Nie Chen's whole body, real armor, then the purple electric screen layer, then the red electric screen layer, and then the evil spirit condensed around him; finally, outside his body, there was a lot of evil spirit curling around.

Crazy, will not make Nie Chen become fragile and irrational, but wisdom makes him stronger. Xie WANYING's quiet Requiem song stimulates all negative emotions. People are bloodthirsty and irritable. However, Nie Chen's irascible and furious side hidden in his body has long been under his control.

Nie Chen, who is calm and calm in his mind, is himself. Under this demonized state, Nie Chen, who has infinite rage and killing intention, is also himself.

"Cough!" Qin Huan spat out a big mouthful of blood and covered his dull chest. His eyes were surprised. Looking at Nie Chen's appearance, he said strangely, "is this evil spirit?"

After feeling Nie Chen's red evil spirit, Qin Huan showed a shocking look. Evil spirit is always inseparable from death. It is not easy for a person to condense his evil spirit. Only those who are bloodthirsty but not crazy about killing can produce evil spirit.

"You've got a bad breath?" Xie WANYING was also shocked. She was shocked in her heart, "no wonder, my requiem song doesn't play a very important role in him. For the people who are killed but don't fall into the magic barrier, my requiem song has no great effect. Now..."

"Fury, will bring me more powerful power." Nie Chen said in a mechanical voice, "is it because of this evil spirit? Your Requiem song makes me very excited?"

"Oh, sister Wan, don't keep your hands. I'll tear this man to pieces." Qin Huan looked at Nie Chen. His face was twisted. He didn't expect that there would be such a change in Nie Chen's body. It was strange, but shocking.

"Yudi, come back. I'm afraid you can defeat him with your strength. If it continues, I'm afraid the consequences will be..." Xie WANYING didn't seem to want to continue to play the requiem. While she was talking, Qin Huan suddenly became irritable and interrupted her voice.

"No, I don't believe it. I finally got such a powerful force that I still couldn't defeat him. I could only become a loser, and I couldn't be afraid of brother Liege and big brother's revenge. I'm not reconciled!"

"But go on, you will..." Xie WANYING hesitated, but in the end she picked up the flute and began to play. She was in the golden shield. She didn't need to worry about Nie Chen's hand to her. She just played the Requiem song wholeheartedly.

The Golden Shield had returned to Xie WANYING. Qin Huan was already crazy and irrational at the moment, but he became sober again in the wake of Xie WANYING's Requiem song.

"Sister Wan, please let me have a good fight, please give me a chance to revenge." Qin Yu's back to Xie WANYING, issued a voice of request, "all along, I have never asked you anything. You know what I mean to you. If you liberate my power, you can leave. I will go back to avenge their hatred."

"What a touching scene In Nie Chen's mechanical voice, there was a sarcastic color, "your words and your friendship make me can't bear to kill you. However, you people ignore the crying and howling of those who are deprived and trampled on by you. Today, it's you who should cry."

"Damn it, why haven't the two elders come back yet?" While playing the flute, Xie WANYING thought, "if it's not because of the separation, why do I dare not do it? Yudi, I'm sorry. If the plan is to succeed, I can't have an accident. "

Xie WANYING's face is certain, her fingers are on the flute, the ups and downs of the Ye family are fast, and the sound of the flute becomes more complex and mysterious; a more disturbing and furious flute sound hovers in this world.

Those monks in the distance, at this moment, speed up the operation of their aura, and their bodies are constantly shaking, because the aggravating sound of the flute is far from the faint feeling before. If they were able to distract themselves from the changes of the war situation before, they can no longer separate their minds.

"Nie Chen, it's time for you to die!" Qin Huan's eyes were scarlet and full of bloodthirsty and killing intention. You killed the closest relatives who grew up with me. Today, no matter what price you pay, you will die.

"Dear ones, hum, you are high-ranking people in the world. It's time to feel what it's like to lose your close relatives." Nie dust mechanical voice, ridicule and indifference, also raised a killing intention.

