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Name:I Login Alone Author:Toika
“Then I'll just take it from here... No. ”

As it was, Jung Siu tried to bind the fragments of Mireta (which were so large and vivid to be called debris) to the tracker's lock, but saw the ground beneath his feet crack, and he tasted it.

“The environment is bad enough to focus on something and get things done. ”

“Will the day ever come when this continent will be one again? ”

“Let's go back without saying anything like game opening. ”

Since this is happening, I thought it might be a good idea to enhance the locks after hearing all the information I can hear from the Nymph Ruta.

He looked around the split Antarctic soil and the rising seas to see if there are any monsters that have not yet escaped the area. Fortunately, Ceiraxia and Eriu were quickly escaping the danger zone with their men.

“All right, everybody out. Let's go, too. ”

“Is it really okay because the last thing on Earth is this destructive activity……. ”

“If I had left it like this, Mireta would have eaten the whole planet without a rat or a bird. You should be thanking me. ”

“But people don't know that. ”

This is why we call ourselves the enemies of humanity. Jung Si-woo also jumps over the gate, dragging out a deep sigh of Suarin. Yongseha followed behind with a vague smile.

[It is possible to evolve the Rest Area to Lv9. Although the total amount of beads is insufficient, the majority of the horses you own will be consumed and you will be able to inject magic instead.]

It was rewarding to have swept across the Antarctic continent after the Arctic. A wake-up call proved that as soon as you entered the resting place. However, something stuck to Jung Si-woo's waistdance to strengthen her resting place immediately. It was a very embarrassing luta.

“My lord, what have you done!? The vibrations on the Earth itself were enormous! ”

In fact, there is still a real-time commotion. It was the earthquake that caused the aftermath of the battle and the volcanic activity that was causing people to panic, not only by directly observing the enormous battle in Antarctica.

However, Jung Si-woo's reflexes were not that simple.

“I hold the incarnation of the Mirror God. ”

“I got you, no! Did such a fearsome creature sneak into the Earth!? No, Mirror God, Mireta!? That means after we hunt him...! ”

Jung Si-woo nodded, serious and solemn. Luta looks at him with a very anticipated look, but Jungwoo sits on the couch without taking out what she wants.

“I think it's time we had a serious conversation. That's what you came up with. Aren't you?”

“Seriously…… you can't be proposing to me! ”

“Sorry, I was mistaken. You're not serious yet. ”

After Jung Shiwoo tried to take his butt and throw it into the residential area, Ruta apologized properly and brought it up first.

“As you are already guessing, the tracker's lock is the artifact that was made using Mireta's Fragment. He has a knack for shining all over the world. If there is a trace of God, it allows me to go to the God-controlled world...... It must have harnessed Mireta's power. ”

“So what could be bigger if I harnessed the power of Mireta in me? ”

“The tracker's lock is not mine, so even adding Mireta's power won't tell me how it's going to change. But…… if you use the kitchen here, maybe. ”

Even the common people can't do anything about it by creating artifacts with the resting place's kitchen. You feel even more ridiculous, but Jung Siwoo doesn't argue. It was roughly because I anticipated what answers would come out of her.

“Then let's upgrade your resting place first. ”

“Did you really upgrade here? You must have wiped out the entire planet……. ”

Luta is just smiling. I felt as if I was being generous with Jung Si-woo, but I think I'm mistaken. Jung Si-woo chose to upgrade both the resting place and accessories without hesitation, preparing the horses.

[Resting place evolves to level 9. is accompanied by variations in your area of residence.]

“Looks like the residential area is getting bigger. ”

“It's bigger than the already crazy city... I can call it a country now. ”

“That's not good enough. Someday... ”

Just as Ruta was about to say something, a heavy shock came over the rest area. Jung Jiwoo suddenly frowned because he felt a feeling like his body was floating.

“Where the hell are we? ”

“Isn't this a resting place?”

“No, I wanted to tell you where our resting place is. ”

You're trying to mess with a problem you haven't even touched yet! By the time the resting place was level 1, I thought it would be below the surface of the Earth, in a similar position to the Dungeon of Ants, but I was also able to get out of it.

But I had a thought that somewhere on Earth, there might be a subspace connected to Earth…….

“Can't you feel it rising up a bit? ”

“I don't know... ”

Even Jung Si-woo's question, who was acting tough with Suarine, was just to make her head tilt. Only Ruta nods.

“It's a completely independent process. It's a natural place to feel rich, not just in a silk resting place, but also in a residential area. ”

“…… then where will the resting place be? ”

“Where does the Earth exist? What about the other side?"

Attacking a question with a question. But it was an easy question.

“Isn't it space? ”

“Then this resting place must be somewhere in the universe. just as the Lord is somewhere in the universe. ”

“ ……. ”

I don't think he's telling us anything yet. Jung Si-woo's eyes narrowed, but I didn't think any more. Instead, he looked at the changing view of the resort.

