"The head of state, we have no opinion!"

The nine night watchmen replied in a loud voice, without hesitation.

Since No. 1 can be hostile to Liao Xiaoduo for such a ridiculous reason, he is obviously not a good talker in the team.

The nine night watchmen were already full of dissatisfaction with him. When they saw the decision of Utopia, how could they have any opinions? It's good for him to reflect and study. Maybe he can give them a lovely and respectable captain in the future.

What's more, in the competition just now, Liao Xiaoduo's performance has already convinced them!

The defense beyond imagination, the fierce attack power of one hit at random, together with the "monster" that has always been called, let all the night watchmen on the scene, except number one, are convinced!

"Good!" Utopia nodded with satisfaction, "from now on, Liao Xiaoduo will be your captain. After the end of deyouxin's trip, we will make the next adjustment!"

"Yes, your honor!"

Therefore, in the jealous eyes of No. 1, Liao Xiaoduo succeeded in taking his place.


Now that everything was ready, a day later, after a brief renovation, the party set out for the northwest direction of deyouxinguo.

It is worth mentioning that on this day, Liao Xiaoduo once asked Utopia to connect his aunt and cousin to a safer community, or sent someone to protect him secretly.

With his higher and higher status, the safety of his family should also be mentioned!

What Liao Xiaoduo didn't expect was that because of his early prevention, his aunt and cousin were finally safe in the face of the assassination of hostile forces, which made him very glad of his decision at this time.

But that's what happened.

Because of the long distance, they did not take the ground tools, but directly opened a small star ship, which was piloted by Liao Xiaoduo.

Deyouxin is located at the border of China and country e, and its territory is small. It only takes two hours to take a small star ship from the capital.

With the sight over the great mountains and rivers of the motherland, soon, the party arrived at the boundary of deyouxin country.

And not long after arriving here, I saw a group of people on the ground being dressed up for reception.

Liao Xiaoduo understood that before they came, Huaxia high-level and deyouxin high-level had already had an exchange, so it was the scene at present.

So he did not hesitate, and directly controlled the Starship to the ground.

"Are you the watchman team of China? That's great. I'll wait until you come here! "

Just out of the gate of the small starship, deyouxin's party leader came up to say hello.

Looking for fame, Liao Xiaoduo was surprised to see that this was a young child. His appearance was about twelve or three years old. His face was young and his voice was changing.

However, although the child is young, he can stand in front of this group of people and speak first. He looks like a master. Obviously, his identity is not simple.

Liao Xiaoduo found that he had a crown with some gold lines on his head. When he thought of seeing the information of de Youxin, he knew the identity of the child in front of him - the new Wang of de Youxin!

From the perspective of the country, this identity is equivalent to the head of China. Therefore, Liao Xiaoduo did not dare to slack off and led his subordinates to salute him and said, "for the friendship between China and deyouxin, we are here!"

When young Wang saw Liao Xiaoduo, his eyes suddenly brightened.

"I know you, you are captain Liao Xiaoduo!"

"I have watched your battle video screen countless times. I didn't expect that Huaxia really sent you to support me. It's really a surprise!"

"Now, no matter the rebels or the grottoes, it will no longer be a problem!"

Young Wang a pair of fanatical expression, enthusiastic let Liao Xiaoduo have some muddle force.

"My name is zacha. You can call me by my name, or you can call me little Zha, or a friend!"

“…… Hello, zakha. The vigil team has arrived. Please direct us to action! " Liao Xiaoduo's mouth a puff, Shenyou tianwai said.

He was still worried about how to address each other. After all, he is the leader of a country. The young king of deyouxin is also a king. Can't he be called Wang Shang like the ordinary people in his country?

Now the other party actively inform the way of address is really great!

From his wild and excited expression, Liao Xiaoduo can see that this young king is his fan brother, that's right!

Realizing this, Liao Xiaoduo relaxed a lot.

It's very good. I'm so famous that I can convince the king of a country. I'm so talented!

On the other side, zacha's expression is a little muddled. He is young and lacks experience. He really doesn't know how to arrange each other.

Just as he was in a daze, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared behind him, reminding him:

"king, this is not the place to talk. It is not the way to receive the distinguished guests of China standing on the square full of wind and sand!""Don't you have set down the banquet for the distinguished guests of China? It's time for a party

Zacharen for a moment, then showed the expression of sudden realization, and immediately said to Liao Xiaoduo: "yes! I've prepared a banquet, please Liao team Wait for the party to follow me

Liao Xiaoduo nodded and followed his steps. The other nine night watchmen also followed him.

Because deyouxin is close to the middle area of the Eurasian continent and surrounded by various countries, there is no situation near the sea, which leads to some water shortage. The land covered by vegetation is very rare, and the terrain is desert everywhere.

At this time, it was late, and there was a breeze in the air. It was a pity to take a deep breath and fill my mouth and nose with sand.

It's not that I can't stand the wind and sand, but it's unnecessary!

Therefore, Liao Xiaoduo approved of zacha's party.

This will not only protect them from the sandstorm environment, but also help them to have a good meal and replenish their physical strength.

After all, the next is his hard time!

The banquet was held in zakha's palace. A long table was filled with all kinds of dishes. In addition to the meat that could not be seen at a glance, there were also rare fruits in deyouxin country. It can be seen that the degree of care is extraordinary.

The seats of the banquet were also very exquisite. The nine members of the night watch team were under Liao Xiaoduo, and Liao Xiaoduo, as a representative of China, sat in the second position at the top, just below the throne.

On the whole, the party would have been a good experience without zakha's presence.

As the king of a country, he is actually a fan of his own!

No matter what kind of identity he is, Liao Xiaoduo laughs bitterly.

There's no way. Just bear it in silence!