Chapter 181: 'Deer and Wolf”

Name:Hogwarts Outsider Author:
Chapter 181: “Deer and Wolf”

Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew, two Azkaban fugitives, fell swiftly before Grindelwalds minions, ultimately facing their arrests.

There was no denying the exceptional competence of Mr. Pringle and Kettleburn in completing their missions.

The unfolding events bore an unexpected twist.

Clearly, Grindelwald had long prepared and orchestrated this large-scale rebellion.

It hinted at his deeper motives, possibly aiming to exploit the situation for his own goals.

Meanwhile, in the castles basement

A furtive figure moved swiftly through the corridors, seemingly undeterred by the nearby House-elves rebellion.

His rapid pace brought him to a stone door adorned with a prominent green snake, serving as the entrance to the Slytherin common room.

The mysterious figure revealed his true identity: the Auror known as Dawlish. He gently touched the stone gates snake head and uttered the password, Pandoras Box.

The colossal snake on the stone gate began to stir, causing the door to slowly open.

It was undeniable that Dawlish had provided the correct password to enter the Slytherin common room.

Once a bustling common room, it now lay deserted.

Nearly all Slytherin students had been frightened away.

The younger ones had left the castle, while the middle and upper grades were trapped on the second and third floors.

Dawlish, filled with urgency, appeared to be searching for something within the common room.

Suddenly, he froze.

Not far from him, a wizard sat in an armchair near the fireplace, seemingly concealed by an Illusion Charm that had concealed his presence.

But now, he had revealed himself, wand drawn and aimed at Dawlish.

The wizard who had appeared so unexpectedly was none other than Severus Snape, Hogwarts Transfiguration Professor.

Mr. Dawlish, care to explain yourself? Snape inquired calmly. At a time like this, you should be with your fellow Aurors and those dementors in Aberdeen.

His wand remained steadfastly trained on Dawlishs chest, never waning in its vigilance.

Yes, well, Dawlish responded, appearing quite composed, I realized something was amiss, so I returned to Hogwarts ahead of schedule.

I see, Snape suddenly realized, offering a sardonic smile. Then I have another question: Why are you here? This is the Slytherin common room. If I recall correctly, you graduated from Ravenclaw

Can you tell me why? James inquired sadly. I doubted everyone, but from start to finish, I couldnt understand why you betrayed us, Remus.

Remus seemed silent for a moment

After a brief pause, he finally spoke:

Because of Lord Grindelwald.

You didnt want to betray Grindelwald? James scoffed.

Yes, Remus nodded. For you, Grindelwald Whether its you, Peter, Sirius or Severus and Lily, they were all pawns to me. To be more precise, a disguise. I believed in that Hogwarts represented.

But Im different, Remuss expression revealed anguish. Almost a new lease on life is what Lord Grindelwald means to me.

James sneered, devoid of sarcasm.

Remus still didnt lower his wand, insisting, Im sorry, James I know you wont accept my apologies.

Then you returned to Hogwarts? James questioned. After we escaped from Hogwarts, youve returned once more, impersonating Severus to capture us and earn credit with your master?

No, Lupin shook his head, then nodded. I heard of your escape from prison. My return to Hogwarts was indeed at my own request. Hogwarts needed a Transfiguration Professor

But James, I am certainly not here to apprehend you. I simply want to persuade you to give up, to persuade you to leave Hogwarts

James shook his head with disdain, I thought youd understand me, Remus. Do you think I would act like such a coward?

Its not about cowardice; its an impossible task Remus earnestly explained. With your limited strength, you cannot oppose Lord Grindelwald. Any resistance from you would be in vain. Give up, James

Turn around now and leave, seek refuge in a quiet place, and start a free life anew I wont stop you, and Ill even help you escape Hogwarts.

James appeared lost in thought, exhibiting hesitation.

He finally spoke softly, I agree to your suggestion, Remus. Give me ten minutes, allow me to stay in the Slytherin common room for ten minutes. After that, Ill depart and never return to Hogwarts.

Its still for that, isnt it? Remus asked, his voice filled with sadness. Let it go, James

It appears our negotiations have broken down, Remus, Jamess expression suddenly solidified.

His body began to transform rapidly, and a massive stag materialized out of thin air, replacing the previous wizard.

The stag moved swiftly away from Remus, searching for cover.

Stupefy! Remus shouted forcefully.

With a burst of red light, the battle was underway!