"He even vomited blood. As soon as he came up, he had already fallen behind?"

"What a powerful animal body, it can even compete with the powerful body of Wudao of magic cultivation!"

"It's not the Dharma protector of the Xiling, which can't resist the animal like body of Qin Tianjiao Qin Huan, but the Requiem song of Xie Jiajiao's daughter. It's really disturbing people's hearts."

"Well, if it's one-on-one, it's hard to say; but there are two enemies in front of me."

"It is an unimaginable thing to fight against two arrogant and arrogant men with one person's strength; one against two, one against two!"

"It seems that we are all confused by the strength of Xiling Dharma protector, and feel that he is invincible. However, we forget that he is facing these two favored sons. One is strong. If we fight with two strong people of the same level, the result is almost clear."

"Among the present favored sons of nature, ha has never appeared, fighting with two natural favourites at the same time; this Nie Chen not only opened the first war after the competition of the same generation, but also opened the century war with one enemy and two."

…… The monks did not open their mouths, but thought about them in their hearts. All along, they were shocked and awed by Nie Chen's strength, but ignored the most direct point, that is, Nie Chen is facing two favored sons of heaven, the best of the two young generations.

In front of my eyes, the lining fell down, and I was beaten to vomit blood. I was even hit by a strong fist. I fell down to the ground in a mess. It seems that there is almost no strength to fight back!

They were shocked and almost unable to accept this scene. However, on second thought, it was quite normal for Nie Chen to fall behind in the face of two Tianjiao. If he easily defeated two strong men at the same level, Nie Chen's strength would be no less than that of the second elder.

According to some people, it seems to wake up, because the two favored by heaven joined hands, and it seems that it is a very suitable cooperation, and the cooperation is very perfect. In addition, with the existence of the golden shield, people suddenly feel that Nie Chen's battle is really going to be defeated.

"Even if we fail, what can we do?"

"At present, no one has ever faced two opponents of the same level alone. It's not a shame to be defeated even if he is defeated with less to many and one to two opponents at the same level."

…… No one would think that it would be a shame for Nie Chen to lose this station, because he was fighting with many people with his own strength. Although he was defeated, he was still proud!

"The combined strength of these two people is so terrible!" Nie Chen lay in the rubble, raised his hand, pushed aside the covering on his body, stood up from a piece of smoke and dust; inserted the blood from the corner of his mouth, he raised his head and looked up at the void, "this Requiem song makes me dare not even thunder road to unfold easily. If I didn't try my best to suppress the power of Thunder Road, I'm afraid all my accumulated strength would have been It's all gone. "

After fighting with Qin Huan for many times, Nie Chen was deeply influenced by the Requiem song. He was trying to control the power of Zhili to avoid their disorder. Among them, the most important one was the magic way, and then the thunder way.

"Only the method of external cultivation will be affected?" Nie Chen in this moment, understand the role of this Requiem song on himself, "my evil way, and the essence of fairy Road, and thunder way. It was originally a kind of cultivation of fairyland. The reason why I can still control the power of thunder and lightning is that I am a practice against thunder. "

Nie Chen felt that if it was a kind of spiritual emptiness, relying on the thunder of heaven and earth to practice, I'm afraid that under the influence of this kind of Requiem song, it's afraid that just like the cultivation of immortal way, it will explode almost easily.

"What's the taste, Nie Chen?" Qin Huan was suspended in the sky, overlooking Nie Chen at the bottom of the pit. His face was full of pride and ridicule. Nie Chen's self-confidence and calm were in sharp contrast to his present embarrassment, which made Qin Huan feel very happy.

"Your strength, very strong, and still growing stronger?" Nie Chen felt the change in Qin Huan's body and forced him to keep his mind in order to avoid becoming irritable and crazy. Nie Chen's eyes changed again, and the Milky light became thin. "What a heavy dead breath, the power of ghosts, became more powerful. Only a small group of energy in the spirit sea still existed."

"Now that you have discovered it, I will tell you that my animal body will continue to grow stronger under the mysterious power of my cousin's Requiem song!" Qin Huan looked at Nie Chen and looked down, as if he was facing this loser. "You have already felt the pain. Next, there is more enjoyment than this."

"Nie Chen, you are not our opponent at all. You are really very strong. I have to admit this. However, Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Ling Feng. If we don't kill you today, others will kill you tomorrow. If you live like this, don't blame us for joining hands to deal with you, and we won't win!" Xie WANYING looked at Nie Chen, "we are for the Xiuzhen world, go out you this big devil."

