231 231 coins.

Name:I Login Alone Author:Toika
The change in the kitchen was not so great, to say that it was the site of baptism. Unlike when the original cooking space was the base and artifact processing was added, now it's like…….

“The kitchen of the Ancients. Whatever it is you're doing here, it makes sense. Whether cooking or killing.... ”

“There must have been another appropriate expression. ”

However, Suarin could not deny that the expression really matched. In addition to making everyone feel majestic because of the huge size of it, there was a side of cauldrons, cutting boards, and dull knives made of very hard and dull metal that reminded them of the sacrificial tools.

“Hmm, I think a pot would be nice. ”

“Was it meaningful to choose, this? ”

Luta, who was looking around the baptism site, grumbled at the words with a pretty serious voice, but took hold of the huge metal cauldron with one hand according to his advice. The input material is extremely simple. A tracker's key, and a fragment of Mireta.

“I never thought I'd see the moment the Chaser's Key evolved in my life……. ”

“How old are you? ”

“My heart to the Lord is 17 years old forever! ”

Jung Si-woo ignored Ruta and decided to do what he needed to do. The kind of information he needs to get his resting place into the process of evolving to level nine is roughly injected into him. I knew exactly what to do at the place of baptism.

“Maybe it's too fresh, so I'll put some soy sauce in it. ”

“Oppa!? ”

“I'm sorry, I'm just kidding. I didn't think you'd be so freaked out. ”

However, the potion actually contained a few bottles. The tracker's lock and the fragments of Mireta will serve as a medium to naturally connect the two great forces. Indeed, as soon as I put the potion in, I had a pretty good reaction. Seeing it, Suarin tilted his head and asked him.

“Then why the potion? ”

“Because this potion is built on my blood. Since it contains the source of power that can fuse and modify God's power, it would be a great source of artifact processing. ”

“ ……? ”

Suarin's expression hardened in an instant. It was the first face I had heard in my life. Of course, Jung Si-woo also learned about it not too long ago. What I naturally learned as the resting place evolved.

The amount of time spent creating the potion was also wasted, because each time the resting place evolved, it decreased and increased in number, all because it was directly related to the growing season.

“The problem is now that we're pulling 100 liters of blood an hour. So don't worry about it. ”

“100 liters is clearly heavier than your weight! ”

“Fool, the blood is still being produced. ”

“Who's the fool now!? ”

He knew that Jung Si-woo's power had already surpassed the realm of cognition, but he was wandering around in this fundamental area. She will realize someday that her body is also much different from what she thinks it is. like a chest elixir or something.

Jung Si-woo ignored the strange expression and shook the cauldron by himself. The potion waves in the frying pan and the cauldron, melting the ingredients into it slowly. The light of the gray light, which is considered sacred, rises on the one hand.

“How many normal people are there? ”

“Well, since we haven't all gathered…… some people were wrongfully killed by the gods, maybe it's a little over 30 now? ”

“So who is the fairest of them all? ”

“Hehe, of course I'm the prettiest. Thinking of the Lord, of course I... ”

“First of all, you're not. ”

“My lord!? ”

I started talking to Ruta about a mysterious scene that I could believe even if I called it a mythological scene.

However, in a certain way, it is also natural. Rather than paying attention to Earthlings who would live on the planet now, it was wiser to pay attention to fairy people who would have a lot to do with themselves in the future.

Maybe one day, we'll have to work with them. It was obvious that they were connected to the sky, the anthill, and they were hostile to the gods.

“My lord, you are too kind to me. I always think only of the lord... ”

“Trying to sell the tracker's keys, too. ”

“Hehe, love is like a game, so if it's too easy, it'll cool off quickly. My love for the Lord has always been hard mode.... ”

“That's like Pongem these days. You have to charge to kiss and stuff like that. ”

Well, I suppose I wouldn't have to pay any attention to the common folk. What kind of a joint front is this with these guys? He lets out a small sigh and shakes the cauldron one last time. Immediately after the great light erupted, the light faded as if nothing had happened.

“There you go.”

“It's a pretty big power, so I tried to convince her. ”

“Tsk, tsk... Hmm? ”

Jungwoo shoved his arm straight into the cauldron. The pot is so huge, it's only a matter of time before it hits your finger. However, Jung Si-woo's expression was slightly subtle as he stretched out his arm for as long as he could.

