Red moon appeared several months earlier than the future, so Chu Feng didn't rely on the future to know the enemy's attack plan.

One of the biggest changes is the importance of Dawning city.

In the future, there will not be such a place as dawning city. The association of demon hunters is also jointly organized by many powerful demon hunters, which is not operated by him alone and plays a greater role than in previous lives.

Chu Feng was able to foresee these situations in combination with the future enemy's combat style.

If the other side is not willing to seize such an opportunity, then Huaxia really has no strategic goal for the other side to attack.

This kind of strategic layout makes the members of the hell Knight Order dissatisfied. Chu Feng doubts whether he has taken all the brainy people out of the hell Knight order.

Finally, Han Yunxiao dissuaded them:

"have you noticed that there is an important message in the order of the city master, unless the city master takes his own logo to mount thunder corpse dragon and comes to issue an order to you, you can lift the order of defense now. Why should he emphasize his own mount?"

His words immediately made these prison guards carry out a series of brain tonics.

"Of course, it's because thunder corpse dragon is unique and can't be copied."

"But isn't the Lord of the city the same? No, if the enemy has camouflage skills, it's not impossible to pretend to be a person through make-up. If the Lord of the city comes in person, we have to check the identity of the Lord of the city. So thunder corpse dragon is the best symbol of the Lord of the city. "

"But what about the communication token of the Lord of the city?"

"It's not necessarily impossible to be fake."

After a series of brain tonics, the group finally came to a conclusion: the landlord must have expected that there would be false orders from the enemy, or a series of operations that lied about the fighting situation, so he gave them such an order that they must guard here.

For specific brain supplement content, Han Yunxiao has no time to talk to them.

As long as we can make these people stay in place.

Those demon troops, also have no opinion.

As prisoners, although they have the consciousness of being consumed as cannon fodder, they can not go to the battlefield and reduce some of their losses.

In any case, as long as they don't leave the scope of the regulations, no one will take care of what they do.

It's better to take advantage of the present to plan for the future and help the immediate superior to train them. It's the most important thing for these idiots who call themselves hell knights to do well what the boss has told them.

The silver phosphorus demon family is also a big family in the demon world, but they are only a branch of the silver phosphorus demon family, and their family has little connection.

It is absolutely impossible for them to sacrifice themselves to become their own people.

It's like asking the Maoxiong Empire to sacrifice itself to protect the whole earth. Maoxiong absolutely won't do it. Why do we need the earth when the Maoxiong empire is gone?

However, the tasks Chu Feng gave them were still strange, one was external defense, the other was internal defense.

Of course, internal defense is not limited to the silver scale demons, because in the silver scale demons' residential areas and responsible defense lines, they also need internal defense, just like a two-layer patio, the outer layer is human, the inner layer is the silver phosphorus demons, and in the middle of the patio, they need to face the enemy.

Everyone is puzzled by such behavior, but no one can question Chu Feng.

The red moon in the night sky is becoming more and more demonic. One of the benefits is that it can make the vision of the night clearer. Just pay attention to protection. You can't let your skin be directly illuminated by the red moonlight. Otherwise, even if you don't lose your mind, you will also let your own strength be eroded.

Only the blood refining method can make use of this special force.

However, Chu Feng would not easily pass on the method of blood refining magic soldiers, not because he cherished himself, but because the effect of this method against human beings is too good.

Never underestimate the evil in human nature. Human beings do not have enough tools to carry the consequences of this method.

Then came the food crisis all over the world.

However, because of the military and the demon hunter guild, at least no one starved to death, because those who really want to starve to death can go to the military to get the unsavory compressed biscuits from the survivor bases and the demon hunter guild.

As for the survivors' bases that refused to let the military set up strongholds, except those directly under the control of the leader, all the other survivors were about to run out.

Do you want to stay and be bullied if you don't want to run?

In this process, some merchants who hoarded grain saw that the behavior of the demon hunter guild had impacted the price of grain, so they tangled a group of people to hold a demonstration, calling on the demon hunter guild to provide better food and better treatment for the survivors.

After listening to their opinions, the demon hunter guild announced that it would suspend the distribution of food until it came up with better food that could be preserved for a long time.As a result, it is self-evident that the heads of those who demonstrated that night were hung on the wall outside the demon hunter guild, or directly thrown into the alley.

Even after some people found out that the people who organized the demonstration were grain merchants, they were looted by angry survivors.

At this time, the grain merchants found one thing:

a society under the management of the state is totally different from a society out of control. Maybe in this society, people can bully without a bottom line, but if the bullied people retaliate against you, you will have to bear heavy revenge.

There are also many people who live at the bottom of the society, have no food to eat and are unwilling to eat compressed biscuits, and choose to join the military. They not only don't have to worry about eating and drinking, but also can get them.

In the future, the turmoil caused by the food crisis was disintegrated in advance.

The food crisis will become more and more serious, but the initial turmoil has been disintegrated ahead of time. Of course, people will have enough time to deal with the future turmoil.

As the external situation became more and more severe, the vicinity of Dawning city was also attacked by a large number of enemies.

A variety of mutant animals, mainly mice, constantly attacked the jurisdiction of dawn City, and a large number of insects appeared, directly attacking the military research center.

However, under the protection of the dark Legion and the army's armored division, the army's research laboratory was safe and sound.

On the seventh day after the meeting, all the people in the eastern part of the Eurasian continent felt a wave coming from the ground under their feet, as if the earth was shaking.

Although the fluctuation does not seem to be very strong, but the wide range makes countless people feel shocked.

"It's ahead of time again!"