"Although my evil spirit is fierce, it is fundamentally different from that of death. My evil way is still the way of living people, and the power of ghosts in Qin Huan does not belong to the living." Nie Chen looked at Qin Huan and said, "the Requiem song seems to strengthen the strength of the dead and make the way of the living uncontrollable and irritable.""If a crazy me is what you want, I will show you what kind of existence I am like." Nie dust did not change his face, a face of indifference, "this storage of lightning, I do not want it, to me!"

Nie Chen's whole body, suddenly, the red covered with purple electric curtain layer, whining, breathing out, around his whole body, and those stored in his body of thunder and lightning power, surging out, but did not flood disappeared, but by Nie dust that electric curtain layer, crazy absorption.

The absorption power of the red lightning factor is far higher than that of the purple lightning factor. In addition, the purple dot screen layer is not slow. Soon, all the thousands of thunder waves will be absorbed.

In the air, Qin Huan's right foot swept toward his waist again, sweeping Nie Cen, who was absorbing thunder and lightning, and smashed a huge hole into the dust and rubble.

Nie Chen didn't fight back. Instead, he allowed Qin Huan to attack him several times. He absorbed the thunder and lightning. At the moment when Qin Huan stepped down from the sky to Nie dust at the bottom of the pit, Nie Chen absorbed all the thunder and lightning.

"Ah A hoarse and heavy breath came out, and the rolling evil spirit surged up. To the sky, two hands covered with black armor grabbed the fallen feet, and the speed was very fast.

Qin Huan was surprised. His intuition was in the evil spirit. His feet were pinched tightly. Then he was pulled down by a strong force. His whole body was pulled down by his own inertia and strength, and he was smashed to the ground.


Qin Huan was hit by Nie's dust wheel, and then he swung it again and again. Qin Huan was knocked unconscious by the sudden and continuous attacks. Suddenly, I reacted.

In his mouth and nose, he was hit with blood by Nie dust


However, when Nie Chen swung Qin Huan for the eighth time, the golden light flashed, and a golden shield suddenly cut across Nie Chen's arm. If Nie Chen didn't let Qin Huan go, his right hand gesture would be cut off.

"Boom Although Nie Chen let Qin Huan go, he still spoke of Qin Huan. He flew out and smashed into the ground not far away. Nie Chen sidestepped and avoided the attack of the golden shield. The Golden Shield failed once, and it was no longer entangled with Nie Chen. Instead, he was suspended beside Qin Yu who was lying in the pit.

"What is it, what is it?" The evil spirit curled around Nie Chen, and then gradually converged, revealing a pair of scarlet eyes, which were the same as those of Qin Huan. A Nie dust, covered with black armor, stood there, almost covering his body.

The magic Nie dust appeared again, but this time, he was covered with two layers of different colors: the purple electric screen layer, and one layer, almost black red.

A small part of this black red is the red electric curtain layer emitted by the few red lightning factors on Nie Chen's upper body; the rest is the evil spirit of Nie Chen, which has been converged in his body all the time, and is closely integrated with his demonized state.

Now, Nie Chen has released all of them. Evil spirit is the result of Nie Chen's killing, which is unknown. It is a kind of thing that is manic, violent and disturbing people's mind. However, the demonized state is originally the second layer of Nie Chen's dual character. Before, Nie Chen was dominated by this character and almost lost consciousness. Later, he accepted all his negative things and recognized his own Tao, so now even in the state of demonization, Nie Chen will not lose his mind completely.

It's just that Nie Chen is a murderer and a tyrant. It's a terror to vent all negative emotions, such as irritability and madness, with calm killing. With the blessing of evil spirit, Nie Chen's demonized state seems to be even more terrifying.

It has to be said that this evil spirit is really a good thing. It seems that he has a catalytic effect on Nie Chen's evil Qi. This time, unexpectedly, under the release and blessing of evil Qi, Nie Chen's magic Qi armor condensed out almost used more than ten times of the required technology.

The more magic Qi the armor consumes, the harder it will be. Therefore, compared with the armor that was just demonized before, Nie Chen's armor is not worth mentioning.

"You want me to be crazy?" Nie dust's voice, once again become very mechanical, "and this is my crazy appearance!"

"Oh, it's impossible!" Qin Huan came out of the smoke and dust with a gold shield floating around him. He looked at Nie Chen's appearance and his scarlet eyes. He was stunned, stunned, and could not believe it.