Alas, this is a poor family. He still doesn't know how to eat some good food. Fortunately, Xu Fenglei has been in the county and has seen the world. At this moment, he can't care about Li Wenlong. He takes the lunch meat in his wife's hand: "see, open this tin box and cut everything in it."

in this way, Xu Fenglei is also very good Depressed: "how can I open this thing?"

Seeing this, Li Wenlong wanted to laugh, but he was afraid to hurt the other party's heart. He quickly patted his head: Oh, I forgot to give this to you!

With these words, Li Wenlong quickly flipped the bag again, took out the small iron bar, opened the box of luncheon meat, pointed to the contents and said, "sister-in-law, this thing can be eaten directly by cutting it, but it's a little spicy. It should be OK! And this one. Just find a plate and put it on it

After all, Li opened the tin of fish again, so he managed to make two meat dishes.

"Manager Li, although it looks ugly, it tastes delicious." At the dinner table, seeing that Li Wenlong doesn't eat much food, Xu Fenglei puts a sweet potato in front of Li Wenlong and says, "and this peanut, it's delicious!"

"Is this the color of the peanuts?" Li Wenlong wanted to say whether the peanuts had gone bad, but in order not to let the other party lose face, he had to make a detour.

"Yes, what's the matter? It's just like this when you grow out of the soil." Xu Fenglei is very puzzled. It's not what the original color is. Is it difficult or did I add it later?

"Is it?" Li Wenlong filled his mouth with doubt and ate one. As expected, it tasted good. He simply threw off his arm and began to eat. He couldn't help it. His stomach was really hungry. In addition, the taste was not as bad as expected, so he let it go.

After dinner, Xu Fenglei is in a bit of a dilemma. Let people go. It's a bit impolite. Don't let him go. This family has to work in the field. The villagers can't always be idle. What's more, it's still wheat harvest season. Everyone takes advantage of the good weather to harvest wheat. What's the matter if you stay at home?

"Old lady, is that sickle ready? Don't go to the place where you can't do it here or there." seeing Li Wenlong, it seems that he doesn't mean to go. There's no way. Xu Fenglei can only beat the drum.

"Vice President Feng Lei just wants to work in the field." Li Wenlong is not a fool. Naturally, he can hear that people want to see off the guests. "I'll go out and walk around by myself. Let's put this bag here first. By the way, do you have motorcycles in your house?"

"There's a bike. Do you want to ride it?" Xu Fenglei is very embarrassed to say that owning a motorcycle is his dream, but because he has been unable to spare money, he has not been able to buy it today.


Li wentou is in the business of changing his business. It's hard for him to ride a bicycle!

It seems that the first thing to do is to solve the traffic problem. Alas, there is also the accommodation problem. Xu Fenglei's family certainly can't accommodate himself. I believe that other cadres' families are the same, so don't think about ordinary families.

By the way, there is no school here, live in the school assembly!

"Vice President Feng Lei, where are our township schools?" Li Wenlong looks at Xu Fenglei.

"School?" Xu Fenglei looks at Li Wenlong in surprise. Before the heart says it, you didn't investigate it. How can we come to school?

"We don't have a school here." seeing Li Wenlong's question doesn't seem to be fake, Xu Fenglei immediately said.

"No school?" Li Wenlong opened his eyes in disbelief, "how do the children go to school?"

"I don't go to school. Of course, there are some, but very few. Most of them go to other places. There is no school here." Xu Fenglei is also sad. If he didn't send his children to study outside, his home would not be so dilapidated. With his own salary, how can he hold up the facade? Now, all the money is on the children I don't have enough on me. I have to dig the money I earn from the grain in the field.

Hearing this, Li Wenlong was silent. At the same time, he was more determined to make some achievements in Dao Kou company. He could not let this place go on from generation to generation. If he was poor in education, it would be a vicious circle. If there was no education, people's quality and cognitive ability would be lower, and then they would be poorer, The more you don't know about change, the less educated you are.

This is the same thing as big hospitals and small hospitals. Why are there so many famous professors in big hospitals? What's more, they are famous because they have a good virtuous circle mechanism.

