideyori is family so you can have my little brother treat you as much as you want] That’s what my aunt said before she sent me here.

At first, I tried to invite Emi and Takeru too but when I asked them if they like coffee, it seems they don’t like it too much.

Children really don’t understand the good old bitterness huh.

“Seriously….., I don’t mind my sister telling me to treat you to some snack but can’t you act a little more like a child.”

“What are you saying? It’s not like Master can handle talking with kids anyway right.”

“How cheeky……anyway, what’s your order?”

17 years from my past life + 10 more in this one.

The mind inside this body is almost thirty years old already.

I’m getting old you know, in a lot of ways……….

“The usual.”

“I know you are trying to act like a regular customer here but this should only be your third time here right……..”

“But you still know what I ordered don’t you.”

“Yeah, yeah, expresso right.”

Master is a little foul mouth but his coffee is very good.

It’s fun talking to him too. Instead of feeling like I’m talking to an old man, it feels like I’m just chatting casually with an older brother.

“I have to give it to my sister for putting up with a cheeky brat like you though.”

“An obedient child who acts older than his age is quite popular actually.”

“Coming from you? Also, my sister told me you’re a real [lady-killer] you know.”

“Oba-san did!?”

The fact that my gentle aunt described me as a lady-killer gave me quite a shock.

I have no idea why she would think of me that way.

Rather than me, Takeru who’s the game’s protagonist would be much more of a lady-killer right…….

Maybe he just heard wrong and my aunt actually said that my friend’s a lady-killer?

“Hm, I’m out of beans. I’ve got to refill this.”

Master said in an irksome tone before heading into the backroom.

While drinking a glass of water, I can’t help but wonder how he can run out of coffee beans in a store with so few customers.


Still, this atmosphere void of the game characters sure soothes me.

Recently, I’ve met Tsugaru who’s in the same situation as me so I can’t really have a peaceful time to myself these days.

Her tongue is so sharp that I don’t want to get involved with her too much.



When I was watching TV while waiting for Master to come back, I heard a ringing noise from the coffee shop entrance.

Wondering what kind of person wandered into an unpopular coffee shop like this, I turned to look and found a girl who should be the same age as me entering the shop.



When the girl noticed my presence, she hastened her pace and approached me.

What what what?

I don’t know what she wants so I decided to stay silent and see what she was going to do.

“Oi, you there! This isn’t a place where a kid should visit alone you know! Leave!”

(TLN: The girl uses Kisama, a rude way to say you in Japanese)


I pretend not to see her and keep watching the TV.

The news program is reporting the frequent incidents related to Gift Holders.

“Don’t ignore me! Kid, I’m talking to you!”


I almost forgot but I realize that I am a Gift Holder too.

[Dominating Decree], a fiendish ability that no human should possess.

“Don’t ignore me…….., please, give me some reactio~~~n.”

“Who the heck are you!? Also, you are a kid too right!”

“I can be here. But you can’t. Go home.”


“Please don’t ignore me~~~!”

It seems I somehow got involved with an annoying kid this time…… should I respond though.