Although situ Yue is entangled in her heart, she definitely won't let Jian Yunwei continue to be happy.

So she thought about it in her room for a whole night and then dialed a phone.

Jane hee'er, who accompanied dean to a fashion week, once again got the attention of reporters. Some reporters even asked her face to face if she was reunited with her cousin Mrs. situ.

Jane Xi'er only said with a smile that she was young and ignorant, but now she knows that her cousin is the best person for her. There will be no real hatred between sisters.

As a result, the next day, several media reported that the relationship between jianyunwei and jianxier sisters was no longer bad. Otherwise, jianyunwei won't let jianxier participate in the fashion week sponsored by Barry.

Jian Yunwei didn't explain anything, and she didn't bother to explain anything. Dean has wanted jianxier to meet jianyunwei several times, but jianyunwei didn't agree. This makes Dean once again doubt whether Jian Xi'er is cheating herself. In fact, the relationship between her cousin and Jian Yunwei is not so good.

"Xi'er, you said at the beginning that you could let your cousin be the sponsor of my fashion week, and even your brother-in-law's Huaxia company would support it. But now they didn't let me see any of them, except that I met your cousin when I was interviewed by Barry magazine. Are you cheating me? If that's true, I won't let you go to the key walk show of my fashion week. "

Dean cold tone of questioning the Jane Xi'er, Jane Xi'er heart is actually very angry. But she couldn't really tell Dean the truth.

Although she has received media attention, the most important thing is to be able to participate in an influential and well-known fashion show. Originally, in her interview, she hinted that the media reporters themselves had settled their quarrels with Jian Yunwei and made up with her sisters. Jianyunwei didn't say anything. She thought she would call jianyunwei and have dinner with her.

But I don't want to. She's still like that. The indifference to her attitude makes her very upset and angry. If Dean really does not let her participate in the fashion show, even if she re enters the entertainment industry, how can she fight a beautiful turnaround.

After trying to pacify Dean, Jane Xi'er still looks anxious. I don't know how to make Jane Yunwei relax.

At this time, a strange phone call came.

At first, jianxi'er died directly. She thought it was a call like MLM, and she was not in the mood to answer it. But the phone is still constantly calling, Jane Xi'er impatient, or answered.

"How are you, Jane hee'er?"

A familiar voice makes jianxier almost throw her mobile phone to the ground. She feels that her scalp begins to feel numb and even has a cold sweat on her back.

If she didn't hear it wrong, doesn't this person belong to situ Yue?

But how could situ Yue call her again?

"Who are you?"

Jane Xi'er tries to control her fear and make her voice sound normal. She kept comforting herself in her heart, don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Maybe it's just the same voice as situ Yue.

Jian Xi'er doesn't believe in ghosts in this world, so she won't believe situ Yue's soul to call her.

But then the phone people said, but still defeated her previous ideas.

"What? But only a few days later, you forgot my voice. Have you forgotten what we worked together on? Even I, situ Yue, have forgotten. "

The irony in her voice almost drives jianxier crazy. She feels that her throat wants to scream. But she found that even if she cried out, it was useless.

Except for her cold limbs, she was petrified and could no longer make a sound.

"Are you afraid? Don't worry, I'm a man, not a ghost. "

Although situ Yue couldn't see Jian Xi'er himself through the phone. But she was smart after all, so she guessed that jianxier might be afraid because of her phone.

"You're not dead?"

After a long time, Jian Xi'er found her own thoughts. Ask the person on the phone with an incredible voice.

Isn't that right? She heard that situ Yue had been swept away by the waves. Even the corpse has not been found, how can there be a chance of survival?

Chien hee'er really couldn't figure out what was going on.

"In other people's eyes, I'm dead. But that's all part of my plan. If I don't die, what's waiting for me will never be a good ending. And you, I'm afraid there won't be many good days. "

Situ Yue's words make Jian Xi'er worry for no reason. She suddenly has a bad feeling.

"What do you mean by that? I don't understand. "

After she asked, there was a cold laugh from situ Yue on the other end of the phone. For some reason, Chien hee'er felt cold."What I have done to Jian Yunwei has been suspected by the elder brothers, so in order to avoid entering the police station, I pretended to die and went abroad. But since elder brother has investigated me, he will naturally find out about you. How many more good days do you think you can have. There are many things you have done before. If you take one out alone, you will spend your whole life in prison. Even the death penalty. "

This time, Jane hee'er really began to feel scared. Situ Hao even refused to let go of his younger sister who had been growing up for many years. How could he let her go?

"What shall I do?"

Jane Xi'er's nervous voice trembled.

"What a simple question. As long as you can let Jian Yunwei die, you will be safe. "

Situ Yue said flatly.

"Is that ok? But when Jane Yunwei is dead, your elder brother will still check? "

"It's not that you don't know how deep my elder brother's feelings for Jane Yunwei are. As long as jianyunwei died, he was not in the mood to check. If you can let his son Chenchen also have an accident, that's even better. At that time, even if big brother wants to find you, it won't be so fast. Then you will have time to let yourself out of the whirlpool completely. "

Situ Yue's words really make Jian Xi'er excited, and she wants Jian Yunwei to die every day. But it's too risky, and if Jane really dies, she'll never be in the show business again. This is also a heavy blow for her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!