The more patients come, the more cases they will be exposed to, and then they will have a wide range of knowledge. The more difficult and miscellaneous diseases they encounter, the easier they will be able to solve. The more people they will come to, and the more money they will earn, then they will have more money to pay large bonuses and purchase advanced instruments. Then, the reputation of the hospital will be enhanced, and then the virtuous circle will continue As for the small hospitals, there are fewer people, and then they can't attract experts and scholars, and then they can't afford to buy instruments, and then they can't attract patients. Then they get worse and worse, and they have to close down.In fact, education is the same. The better the education is, the better one's cognitive ability will be, the more open one's thinking will be, and then he will be more aggressive. On the contrary, he will be like Dao Kou company now. He will be full of worries all day long and will not think about anything. He will eat, sleep and eat.

No, we have to find a way to solve these problems. Li Wenlong secretly decided to go back and make a plan. We should make a good plan for the future blueprint, and then we can realize it step by step.

It's just that this blueprint is so good, is it so easy to realize?

At this time, Li Wenlong's fighting spirit seems to have been eroded a lot.

"Vice President Feng Lei, what should I do if I want to go to the county? Do you have any buses or something After asking this question, Li Wenlong himself has some regrets. Look at this situation, it will never happen.

"No, if you want to go, I can find someone to send you." now Xu Feng Lei is eager for Li Wenlong to leave quickly, because he has to go to collect the wheat in his own field!

"Please give me this person, deputy general manager Fenglei. I have to go to the county. What work do you have to deal with first?" Li Wenlong said helplessly. What work can we do here!

"Xiaoliuzi, xiaoliuzi" as soon as he heard that Li Wenlong was going to leave, Xu Fenglei was excited. He ran to the gate and rushed not far away to shout. After a while, a young man with bare arms ran over.

"Uncle, what can I do for you?" The young man was stupefied. He seemed to lack something. However, he looked strong and had a strong force. Li Wenlong could see from his opponent's arms and legs that the meat was definitely not redundant, but tendon flesh. It was also the kind of exercise made through years of hardships.

"Come here," Xu Fenglei waved. "This is the new manager Li. You are responsible for sending him to the county in the afternoon, so you can ride my bike and ask your aunt to give you two kilos of peanuts."

"OK." I don't know whether it's the manager or the peanuts. Anyway, after listening to Xu Fenglei's words, the young man's face is excited.

"Vice President Feng Lei, I'm not here these days. Put these things first. Don't put them away. Don't put them out in such a hot day. Eat them quickly." When he heard that he could go to the county, Li Wenlong opened the bag and took out all the canned ham sausages inside and put them on the shabby dining table in the middle of Xu Fenglei's hall. When he saw the young man's envious eyes, Li Wenlong casually took two luncheon meat and handed it to him, "I have to trouble you in the afternoon, this is for you"

"thank you, manager, thank you Li "took the lunch meat, and the young man fell to his knees. Although he didn't know what this thing was, he knew from the package that it must be a good thing. He couldn't help but give a big gift to Li Wenlong, which really scared him.

"Get up, get up, what are you doing?" Li Wenlong quickly reached out and pulled the other party up. He sighed in his heart: Well, just a little thing can make the other party put down his dignity. From this, we can see how poor people are here.

Li Wenlong knows that it is an urgent thing to change.

"Hey, hey, hey" the young man didn't know how to express his inner joy, just giggled.

"Don't be dazzled. Let's see if the bicycle is angry. It's time to do something about it. It's better to take an air pump or something." Xu Fenglei yelled at the young man. His eyes showed a little displeasure. He had already decided that the two catties of peanuts would be gone after he came back. Ma

it's not cheap, and it's delicious. It's good now If I give you two, I'll lose two, and I'll give you two catties of peanuts. Isn't it a loss for me?

Alas, Xu Fenglei only thinks about whether he is suitable or not, but forgets that the lunch meat is not his at all, but Li Wenlong's!

In the final analysis, they are still afraid of poverty. If they are the vice presidents of the party and government offices in those good towns, will they care about this? It is estimated that even if a box of shrimps is mentioned, people will not look at it. Xu Fenglei is very good. He is still muttering about the two luncheon meats.

"I'll go right now." the young man got up and ran out of the door with two luncheon meats in his arms. He thought that he would put them back home. In a short time, he ran back. This time, he even took two straw hats in his hand. At first, he saw that they were woven by themselves. However, although they were a little rough, they looked good.

"Manager, you can't get hot with this one." the young man handed Li Wenlong one of them, which looked obviously new.

Then, a pungent smell of sweat came to his face. Originally, he wanted to refuse. But after seeing the expectation in the young man's eyes, Li Wenlong put it on his head and wanted to change it. At least he had to integrate here. I don't know why, Li Wenlong suddenly thought of this sentence.

