The Urge to Kill

If his shoulder wasn’t injured then he could still be alive…?

[The new club captain crushed his right shoulder. It seems that the captain dislikes how Toyotomi-kun always hogged all the spotlight so he intentionally slammed the door on his shoulder. He can’t lift his right arm up above his shoulder anymore.]

Minako’s words echoed in my brain.

If that’s true, then it’s like he was killed by that captain isn’t it.

“Unforgivable……., Unforgivable!”

I sought out the guy who was captain of the kendo club at the time and started following him.

Without noticing my presence, he was laughing while chatting with his two friends.

What’s more, the topic was about Toyotomi-kun.

[[That Toyotomi really was an idiot huh.]]

[[You talking about the guy you beat up half-dead a while back?]]

[[Yeah, that guy was getting too carried away at the club you see.]]

Hearing him insult Toyotomi-kun right in front of my eyes, anger welled up from inside of me.

[[ [Kendo is not about winning or losing, the important thing is respect] he said. What a fool.]]

[[That’s cringe as hell, he tried to have a laugh or something?]]

[[He was so damn annoying with all that cringey stuff so I had the other guys hold him to the doorframe and smashed the iron door on the idiot’s shoulder until it broke. He friggin cried you know. Man, that might have been my absolute masterpiece.]]


What is he talking about?

[[When I told him that if words got out about what we did to his shoulder, the club might get abolished and all the hard work of his precious friends could have been for nothing, you know what that guy did? He told everyone he injured himself you know. What a piece of work.]]

[[Did he think he was so cool for sacrificing himself or what.]]

[[Who the heck did he think he is?]]

[[Well, even without that Toyotomi guy, my club still won both individual and group tournaments you know? In other words, that guy’s existence was practically worthless. He was one lively kid though. After he quit the club he got into gaming and magic tricks or so I heard.]]

[[Eww, friggin nerd.]]


The three stopped in front of a red pedestrian light.

And they still continue to talk about him.

[[But that guy bit the dust just before summer vacation started right?]]

[[Toyotomi should be happy in a better place by now don’t you think? He gets to do kendo again in his next life after all. Hope he gets a stronger body next time though.]]






Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, KILL!

Unforgivable, Unforgivable, Unforgivable, Unforgivable, Unforgivable, Unforgivable, Unforgivable, Unforgivable, Unforgivable!

















As though the world heeds my wish, a truck is approaching the crossing.

All I have to do is push his back.

If I push him off right now I can kill him!

I will kill him for you, Toyotomi-kun!

Please, give me courage!


I couldn’t do it……

The former captain is not dead.

When the light turned green, he simply continued walking away with his two friends.

“Toyotomi-kun’s enemy, I couldn’t kill him……”

I’m sorry, Toyotomi-kun……

I wasn’t brave enough……

I didn’t want to send that piece of human garbage to the same world as you.

No, that just sounds like an excuse……..

In the end, my determination only amounted to this huh……..

With my head blank, I left the crossing.

I couldn’t bear hearing them insult Toyotomi-kun anymore.

TLN: Minako referred him to as the new captain when he was first mentioned but now it’s former so he probably left the position between when Toyotomi got injured and now.