Chapter 456: Changes in people's hearts

Chapter 456

For such a person who has had a smooth life, those unbearable memories and unspeakable humiliations are their biggest weakness. Just a single tap of Mars is enough to make Voldemort lose his mind.

Although George disagrees with the psychological offense and defense between Dumbledore and Voldemort, the two elderly people are like defending their beliefs and dignity. As the fighting escalated, their language momentum became stronger and stronger.

"Only death will bring the greatest failure. I have been close to complete failure. In your conspiracy, I have tasted the kind of desolation and despair." Voldemort's scarlet eyes shot a ray of hatred, a terrifying green light Flew out of his wand and shot at Dumbledore.

He roared loudly, "But I am Voldemort, I am the one who flies away from death and conquer death, Voldemort will never fail."

Several clay-sculpted horsemen quickly blocked the front of the green light, and were instantly shattered.

Dumbledore disappeared again, then he appeared by the wall of the maze.

He pointed his wand upward, and the hedge changed into a horse archer and a horse spearman. Twenty-foot-high hedge, like an army of horsemen appeared.

The branches and wooden slats turned into bows and arrows and spears, shooting toward Voldemort like raindrops.

Dumbledore said loudly, "Tom, you never understand. For those who are very clear-headed, death is a new adventure. To conquer death is to accept and face it, rather than choose to escape and fly away."

Countless sharp arrows shot at Voldemort like raindrops, only to see his wand hit the ground, and a dirt wall rose from the ground.

"Hum, hum, hum,"

The arrow rain nailed to the dirt wall and turned into a grinning little monster, rushing towards Voldemort.

Voldemort waved his wand like a leather whip. A long thin flame emerged from the tip of the rod, wrapped around the monsters, turning them into ashes.

Then, the fire rope turned into a flame-entangled viper and climbed onto the wall.

It grinned, hissed viciously, and faced Dumbledore.

"Secondary Transfiguration, a good trick." Voldemort said calmly, "If you ask me to tell me these things after death, I might think about it with a humility. As for now, I still hope to give you one. Cheng, I hope you can accept death calmly and start a new adventure."

"And me." Voldemort looked around fiercely, "I will always live, live forever, the world is mine, everything is up to me to decide."

"The greatest Voldemort...the immortal who conquered death...the ruler of all things in the world...the ruler of the eternal world..."

Wormtail crawled on the ground, singing out-of-tune with a weak voice.

"Hahahaha." Voldemort couldn't help but laughed, "Wormtail, I suddenly found out that you are still a bit useful."

Hearing Voldemort's praise, Wormtail immediately began to sing harder, and even the other Death Eaters began to sing.

"The greatest Voldemort...the immortal who conquered death...the ruler of all things in the world...the ruler of the eternal world..."

Dumbledore said with a sullen face, in a disgusting tone, "The more mad and self-righteous you are."

Voldemort said in a mocking tone, "Look at your breathless look, you are old, you are about to have difficulty moving, I have not started to warm up, you are almost out of breath reads();[ ."

Following Voldemort's words, everyone turned their eyes to Dumbledore.

His chest undulates unnaturally, not as easy as it seems on the surface. It occurred to them that Dumbledore was over a hundred years old and he was old.

No matter how strong he was, he is now an old man after all, unable to compare Voldemort's youth and vigor, and even harder to compare Voldemort's new body.

At this time, the Death Eaters sang more cheerfully, and the old Dumbledore was almost exhausted. As long as he dies, the Dark Lord will not be restrained, and the dark age that belongs to them will also come immediately.

They don't have to endure the rigid laws of the Ministry of Magic, they can use black magic wantonly and looting Muggles wanton. The thought of this makes them uncontrollable.

The teachers and students who belonged to Hogwarts had a look of anxiety and panic. They always believed that Dumbledore was the person Voldemort feared the most, and that Dumbledore was the greatest wizard, and he would surely be able to defeat Voldemort.

But the previous series of battles were not as easy as imagined. What's more, Dumbledore is getting old. And Voldemort also gained new power, he gained an unprecedented powerful new body. Once Dumbledore can't stop Voldemort, who else in the world can stop him?

Is the world really going to fall into a darker age more terrifying than it has ever experienced, can everyone really only succumb to Voldemort to kneel and lick his robe?

In the stands, with Voldemort's strong return, people's hearts gradually changed.

The Slytherin student, after the initial panic, had other meanings on his face.

The return of the Dark Lord may be terrible bad news for others, but not so for the Slytherin people.

They have always been supporters of pure-blood theory, and they worship the Dark Lord as an idol. The school has never suppressed this kind of thought, and this has made the Slytherin students more and more trapped in this kind of thought.

And now, their idol appeared in front of them, and their dark lord was absolutely powerful, and Dumbledore was in trouble, which had to make them think differently, and their little abacus was crackling in their hearts.

"It's time for the most powerful wizard in the magical world to be replaced. It shouldn't be the old guy who favors Gryffindor, or the old stubborn guy who suppresses everyone's strength and prevents everyone from learning dark magic." A Slytherin student said Whispering, his words immediately fell into the ears of many people.

This aroused people's feelings, anxiety and anxiety spread in the stands.

Zhang Qiu stared at the Slytherin stand with a worried look, which was what they had thought of before.

When the Slytherin students appeared in Voldemort, not only might they not be able to help, but they also needed to be guarded carefully.

Not only did Zhang Qiu noticed this, but the students of the other three colleges also began to feel popular.

Dumbledore has supported the magic world for too many years, and people regard him as a symbol of light in the magic world, as a pillar of justice.

People's confidence is based on a strong trust in Dumbledore. Once Dumbledore appears weak, everyone's confidence begins to waver.

(To be continued.)