"Liao team, how does this chicken wing taste? This is a unique chicken breed in China. It's delicious. It's my favorite! "

"Team Liao, you are so strong. It must be very hard to practice at ordinary times? Do you have time to relax? "

"Team liao..."

Listening to the voice of the youth in his ear, Liao Xiaoduo reluctantly put down the chicken wings that he had chewed off half of his hands.

"There is no result for no reason in the world. My strength is directly proportional to the degree of my hard training. Therefore, there is hardly any time for entertainment in my daily life." Liao Xiaoduo replied numbly that in the past ten minutes, this scene appeared too often.

"By the way, there are chicken wings. I like them very much. The taste is very unique."

With that, he picked up half of the wings again and continued to eat.

After a short period of contact and communication, he has understood the character of zacha.

This is a self-made child!

Maybe it won't be like this in front of others, but in front of myself, it seems that loyal fans have met their idols, and the excitement can't help it.

His current behavior, in the eyes of adults, is obviously not interested in conversation, and generally will shut up wisely.

It's a pity that his method has no effect on the young king.

"That's too hard." Zacha looked at Liao Xiaoduo with heartache. "If there is no entertainment, is the pressure too great? I have only one hour of free time every day except sleeping, which makes me crazy

Like a little adult, he said in a heavy voice, "Liao team, you have to relax a little bit, or you will hold on for a long time, and something will happen!"

The first sentence is to Liao Xiaoduo, and the latter one, although mentioning Liao Xiaoduo's name, at this time he has turned his eyes to the middle-aged man beside him, showing the expression of accusation.

The middle-aged man is about 40 years old with a big beard.

At this time, he reluctantly touched his beard and advised with a headache, "Mr. Wang, you have worked hard. After this course is over, you will have a good rest for a few days."

"Uncle, but you said it Zacha's eyes lit up as if he had seen the dawn in the dark.

However, mustache, or chamoud, turned his head and ignored him.

Chamoud showed an apologetic expression to Liao Xiaoduo. "I'm sorry, distinguished guest of China. The king of our country is really too young. Please forgive me for some impoliteness."

“…… It doesn't matter, the king has a real disposition

This little king is a fan of his own. What else can he do in addition to tolerance?

However, at this time, zacha was not happy, and pursed his lips and said, "Uncle chamoud, how can you tell Liao team about me like this! This is not to denigrate my image

"What's more, my father once said that when I ascended the throne, I had grown up..."

Zacha said, suddenly silent.

At this time, Liao Xiaoduo clearly realized that he was a little too young a child with emotional innocence.

A child of his age must be the flesh in the eyes of his parents in China, and he is reluctant to let him suffer a trace of injustice.

The old king of deyouxin must have never thought that he would suddenly die, which led to his children who had not yet had time to teach him to ascend the throne.

At present, the situation in the whole country is grim, the rebel forces are rampant, and the people are living in poverty. These are too heavy for zacha.

Fortunately, the old king had sincere subordinates who reminded him to go to China for help, so he came to wait for talents.

"Sorry, I can't help feeling a little depressed when I mention the dead king. Please understand me!" Chamoud bent over to Liao Xiaoduo.

Just now, he also thought of the old king because of zacha's unintentional words. He was silent for a while, and felt that he had neglected Liao Xiaoduo.

"Human nature, it's nothing!" Liao Xiaoduo waved his hand and flashed over chamoud's etiquette, saying that he didn't care.

Chamoud got up and said nothing more.

Deyouxin covers a small area, but it is not poor. It has one resource that is rare in the world, and its importance is extraordinary, that is - Haoshi!

This kind of ore material is the core of refining weapons and star ships. Its Reiki transmission performance is excellent, and its texture is very hard, which is widely praised in the world.

Haoshi makes deyouxin's national finance make a lot of money, and people's life has gradually improved, but at the same time, Haoshi's position also attracts the covet of some sinister guys.

De Youxin's military ability is not strong. When the old king was alive, he could ensure the stability of the country under the gaze of a group of tigers and wolves, which was enough to prove his extraordinary ability. At this time, chamoud's silence and absence of mind were reasonable, which Liao Xiaoduo understood.

At present, deyouxin's domestic situation is grim. It's wonderful to ask for help from big brother Huaxia!

Liao Xiaoduo is determined to finish the task beautifully. In addition to his duties, he also wants to make Xiaomi dizakha relaxed.I can't help it. He's such a fan!

Seeing that the banquet is coming to an end, Liao Xiaoduo simply looks to chamoud.

This middle-aged man with a big beard, in the introduction of zacha just now, Liao Xiaoduo has understood that he is the general marshal of the country's army and has a high status.

He must be the right person to call on for business related to the mission.

"Marshal Cha, do you know where the rebel leader Sasha is

As long as Sasha is found, Liao Xiaoduo is confident that he will be killed in a short period of time to minimize the threat of the rebel forces.

After hearing the speech, chamoud said to Liao Xiaoduo, "this is not a place to talk about these things. Please follow me!"

As soon as the voice fell, he led the way ahead, and Liao Xiaoduo quickly followed. Seeing this, zacha didn't care about his sadness, so he trotted along with him, which had nothing to do with the matter.

In this country, the person who hates Sasha most is the young king. After all, the old king died at the hands of the other side.

The hatred of Killing Father!

A group of people through the dense corridor, gradually to the palace underground, and finally came to a place that looks like a command room.

The rest of them, nine of them, are to be called out in the morning.

After entering the gate, there are all kinds of high-tech monitoring equipment in front of us. Liao Xiaoduo only recognizes several of them, but not all of them.

However, this does not affect him to know that this is the intelligence collection place of deyouxin.

"We have never given up looking for Sasha's location, but he is too mysterious and his whereabouts have become a mystery." Said chamoud, picking up a small computer from his side.

He manipulated it, and soon the map of the whole country was displayed on it, and several red dots appeared.