Plate collision was supposed to happen a few months later, but it was several months earlier.

However, there is still about a week to go before the expected time. I didn't expect that the plate collision will be advanced again. Of course, this is not the fault of those experts. After all, even the fault can't double the time. It can only be said that the enemy seems to be in a hurry.

The reason for the enemy's anxiety is probably related to Chu Feng's injury.

Chu Feng didn't think that the news of his injury leaked out, but sometimes it wasn't that the enemy couldn't infer without the news leaking out.

In the past, when he faced the enemy, he always took the initiative to attack, whether facing the burning Protoss or the demons, but now he has adopted a conservative defense strategy, which itself can show a big problem. This is a waste of the mobility of the hell knights.

When a person's combat style changes, it often means that the person has a problem.

The people of Dawning city are too blind to ordinary people, so they can't detect it, but for those really good militarists, this is enough.

They may also guess whether this is a trap set by Chu Feng.

But even if they do, they have to step in.

The strategic value of Dawning city is too high, and there is more than one target worth killing here, which is the target to attack.

Now, no matter whether Chu Feng has set traps here or not, the emptiness inside the city of dawn has become a fact, and they can't let it go.

Even if there is a trap, you can use your life to fill it in.

In war, sacrifice has never been a matter of human nature, but of strategic value and interests.

"The source of the northern earthquake has been found, the Eurasian continent collided with the American continent, and the Bering Strait has become history."

Su Yuan reports to Chu Fenghui meticulously.

Chu Feng gave her a lot of authority, many things do not need to report to her, but for Su Yuan, Chu Feng's trust is one thing, whether to abuse this trust is another thing.

A smart woman doesn't take men's feelings and trust as consumables.

This report is also the next step for Chu Feng.

"In that case, take back the people of Fort 1! The enemy is going to attack from that direction, and the people of Fortress 1 will only be killed if they stay there. "

Chu Feng lightly conveyed the order.

"May I ask, who is the enemy?"

Su Yuan instinctively realized that Chu Feng attached importance to the enemy this time, "No. 1 fortress is not an important place. Why could the enemy attack from this place?"

Although she didn't expect Chu Feng to answer, she still asked.

As the commander in chief of defense, she can't know nothing about the enemy!

"In fact, I'm not sure, but last time I was in North China, I didn't kill long Ao. Now a year has passed, he should be able to make a comeback!" Chu Feng Road.

Previously, for the sake of confidentiality, he did not say it.

But now, even if he told the other party blatantly that I had set a trap here, the other party would not retreat, so there was no need to keep secret.

"Long Ao? The one you want to kill the most? "

Su Yuan was a little surprised.

Chu Feng did not say much, but continued to explain: "No. 1 fortress is close to the Yangtze River. If the other side wants to make a surprise attack, this is the best choice. As long as they occupy No. 1 fortress, they will have a base to attack dawning city. If they give up this place, the other side has no reason to let it go."

"It's not like your style. If you leave on a large scale, it's like telling the enemy directly that we already know your target."

Su Yuan said with a smile that for some militarists, taking 100000 recruits as bait to win a war can be done.

Chu Feng did not hesitate to expose, but also let them evacuate, indicating that Chu Feng has not lost his humanity.

"It's not worth it to let them die for this kind of thing."

Chu Feng said, "if you order these recruits to fight to death, it is estimated that half of them will die, and the other half will become our enemies."

With the lives of 100000 recruits, in exchange for a victory in the war, Chu Feng may be able to do it.

However, sacrifice in this way will not be of great value.

Why did he do something that wasn't worth it?

Su Yuan didn't think whether Chu Feng's words were true or false, but she didn't like the worthless sacrifice. The fewer people died in the war, the better.

Soon, the retreat order from the city of dawn was issued. No. 1 asked all the soldiers inside to lay down all their defense facilities and carry only their most important things. They retreated to the outer city of the city of dawn, and then carried out a new round of defense work under the arrangement of Su Yuan.Many people didn't understand the order, but the military order was so overwhelming that no one could resist. All the evacuation work was completed within four hours.

It's getting dark gradually. At about 10 o'clock in the evening, a strange red moon is hanging high in the sky, and the crimson light falls on the ground.

In the moonlight, countless wild mutant animals began to riot, a large number of insects began to attack the city of dawn, impacting the defense line of the city of dawn.

During the emergency defense work in dawning City, the water of the Yangtze River began to roll.

A large number of Shui soldiers came out of the water and charged in the direction of Fort 1. However, when they arrived at Fort 1, they found that it was empty.

Half an hour later, some warships that used to be used in the sea were moored on the river bank, and a group of people in armor stepped down from the warships and looked at the fortress in the south.

"Have you taken it?"

After getting off the ship, a burly officer asked the fisherman.

"It is reported that the northern fortress of Dawning city has been captured by us, but -"

just as the fishermen wanted to finish the rest, they were mercilessly interrupted.

"The city of dawn is just like this. Long Ao, you are too careful. How can such a weak enemy be our two holy places' united opponent? We are responsible for defending the fortresses in the north. We have only been holding on for less than half an hour. I don't think we need to rest. We just need to destroy the city of dawn at night. "

The officer who spoke looked at a handsome man in white armour in a sarcastic tone. "After all, just because you are defeated doesn't mean the other party is strong."

Under the red moonlight, his skin was strangely blue.