Chapter 180: 'Don’t Let Go”

Name:Hogwarts Outsider Author:
Chapter 180: “Don’t Let Go”

As noon approached, the oppressive heat silenced the once-lively sounds of birds and insects.

The air itself seemed to carry an air of solemnity as three second-grade children, Matthew and his friends, sneaked along the bushes near Hogwarts Avenue, cautiously making their way toward the castle.

Hogwarts loomed large before them, an eerie emptiness pervading the campus.

No figures, be they horsemen, house elves, or wizards, could be seen.

An eerie tranquility had settled over the entire school.

Neville broke the silence. Matthew, what should we do? He looked ready for action.

In truth, Matthew was uncertain of their next move.

He had returned here out of an instinctual avoidance of Hogsmeade, believing that even amidst the turmoil at Hogwarts, it was safer.

However, Neville and Hermione seemed to have misunderstood his intentions, and at this point, Matthew needed to clarify.

We mustnt act recklessly, he emphasized, Lets cautiously approach the castle and observe whats happening.

Neville nodded vigorously in agreement, while Hermione offered no objection.

They quickly took cover in a nearby bush, their eyes fixed on the castle, which had ceased its trembling.

Matthew, deep in thought, began contemplating the scale of this revolution.

The dormant Order of the Phoenix had marshaled its forces to challenge Grindelwalds rule at Hogwarts.

However, Matthew couldnt help but question the wisdom of this endeavor.

Even with the Orders full might, it appeared ill-prepared to challenge Grindelwald, who wielded not only his loyal followers but also significant influence over the Ministry of Magic.

Furthermore, the Orders most potent asset, Albus Dumbledore, had languished in Nurmengarde for half a century.

Their current actions resembled reckless bravado more than organized resistance.

Was it possible that years of oppression under Grindelwald had driven the Order to desperation, compelling them to undertake this audacious course of action? Or did they possess hidden motives?

Hogwarts students and professors

While Matthew pondered these questions, the voice of McGonagall resonated from the castle, mentioning the students and teachers.

Neville, unfamiliar with McGonagall, inquired, Who is McGonagall?

Hermione, slightly agitated, explained her background, how she had served as a teacher and rumored successor to Albus Dumbledore before Grindelwalds arrival.

The same Albus Dumbledore? Neville seemed surprised.

Yes, but after Grindelwald arrived at Hogwarts, many professors fled or disappeared, Hermione continued, her voice filled with curiosity. This included Minerva McGonagall, who became one of the missing persons. Since then, the Transfiguration class at Hogwarts has faced instability. But lets not dwell on that!

Hermione turned to Matthew, her eyes shining with excitement. Matthew, should we help them, or at least make contact?

The journey to apprehend Azkabans fugitives continued within the confines of Hogwarts Castle.

Simultaneously, Kettleburn drew nearer to his destination.

Although he bore the marks of his earlier ordeal with the statues, he had regained his composure after being rescued by Grindelwald and Rosier.

Navigating a narrow, steep path surrounded by dense jungle,

Kettleburn emerged at a breathtaking sighta vast black lake that spread out before him.

Across the lake, on a lofty hillside, stood Hogwarts Castle with its spires and windows.

This place held a special significancethe ferry crossing.

Every first-year student would pass this way, taking a boat to approach Hogwarts Castle for the first time.

Kettleburn couldnt help but feel a sense of nostalgia as he gazed upon this familiar scene.

Yet, the situation was far from normal.

He brandished his wand, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Suddenly, a dark figure emerged from a bush nearby.

It was a dog, and it began sniffing the ground intently, as if searching for something.

Kettleburn wasted no time. He raised his wand and cried, Transformer!

A red light shot from his wand, targeting the dog.

However, the dog agilely dodged the spell.

In a swift counterattack, the dog, which was actually an Animagus, unleashed several red spells at the professor.

Kettleburn had to duck behind a nearby rock to evade the onslaught.

The two continued their exchange, taking cover and launching spells at each other.

Sieius Black, the Animagus, saw an opportunity to escape into the forest.

However, a surprise awaited hima large, dark creature suddenly leaped from the bushes, biting his hand that held the wand.

With a cry of pain, Black was forced to drop his wand.

Meanwhile, Kettleburn rushed toward the scene, casting spells at Black.

Ultimately, Black lost consciousness.

As Kettleburn approached, he realized that this creature was none other than Mr. Donald, the formidable pet of Mr. Pringle.

The captured Sirius Black lay unconscious on the ground, while Mr. Donald and Professor Kettleburn stood vigilant, their unexpected collaboration leading to the apprehension of another Azkaban fugitive within the Hogwarts grounds.