Chapter 17 - Dream.

While sleeping, Ming heard a voice, " Zhao Ming. You're in my body, but now you should lead a life in my place. We're both same. We loved a man who doesn't care about us. I know my love is not same as you. You loved him unconditionally and I wanted his love and power.

But.. Its true I loved him, though I can't deny that because of my behavior we drifted away. But it's not because of me, it's because people had so many tricks up to their sleeves that I got into their traps. It only created misunderstandings and created only more distance. Now when you're in my body, I will give you my memories.

You should retrieve my lost reputation and give head on to those people who created problems for me earlier. In this world, you should know that people have many layers under their makeup. And the most important thing, you should do is to make him love you. This is my last wish. While I was alive I cannot make him love me, but at least if he loves you, 'which is my body' I will feel contended. "

This is the voice of original owner of this body, 'Xie Ming'. In her dream, Zhao Ming was in front of the mirror, when she heard a voice and the image presented in front of her, was her 'It was her reflection but it was real Xie Ming in the mirror'. She said all these things to Ming, and she stood there in front still in daze.

After a while, Zhao Ming spoke, " I know I've have taken your place, but I never wanted to take any body's place. After all I am myself an unwanted empress, who has been abondoned by his husband. In my life, my reputation is no good, though I have not done anything. But I can understand your pain, and I will live properly, as now I am in your body.

I'll take responsibility of your actions and make everyone pay for what they have done to you. Also I am not someone to be easily manipulated. Moreover , I've lived in Palace, where one goes through such schemes every day and its hard to survive in Palace , and now I can see through people inside out. I know I was naive back then, but that was because I was madly in love with a person and could do everything for him. But now it's different and people changes after facing death. And for me it's is my rebirth. I will not let go of this chance and will lead a good life. I just hope that you will be in peace, wherever you are. "

Xie Ming replied," it's good to hear that you've changed. Now I will give you my memories so that you can live easily. Goodbye. "

After saying that, Ming's reflection in mirror disappeared, and she started having a piercing pain in her head and her whole body. Many images and scenes were started filling in her head, it's like transferring files to computer. She started seeing scenes and people which were unfamiliar to her yet has some familiarity . There were so much information.

But all of this caused her, great deal of pain.


In the middle of the night, Liwei was sleeping beside her while his one hand on her waist and another was made as her pillow. He was sleeping, while cuddling her. He would have never ever thought, that in this life he will ever sleep with her and that too with his own consensus. And Not being affected by any drug.

While sleeping, he held her tightly in his arms, but suddenly he was forced to awake because of her struggles and movement.

When he woke up, he saw her paled face, she was covered in sweat and she wincing in pain. It's like she was in pain but at the same time she was asleep. Tears were flowing from her eyes.

He startled at this side of her, he sat up and tried to wake her up. He patted her face and called her name, 'Ming'... 'Ming'.

On the other hand, Ming was in pain, her body was trembling, she can't bear this pain.

In her pain, she tried to move but all she can see was darkness and nothing. Then suddenly she heard someone calling her name, 'Ming'. She searched for that familiar voice and saw a light and she went to that source of light. She stepped out of the darkness towards light. And suddenly she opened her eyes, in her daze she saw Liwei, beside him panicked and looking at her in concerned way.

At this site of him, she felt touched. Unknowingly at this time, he looked the most handsome man in this world. His hair tusseled and clothes crumbled. His eyes filled with concern for her. She unknowingly reached to touch his face, while in dazed state. She touched his face with her hand and softly called, "Liwei".