"Ah, animal fusion, life and death counter movement!" At the moment, the mark on the center of his eyebrows changed again, and black blood gushed out. The black blood, like the blood of a dead object, was thick and disgusting. The blood flowed out and soon covered Qin Huan's whole body.

"The anger of the dead, the craziness, the sacrifice of my long life, the threshold of death, the manifestation of ancestral gods." Qin Huan was trembling all over his body. He kept making this trembling and rough voice. It seemed that he was reciting the formula of sacrifice. The black blood creeping all over his body was spreading and covering his whole body, and then infiltrated into his body."The light of Linghai is disappearing. Is this Nie Chen's Scarlet eyes twinkled, his milky eyes changed, and he seemed to see something very strange, "this is a drop of blood, a drop of blood of death!"

Nie Chen could see clearly that the mark in the center of Qin Huan's eyebrows was just a drop of dead blood that had lost its breath of life. The blood was rich in the power of the ghost, which brought a terrible change to Qin Huan. The blood transformed Qin Huan's body and swallowed up his vitality.

"Is life and death counter movement, at the cost of long life, in exchange for the power of death? The God of death is critical, and the ancestor god is manifested? " Nie Chen showed his scarlet eyes and his surprise, "the power of death is derived from sacrifice, ancestor god, ancestor god Isn't it? "

In an instant, Nie Chen seems to understand something amazing. Is it that the root cause of the change in the Grottoes is the fact that the ancestor god above the Qin nationality has died?

"In this grotto, this powerful ghost exists. What he drives the wandering ghosts all over the place is a kind of power of life, and he wants to drive away the power of death from him. Is the purpose of the shadow alliance and the overall situation of the Qin people to revive this powerful dead existence and resurrect the terrible God?"

At the moment, everything is clear. Why should Xie WANYING cover up such a proud man? When he comes in, he will be accompanied by powerful people to avoid accidents. But in the end, all these powerful old guys disappear. I think they must be planning something.

"I can feel that a powerful being hostile to me is in this grotto, and seems to be engaged in this kind of lasting struggle with another remnant of me." All of a sudden, the remnant soul of Blood Stone said, "you look good and clear!"

Nie Chen's eyes had changed. The ripples like water waves appeared. His eyes entered the realm of holy eyes. In an instant, his eyes looked at Qin Yu. Suddenly, he found a very terrible fact.

"This mark, which is blood, contains the power of ghosts and fights with the light of life in his body." Nie Chen said faintly, "his spirit sea out of this light, although very small, but very tough, has never been engulfed by the power of death, and, among them, it seems to condense a strange soul shadow, but it is gray."

Without opening the holy eye, Nie Chen could not clearly see the power of death. "Moreover, Xie WANYING's body had already formed a bead with corpse Dan's eye, in which there was also a gray figure."

"It's true that the sight you see is a very bad omen, that they are all a medium for the restoration of that terrible existence. In this woman's body, the soul beads have already formed and changed in the way of life and death, evolving the soul beads of birth, gradually making the soul rejuvenate Blood stone remnant soul said, "I think you should understand that those wandering ghosts seek life everywhere and coagulate corpse pill."

"It turns out that all the corpse pills, in the end, want to achieve is the soul beads for the resurrection of the dead soul." Nie Chen said lightly, "the art of ancestor worship depends on the similar spirit power of future generations to regenerate the soul of a ancestor god in the body."

"This is not an impossible thing. It is impossible for people who are living and dying to reverse, yin and yang to break up the world's great way." Blood stone remnant soul said, "Xie family and the so-called shadow alliance have great plans. I think they have prepared for a long time in order to revive this existence Since the ghost appeared in the grottoes. "

And when the ghosts appeared in the grottoes, Nie Chen couldn't imagine how long it was.

"And the most terrifying point is that it is not one of its aims to revive a powerful ancestor god. Behind all this, there must be a bigger conspiracy Maybe it has a lot to do with the brand of heaven you got in Luanzhen mountain before. " Blood stone spirit continued, "but my soul is incomplete. I can't remember the way before I got up and all my memories. I can't figure out all these things for the time being However, I have been able to feel the ghost of me in this grotto, calling me