But knowing that Jian Xi'er will come by herself in the afternoon, Jian Yunwei wants to wait until she comes and ask her again.

In the afternoon, jianxi'er put off a show. Although she earned tens of thousands of yuan less, for her, what could be more enjoyable than seeing Jane Yunwei's painful appearance.

So she didn't hesitate to let the assistant push off the activity. However, when she came to the villa, she saw Jian Yunwei sitting on the sofa in the living room chatting with her uncle and aunt. Although she looked much thinner, she didn't look as terminally ill as situ Yue said.

What's going on?

This kind of thing, situ Yue should not cheat himself. Jian Xi'er's tears, which had been brewing, suddenly couldn't flow out, but she had played several plays in the end, so before the tears were squeezed out, she first made a cry sound, showing a sad appearance, and came to Jian Yunwei's side.

When close to jianyunwei, her tears finally came. It looks like a sad sister for her sister.

"Cousin, I heard you were poisoned. Why don't you have a good rest in bed now? It's only been a long time since I saw you. You're so thin. I don't feel very well

Jian Xi'er's tears start to fall like money, and Jian Yunwei already knows her hypocrisy. On one side, Jane's father and mother were slightly moved, thinking that she even thought that Jian Xi'er still had some conscience. I'm not totally indifferent to my daughter.

But jianyunwei face her concern is always a light appearance, she looked at jianxier tears flow more than appearance, slowly mouth.

"I've taken the antidote, so now I don't have to lie in bed every day. It's hard for my cousin to come to see me personally, but I don't know. How did you know I was poisoned? "

Jianxier heard jianyunwei said she took the antidote, a time still some did not slow down. I couldn't help but be in a daze for a long time. So when she heard jianyunwei ask how she knew, she said it.

"When I paid Miss situ back yesterday, she told me. She said that her cousin's situation is not optimistic, especially when she has an attack. She was almost killed by you at that time. "

That's what situ Yue said. Jianyunwei thought, and then looked at jianxier no longer tears face, the smile on the face can not help but deepen.

"Since Xiaoyue told you about me, why did you specially call my mother? You can come directly to the villa to see me. Why, do you want me to see my parents sad and suffering, so that you can feel happy? Or are you afraid that you will be treated violently like Xiaoyue when you see me? "

Jian Yunwei's clear eyes seem to penetrate people's heart at the moment. Jian Xier can't help shivering in her heart. The idea in his heart was all said by jianyunwei. After all, the sister for many years, jianxier's mind, as long as jianyunwei is willing to think, naturally is not difficult to guess.

"Cousin, how can you say that to me. I came to see you with a special kindness. After all, we are cousins. But you really make me sad. I've come for nothing. "

Jian Xi'er covers up her guilty heart and stands up in a rage. Very angry looking at jianyunwei, showing a pair of heart was cool through the appearance. However, Jian Yunwei was indifferent and just looked at her with a smile. Although she didn't say anything, the meaning in her eyes was very obvious.

Jane's father and mother listened to her daughter's words together, and then they came to realize it. When they looked at Jian Xi'er again, the warmth in their eyes disappeared.

"Cousin, why do you always use such a dark mind to guess me?"

Jian Xi'er sees Jian Yunwei's appearance and is not angry. He asked jianyunwei.

"A man who is indifferent to his father's paralysis in bed cares about my cousin, who is not of the same father and mother. If it were you, I'm afraid you would doubt it. Don't think of me as a three-year-old, Jane

When Jian Yunwei looks at Jian Xier again, her eyes become cold. Jian Xi'er is more and more guilty when she looks at her. At this time, situ Hao has come out of the study and is walking down the stairs.

Jian Xi'er has always been a little nervous about situ Hao. I feel that if I stay here any longer, I'm afraid the situation will be more and more unfavorable to me.

"Cousin, no matter what you think. I just want to come and see you and care about you. But since you don't care about me, I don't need to stay here any longer. It's sad to save money. "

Jian Xi'er said these words to herself. After she found a step for herself in a hurry, she left the villa without looking back.

"Well, I didn't expect her to have so many thoughts. Seeing that her sister is sad, does she feel happy? "

Jane's mother sighed and said coldly.

"After all these years, don't you know her. I always like to base my happiness on the pain of others. "Jianyunwei light said, at this time situ Hao has come down to her side.

"Xiaoyue told Xi'er."

Jian Yunwei doesn't intend to hide this matter from situ Hao. She thinks it is necessary for situ Hao to know this matter, no matter whether situ Yue accidentally disclosed it or deliberately told it.

"Well. I'll take care of it. You don't have to worry. "

Situ Hao said gently to Jian Yunwei.

"Maybe it's your sister who said it by accident. It's also yesterday that Xi'er happened to pay back the money. Otherwise, your sister might not have told her. After all, everyone knows that Xi'er and Yun Wei are two sisters. "

Jane's mother seldom said a word for situ Yue. Indeed, it seems that in anyone's opinion, situ Yue revealed it unintentionally. So Jian Yunwei didn't say much, and situ Hao's reaction was not so angry. But in any case, today Jane's father and mother will appear in the villa. Jane's mother is sad to see her daughter. It's also because of situ Yue.

Therefore, situ Hao felt that the eight characters of Xiaoyue and Yunwei were really incompatible. In the future, if they can meet less, they must meet less.

But Jian Xi'er left situ Hao's villa and didn't go back to her studio. Instead, she drove directly to situ Yue's Cafe. She wanted to ask situ Yue what was going on. Why didn't situ Yue tell her about jianyunwei taking the antidote yesterday.

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