While driving, Jian Yunwei looks at her son. She always felt that there was something secret between her son and Mo Jingjing.

Otherwise, why don't they go to Mo Jingjing's room instead of the living room.

However, she did not intend to ask her son, there is no secret between children. It won't be a big deal anyway.

So she didn't care.

Jianxier thought of accompanying dean to Bairui for an interview, although jianyunwei didn't show up in the morning. But she invited dean to have French food with her at noon.

During the period, although Jian Yunwei's attitude towards her is a little cold, she still gives herself face in front of dean. So jianxier felt more and more that jianyunwei would not treat her as before.

So two days later, she happily bought a new Barry fashion magazine. From the beginning to the end, I found that there was no content of her interview at all. Not even a picture of her.

Clearly that morning, she and Dean took several pictures together. Why not?

Jianxier couldn't believe it, but she didn't. Finally, she finally couldn't help calling jianyunwei. This time, jianyunwei happily picked up her mobile phone.

"What's the matter?"

"Cousin, why don't my interviews and photos appear in Barry's magazine?"

Jianxier is different from jianyunwei. She asks directly.

"Why do you have your interviews and photos?"

Jian Xi'er thinks that Jian Yunwei will give her an explanation, but she never thinks that she should answer herself like this.

"What do you mean, cousin? I'm a star at least, and I'm Dean's girlfriend. What do you mean, I should be in magazines? If you do that, aren't you afraid that Dean has a problem with you? "

"Jane, are you threatening me? That's right. Dean's our designer. But you need to know that we invited dean to add color to the magazine, and Dean always hoped to get Barry to sponsor his fashion show. It is not clear at a glance which is more important. As for you, I didn't plan to put you in Barry's magazine from the beginning. Don't think I don't know what you're thinking. But don't forget what I said to you. If you blindly want me to be your stepping stone, you will only insult yourself. Now the most important thing for you is how you explain it to Dean. Dean will not question me. He will only ask if you have a good relationship with me? It's you, not me, who are in trouble. "

After jianyunwei said this, she hung up her cell phone impolitely.

In fact, she didn't want to say this to jianxi'er. She's not that fond of stimulating people with words.

But when she went home to see her parents last night, her father told her that jianxier had not visited her aunt and uncle until now. What Chien hee'er has done is really chilling.

So when Jane Xi'er called, she couldn't help saying more. Although she knew that she said these words, and will not let jianxier change. It may even make her hate herself more.

Jane hee'er listens to the blind sound in her mobile phone, but she can't respond to it for a moment.

At the thought of being so low, she would be so ignored and humiliated by jianyunwei. This makes her angry and eager to cut jianyunwei to pieces.

But now she doesn't have the energy and the ability at all. The most important thing for her right now is to hold Dean.

Jianxier has some skills, so when dean asked her why she didn't appear in Barry magazine. Jian Xi'er calmly told him that because she felt that the interview content and photos that day were not very good, she let her cousin, Jian Yunwei, erase them.

However, Jane Xi'er changed the concept, but still succeeded in letting Dean put down the suspicion.

But he still thinks that jianyunwei is just like this to jianxier's cousin. He thinks that if jianxier were jianyunwei's own sister, it would be better. In this way, he got the sponsorship of Barry and Huaxia very smoothly.

Unlike now, he has not found a suitable opportunity to speak.

It's better to wait until tomorrow's fashion week is over, and he'll find another chance to talk about it. Anyway, he is also a famous fashion designer in the world.

But up to now, he hasn't seen situ Hao, which makes him feel that Jian Yunwei doesn't think much of him.


A chef in the dining room of Shenglin school suddenly disappeared. When the school director tried to get in touch through the phone left by the chef, he only got a blind reply. Because the school chef needs to sign a contract, even if he leaves, he needs to say hello one month in advance. So that we can make time for the next chef at Shenglin school.

So there is no reason to leave, there is no news. Naturally, it's strange that the school director and assistant went to the chef again according to the home address left by the chef. The result found that when the home, but found that the address is wrong.The school director felt very strange, so he called the police. The police didn't find the cook either.

It seems to evaporate out of thin air, but I don't know that chubby chef has long been brought to their old house by Chen Bing and Xia Yu. Locked up in the basement and interrogated.

But in the end, he didn't ask anything. Although the Fat Chef Works for the black feather group, he is not really a member of the black feather group. He has very little inside knowledge. He just told Chen Bing who contacted him.

At last, Chen Bing and Xia Yu throw the fat cook into the sea to feed the fish. For this person who once wanted to poison a child, Chen Bing and Xia Yu were not soft hearted when they threw him into the sea.

After all, according to the clues they found, the fat cook had killed several people in the past. So it's not wrong to throw him into the sea to feed the shark.

If it is handed over to the police station, the police may not be able to find out his past bad deeds. At most, it's a charge of attempted homicide. It's no better than throwing it into the sea.

As far away as an island in Italy, situ Yue learned that her plan had failed again and again, and angrily threw all the things that could fall in the room. Her beautiful face was twisted and terrible because of hatred.

She won't let go of anyone who has hurt her.

At the thought of situ Hao, situ Yue's chest broke. She was glad to think that situ Hao had not been poisoned. This kind of contradictory heart let her very tangled, do not know how to deal with is the best.


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