“This is not a mirror. ”

He pulled it straight out of the cauldron. A small, transparent sphere that can be picked up with two fingers…… Suarin looks down to confirm its identity.

“It just looks like a regular glass bead. ”

“Oh, my God. ”

But Ruta's reaction was different. It seemed as if the black and white sparkled in the depths of her mysterious eyes, repeated.

“This glass bead, it's illuminating the Earth...!? ”

“Yes…? ”

“I can see that there is a lot of content about it, but it doesn't look like it has a clear shape... …. ”

He didn't understand Suarine at all, but Jung Si-woo could awaken the dragon's senses and see all the shiny statues in the glass beads. Indeed, he realized it only then.

“It's actually shining all the mana on the planet. He's been doing this a lot. ”

“Is that possible...? ”

“It's called God. And the lord copied it brilliantly. It's funny to copy from a copy expert. ”

“Hmph, it's no big deal with Packer. ”

Soon, Jung Si-woo remembered the information about the glass beads. It was quite as Jung Si-woo expected.


[Rank – SSS]

[A mirror that has found its source of power. Turn the energy upside down, shine a light, and open the road. Any force that exists in the world can be traced back to anything.]

“... I liked it. ”

Of course, even though he knew about it, he felt the shock as well. This artifact gave Jung Shiwoo a sense of similarity.

I had hoped it would turn out this way, but the world of all the gods Mireta had remembered and recorded…… any world could be overrun with this!

“This will allow me to enter a place without a celestial star. The power of every god connected like a spider web...... Any world with that power touching it! ”

Ruta clings to you, her eyes gleaming with enormous intensity. She didn't expect to be able to successfully process Mireta's power this far. However, Jung Si-woo politely removed her.

“I won't lend it to you. ”

“Too bad! I'll kiss you, I'll kiss you! ”

“Oh, I'm not playing that game. ”

Moreover, this artifact was not well suited for the practice of ordinary people. It's definitely good to transform energy with the power of the artifact, but it's not a burden on the owner of the artifact.

As long as he could control all the energy, he could use the artifact without any problems in that regard. Soon after realizing that, Ruta gave Jung Siu advice while puffing up her cheeks.

“That artifact will surely give the lord immense freedom. But be careful. You've already fought the incarnation of Mireta, but the Lord's power is still weak compared to theirs. ”

“It's okay.”

Jung Si-woo used the glass bead as a test to enlarge some of the radiant power in it, to create a gate that he could cross right now, and to talk back to Ruta.

“Soon we'll be able to fight them head-on. ”

Mireta's incarnation is ridiculously weak compared to that of other gods. Jung Si-woo knew it well enough. That said, if you asked me if I was afraid of another god…… for example, the incarnation of Lya, that was never the case.

Fear really means doing everything you can and saying when you can't do anything with your last move anymore. It is a word that is only allowed to those whose future is closed.

“Ruta, I'll stop by one more time before I leave, so you can rest now. I'm ready to leave, so I should say hello to my parents. ”

“Then I also greet the lord's parents... ”

“No way.”

Ruta was driven into the residential area and did not stop appealing to Jung Shiwoo, but Shuarin's guard was extremely firm. Jung Siwoo's glass bead...... After putting the Manga Glass in her arms, she leaves the Baptism Hall with the group.

“Are we leaving as soon as you say hello to your parents? ”

“I'm thinking about it. She's in a full state anyway. ”

“I still can't feel it. In fact, since the battle in Antarctica... ”

Even if I followed Jung Si-woo unconditionally, it would not be that easy and simple to get on a journey that was too dangerous to come back to. Jung Siu nods at her words and lightly places his hands on her shoulders.

“Wherever you go, you stay by my side. It will be the most comfortable place for you. ”

“That's a terrible thing to say. ”

At the same time, it reassures me. Soon after Shuarin held Jung Shiwoo's hands with a smile, Yong Se-ha grumbled at the pink air flow that bloomed between the two of them.

“I'll stick close to you, so please take good care of me, brother. ”

“Come on, stay close. ”

He grinned and reached out his other hand, clutching Yong-seop's head. However, as soon as I connected the rituals with the ghosts escorting them to say hello to their parents, Jung Shiwoo's head tilted to the left and to the left.

“You two are together... No. ”

I felt the other three familiar skills in the place where my parents were. Marina's group.