He had already undergone a drastic change when he reached level 8, so this time the internal change was not so severe. It just seemed so clear that the scale was expanding beyond comprehension.

“This is how we'll get in there like giants. ”

“The palace will fold. ”

“Oh my…… Brother, go downstairs! ”


Yongseo found something before Jung Si-woo did. Immediately after, I felt something in Jung Si-woo's senses. Jung Si-woo raised his head. Suarin notices that it's not too late.

“Brother, the lobby terrace……. ”

“Oh, my God.”

There was an exterior terrace in a rest area that had only existed as the interior of the building.

I had a corner in mind, so I ran straight out onto the terrace, and I saw a fence across the terrace with a small garden. And beyond that fence…… I could also see a huge space unfolding.


“It's a residential area! ”

Yes, I originally had to use the door in my living room to move from my resting place to my living area. The residential area was separate from the rest area, and the door also served as a replacement for space travel.

But as the resting place grows to level 9, the door disappears, and instead, the residential area and resting place are completely integrated!

“Oh, brother. Now I feel rich, too! ”

“Of course you are, because it reminds me of a resting place! ”

I thought the condition would be fixed, but it wasn't. A resting place begins to emerge slowly in the middle of the residential area!

It was surprising from the rise of approximately several hundred meters (the height of the residential area is more than that.) The resting place had only stopped and calmed down. Of course, I didn't even know how it was floating.

“My lord!? ”

“What is that castle...!? ”

“Maybe it's a good thing...? ”

Even those living in the residential area were surprised by the rapidly changing environment of the residential area, but it was said to be a rich resting place in the middle of the residential area (later heard that it was the perfect castle for the outside world.) and stared up at them.

Jung Siu, who was on the terrace, waved his hands at Ruta with a shy expression.

“Luta, what's going on? ”

“This is what happens when you integrate a residential area into the power of the Lord. Congratulations, you're a true lord now! ”

“…… ugh. ”

A ruta that congratulates you as if it's perfectly natural. As I sighed, I couldn't help but think of a series of messages. It was a message to let you know that the changes in the resort and residence area were complete.

[Rest area has evolved to level 9. 50% of all facility options within the resort are always applied.]

“I was expecting... Hehe, you're pretty intense. ”

The moment I realized it, the power of Jung Shiwoo's whole body boiled. Not just by a percentage, it happened as all the facilities inside the resting place evolved and applied to him in a heartbeat.

Just as he leveled up thirty-five times, in a sense, even more intense shocks covered his whole body. If level-up was fundamental growth, the application of options due to the evolution of the resting place felt like it was wrapped in solid armor. In fact, it would not be that different.

“Sir, are you all right? ”

“Oh, but this isn't just about changing my body, it's okay. ”

Soon, a change in the facilities inside the resting place appeared to him.

[Bedroom Lv6 – Sleepable. Increases HP and recovery speed when resting. Increases the skill level of all skills very quickly.]

[Storage Lv6 – Can store replenishments. Food storage available. Recover even the fatal loss of artifacts. Recharge consumables. Allows you to retrieve items from your inventory. This creates a random bottle of Superior Potion every hour and stores it.]

[Soul Gate Lv6 – Door that joins the inside and outside. The key is imprinted on the soul of the owner, so it is possible to use the power of the gate anywhere at any time to move to the place you are aware of. In this process, you will be able to match all of these that you allow.]

[Spring of Purification Lv6 – Deny all unclean power, allowing it to regain vitality.]

[Explorer Lv6 – Consume Mana at the Rest Area to explore Dungeons, Traces of God, and Gates.]

[Baptism Lv5 – Infuse all existing power to create a new one.]

[Gym Lv5 – available for training. The objects inside are never destroyed. Growth Speed +50%.]

[Office Lv2 – Can manage all targets associated with themselves and give immediate instructions.]

“Wait, there are clearly three different kinds of weird. ”

There are even bandages floating around, Soul Gates, Springs of Purification, and Baptismal Grounds. Anyone who hears about it knows it's Medium 2! At that time, Suarin returned to the lobby one step earlier, shouting for joy, embarrassment and horror.

“Wow, the bathtub has changed to such an enormous size! Moon also turned into a strange magic group.... ”

“Door, stand still. Then I heard that the key was imprinted on my soul... ”

Jungwoo searches through his arms and finds the key to the resting place, but strangely, it disappears. Instead, I felt information about the Soul Gate flow naturally into his mind. Instead of putting a key in the earth, he simply opened the door himself!

“ ……. ”

“My lord, come this way. ”

This is how it connects to the resting place. Ruta gestures at him as he tries to get serious.

“Don't you think you should test the place of baptism? ”

“... I hope so. ”

Jung Si-woo nodded quietly and followed her.

The moment of upgrading the Chaser's Lock has finally come.