Looking at the red blood in the white needle, Jian Yunwei can feel that the blood in her body seems to be boiling and burning. She was almost unable to lie down because of the burning.

One side of the two nurses are carefully looking at jianyunwei's reaction, lest she again like the previous two days, see blood will suddenly out of control.

Dr. Guo intentionally draws blood in front of Jian Yunwei, because situ Hao tells him how he will react after taking the antidote. So he wanted to try how self-control Jian Yunwei had at the moment.

In addition, he also took blood to check how much venom Yunwei had removed. Instead of giving her a sedative, draw blood while she's asleep. It's better to draw blood when she's awake.

While drawing blood for Jian Yunwei, he ignores the cry of her mother. A pair of eyes behind the gold glasses are carefully observing jianyunwei's reaction at the moment.

Dr. Guo already felt her arm shaking slightly, and her eyes began to gather more and more red blood. But this time, she did not choose to attack, in addition to her forehead sweating down and biting her lips, Jian Yunwei insisted on her own willpower. There is no such reckless madness as in the past few times.

Situ Hao stops Jian's father and mother from coming forward while watching Jian Yunwei's reaction. When he saw that Jian Yunwei's eyes were red, his heart was in her hands. But later he found that Yun Wei could really learn to control himself, which made situ Hao very happy. It seems that the antidote taken yesterday has really had an effect.

And so far, Yunwei has eaten it three times. Of course, the effect of self-control is much better for the first time. Situ Hao's heart finally dropped a lot.

"Father in law, mother-in-law, let's go to the living room. I'll tell you about Yunwei. But now, Yunwei still needs to let doctor Guo have a good examination. "

This is the first time in five years that situ Hao addressed Jane's father and mother in this way. The two old people took a look at each other, and they also saw something different about Yunwei just now. Although Jane's mother didn't fully understand it, she also vaguely felt something.

I just think that if I come forward at this time, I'm afraid it will be bad for my daughter. So she nodded and went downstairs with his father. They also acquiesced in the name of situ Hao. After all, in their opinion, their daughter and situ Hao are already together.

It's just a matter of time before we get the license.

Situ Hao took them to the living room and ordered his servant to make a pot of tea for them. Jane's father always likes to drink tea, so situ Hao asked his servant to make a pot of the best Tie Guanyin for him.

But now Jane's father is not in the mood to drink. He just asks situ Hao anxiously what's going on.

So situ Hao went to the summer camp from Chenchen and told them the whole story.


"Although Yunwei was poisoned, now Yunwei's condition is recovering. After all, her poison was from the black feather group, so I tried to spread the news to Yanlie. Inflame fierce very quickly let a person quietly will antidote sent to come over. The situation of Yunwei you see is not good, but it is much better than the previous two days. Before Yunwei's face is almost no blood, and this morning, has become ruddy up. It's Yunwei and I who are worried that you will not be able to bear it. Please don't be angry with your father-in-law and mother-in-law. "

Situ Hao's tone was sincere, and Jane's father and mother could not say anything more. After all, this matter can not blame him, Jane's mother can not help but sigh with emotion.

"Although Yanlie has become an internationally wanted criminal, he still cares about Yunwei as much as he did when he was a child."

After that, Jane's mother felt her arm poked by her father. She just reflected what she had said. So he looked at situ Hao. He was relieved to find that there was no difference in the expression on his face.

Thought, although is the inflammation strong to deliver the antidote to come over. But situ Hao can not go to the company, has been in his daughter's side to take care of her, is also very good to her daughter. Besides, it's absolutely impossible for her daughter and Yan lie. What she just said should not be said.

Jane's mother secretly regretted it.

"Mother in law, you said that this matter is jianxier told you?"

Situ Hao thought of this important thing, and his face sank slightly. I thought that Jian Xi'er was really pervasive, but she had not contacted Yun Wei for a long time. How did she know that Yun Wei was poisoned?

Although Yunwei poisoning he did not deliberately hide, but also did not let a lot of people know. It is reasonable to say that Jian Xi'er should not know about this.

Jane's mother nodded when she heard what situ Hao said.

"Yesterday afternoon, Xi'er called me and said that she wanted to have dinner with Yun Wei. I thought Yunwei had gone abroad on business, so I told her that Yunwei was no longer in China. Results this morning, Xi'er told me that Yun Wei was poisoned. At that time, my head was blank. It seemed that I would come to see Yunwei in the afternoon after listening to what she said. When she does come, let's ask her how she knowsWhile several people were talking, doctor Guo left jianyunwei's room. Tell situ Hao and Jane's parents in the living room that Jane Yunwei can see people now. So the three of them immediately went upstairs without hesitation.

"Dad, mom."

When she saw jianyunwei smiling on the bed, her mother could not help crying. She is sitting beside Jian Yunwei's bed, holding her daughter's hand, which is almost devoid of meat at the moment. Tears of heartache keep falling down. I haven't spoken for a long time.

"Mom, I'm almost done. You don't have to worry

Jian Yunwei comforts her mother, but she is also confused. It is clear that she is hiding from her parents. How did they know about it?

"You're a child. It's very upsetting."

Jane's mother began to talk for a long time, and then she asked a lot of questions. Jian Yunwei answered patiently one by one.

Time soon arrived at noon, jianyunwei has been able to get out of bed with them to go downstairs to eat together. This quick recovery made situ Hao feel that the antidote from Yan lie was really good.

And at this time, jianyunwei also know that parents know that their poisoning is because of jianxier. Just like situ Hao, how did Jian Xi'er know she was poisoned?

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