When Xu Fenglei launched the bicycle, Li Wenlong had an impulse to faint. It was estimated that everything would ring except the bell. If the shelf did not look strong, Li would not dare to sit on it.

"Six son, slow down on the road, don't give me a bad ride." even if it is bad to this extent, Xu Fenglei is still very distressed."Well, you can rest assured." Xiao Liuzi took over the car and pressed the tire. Then he ran to the haystack and pulled a corn leaf stand on the back seat. Then he said to Li Wenlong with a smile, "manager, let's go now, or I won't be able to come back in the evening."

"OK, let's go now." Li Wenlong sighed: if the other party is a car driver, he must be a driver who will come Hot, I brought a straw hat to myself. I knew that the back seat of the bicycle hurt my buttocks, and I also made some cushions for myself. Even the full-time car drivers of the owners, I guess it's just like this!

When he has a special car, he can drive for himself. Li Wenlong thought of it secretly, but he immediately laughed at himself: This is the year of monkey. Besides, even if he has a car, this guy doesn't have a driver's license!

In this way, Li Wenlong got on his own car.

As a manager, I don't know whether it is a beautiful scenery when he goes out to take a bicycle. If he is known by Hanyu, who is used to living in the metropolis, he doesn't know whether he will believe it is true.

Although he was wearing a straw hat, Li Wenlong was sweating very quickly, and his bottom was like peeing his pants. It was hot in the day, and he made a soft firewood. It was not hot. However, he did not pull it down when he thought that the other party was kind. However, he let the firewood fall to the ground and make use of the rough road, Soon the bottom of the buttocks is clean, but clean is clean, but it is a panic, thinking that it is not as good as when there was a soft firewood!

I don't know how long the turbulence lasted. Li Wenlong felt that the whole person was about to faint. He was surprised to see that there was already a county in front of him. I don't know whether he felt Li Wenlong's surprise or whether the young man wanted to go back earlier. Anyway, the exchange frequency of the two legs was faster, and the amplitude of the turbulence was also greater.

Finally, when he got to the county seat, although the road was still bumpy, there was still a place to go. He saw a man who bought cold drinks not far away. Li Wenlong instructed the young man to ride the car and took out money from his pocket to buy two popsicles. One was handed to the other and the other was put into his mouth.

Li Wenlong feels the cells all over his body feel comfortable when he enters the cool taste. At this moment, there is nothing better than this.

After eating the popsicle, Li Wenlong bought two bottles of mineral water and put them into the young man's arms: "thirsty on the road"

"thank you, manager, you are so kind." the young man grinned and took the water and pinned it in his waist.

Just two bottles of water can get a "very good person" evaluation. Li Wenlong felt ashamed. He only spent three yuan to buy two bottles of water, and how could he feel at ease when someone else pedaled his bicycle and ran for dozens of miles?

"Brother, can you ride a motorcycle?" Li Wenlong's heart suddenly moved.

"Motorcycle?" The young man blinked his eyes and pointed to a 125 parked on the side of the road. "Is that what you mean?"

"Yes, it's that" Li Wenlong nodded. "Do you think you can do it

"They're both wheels. They should be about the same." Speaking, the young man put out his tongue and licked his lips. His eyes were full of envy.

"Don't stand up and talk without feeling back pain." the ice hockey woman turned her lips. "You think you can play cotton and pipa. It's different. Poor boy, what do you know?"

"Auntie, how do you talk?" Li Wenlong was the first to lose sight of "who was born, but not learned the day after tomorrow?"

Li Wenlong's words were a little heavy. The old lady wanted to refute a few words, but when she saw some figures not far away, she was so scared that she pushed her car and ran into the house. The agility of the action was not like an old man, but like a well-trained soldier.

Puzzled, Li Wenlong turned to have a look, and immediately happy: This is really a thing to drop one thing, because not far away came several uniformed ruffians.

Li Wenlong knows that you can't stay here for a long time. These days, even if you are a consumer, if you make these ruffians unhappy, he will clean you up, and he may even put you in hospital. Although Li Wenlong has not paid attention to such a few people, he doesn't want to cause trouble after all.

"Well, you come with me," Li said to the young man. "Let's find a place to sell motorcycles. You can try it first. If you think it's OK, you can help me ride one back"

"you You said let me ride Riding a motorcycle back? " The young man asked with wide eyes and wide mouth in disbelief. , the fastest update of the webnovel!