Chapter 457: Ten Thousand Snake Giants【11/39】

Chapter 457 Ten Thousand Snake Giants

When the Slytherin students began to waver and began to use the students of the other three colleges as opponents. How could the students of the other three colleges fail to respond?

Their relationship with Slytherin College has always been bad. If it weren't for the school's restrictions, they wouldn't have much trouble. Now Dumbledore became weak and weak, and the dark side of everything began to surface.

Anxiety is spreading, hatred and anger are spreading.

People are floating in the stands, and the maze is not much better.

Facing Voldemort's strength, the Death Eaters' evil flames are soaring, and they are eager to show their fists, all victory and glory are already in sight.

The teacher at Hogwarts was worried. Once Dumbledore was defeated, the light pillar of the entire magical world would completely collapse, and people's confidence would collapse. Voldemort's dark reign would no longer be hindered.

Watching this scene, George sighed secretly, this is what he said earlier. "Don't put the responsibility of the whole world on yourself, not because it will crush you, but because you will break it."

Dumbledore did too much, and the more he did, the more mistakes he made. A person who tries to intervene in everything will eventually mess up everything.

Dumbledore has lived for too long. He has carried and interfered with the magic world by himself for too long. Everyone lives in his shadow.

He was old, tired, and weak. He was already unable to carry the light of the magic world. But under his previous repression, other people who were able to carry it all failed to get rid of his pressure, and none of them could get out.

"Tom, you won't succeed. You don't know what power is. Evil power will only bring an evil ending." Dumbledore said loudly.

He pointed his wand back, and a beam of light shot at the hedge, and the twenty-foot-high hedge began to tremble. The sound of the rustling branches twitching, thick and thick vines, like a python, the branches twitching and knotting, the huge trees and branches come alive.

The pythons coiled around each other, turning them into a towering giant.

The giant strode, shaking the maze mountain with the shaking pace, the giant waved his big hand, the big hand entwined with the horn knot seemed to come alive, the vine with the horn knot seemed to be entwined like a python, and opened his mouth towards Voldemort.

Dumbledore said loudly, "The power has never been what you imagined, it is not destruction and killing, and it is not the evil black magic."

Voldemort waved his wand and shot a terrifying green light. The green light hit the giant's hand. The knotted pythons died and turned into ashes. But more vines, more pythons spread along the giant's towering body to the hands, and the pythons stepped forward and opened their mouths towards Voldemort.

Voldemort retreated quickly, avoiding the giant's attack.

Although the giant is huge in size, his movements are not slow, and even more tangled vines, like a serpentine sea. Any position of the giant's body can make a quick attack.

Suddenly, Voldemort's defense was stretched, and he was chased by the giant to dodge everywhere.

Seeing this situation, the Death Eaters finally did not dare to call. The one facing Voldemort in front of them was after all the most powerful wizard in the magic world reads(); Super Lord of the Rings. The strong man who has supported the magical world for many years, the most powerful Dumbledore in the past century.

The minds of the teachers at Hogwarts finally calmed down, and Dumbledore was always trustworthy. Even if he is old, as the strongest wizard, as long as he stands for one day, he is the strongest support of the magic world, the bright pillar of the magic world, and the backing that everyone can rely on.

The hearts of the people in the stands changed again, Voldemort fell into a disadvantage again, and the ups and downs of the Slytherin students changed again.

They support pure blood, they worship Voldemort, but they are not stupid.

No one will forget the Death Eaters being imprisoned in Azkaban. Even the few Death Eaters who escaped sanctions have to be honest for more than a decade. In the past ten years, the memory of the dark wizard being hunted and fleeing, everyone has not forgotten.

After all, they were living in a peaceful age, and what they were exposed to was the age when Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic showed their strength.

After all, Voldemort is a figure in legends and memories. The dead are easier to remember, and a distant martyr is easy to be worshipped. In the hearts of Slytherin students, Voldemort was like a martyr who worked hard to purify the wizarding world.

Voldemort is more a symbol in their hearts than a real person.

Unlike the martyrs who are far away, the strong ones who are close at hand, in many cases, make life think differently.

As the most powerful wizard, Dumbledore is rarely looked up to by people because of this. This is due to Dumbledore's deliberate and the distance between students. Distance produces not only beauty, but also deterrence.

Dumbledore's unrefined, old-fashioned and unrefined, made people ignore his strength and only regard him as a kind headmaster.

But only those who really pay attention to him know how powerful he is. Voldemort was played to the death by him. He died for more than ten years, and even the current resurrection was deliberately done by Dumbledore. The news exposed today, the information exposed shocked too many people and was too incredible.

"Professor Dumbledore seems more like a Slytherin." A Slytherin student couldn't help but speak.

More Slytherin students began to agree that this giant with ten thousand snakes was more like Slytherin than Slytherin's magic. And Dumbledore's previous conspiracy also made the Slytherin students envy and look up to.

Until today, they realized that they knew very little about the school, and that terrible principal was far from being as kind and kind as they thought.

Seeing Dumbledore's strength again, the students of the other three colleges secretly made calculations. The **** of Slytherin were not at ease. After the Voldemort they admired was defeated, these students should also be kicked out of the school. They dare to criticize Dumbledore just now.

Others' hatred of Slytherin has been around for a long time, and it would be a very good ending if Voldemort could be driven away by this opportunity.

The two sides glared at him, and for a while, the smell of gunpowder rose in the stands.

Dumbledore had the upper hand firmly in the maze, and the giant entwined with snakes was too powerful to deal with.

Voldemort summoned a giant fiery snake, climbed onto the giant's body, and created an explosion on the giant's body. He condensed frost on the giant's body, and he summoned a trap to block the giant's footsteps. He tried various spells.

(To be continued.)