Chapter 16 - Shocked.

When Liwei saw her on the ground in that condition, he panicked and went to her. He embraced her in his arms, lifted her and went to the bed and laid her on the bed. Then he ordered the butler to call the doctor. And then he started patting her face to wake her up, and he also tried sprinkling water on her. But she didn't wake up. He got panicked when she didn't wake up. He got worried, as she just Wake up from her coma and now she fainted. He don't want her to get hurt again. This time, he sincerely wanted her to get well and also seeing her hurt, he also felt pain in his heart.

While waiting for the doctor, he was rubbing her hands. When doctor came he instantly went to him and said, " She was fine few minutes ago and now she fainted. And didn't even respond to whatever I say. Do something." he shouted at doctor.

Doctor was stunned to see him panicked , after gaining his composure he said, "Don't worry Mr Jin, we will check Mrs Jin and everything will be fine."

After saying that he excused himself and started checking Ming's pulse and eyes. Then he gave her an injection and also attached an IV drip. Then he returned to Liwei and asked "She fainted because of shock. Did something happen before she fainted?"

At this moment, Liwei went in thinking and said, "few minutes back, she was completely fine. We ate lunch and had tea and...." at this moment realisation hit him and said, "and.... We kissed."


Doctor didn't expected this turn out of this situation. He don't know what to say. After few minutes, he said "Mr Jin, Mrs Jin is still weak and cannot afford anything shocking and exciting . And may be it was so sudden... Ahem...'cough'.. that her heartbeat fastened and from shock she fainted. For better recovery, she should rest and avoid situations where she would got excited."

After that, doctor prescribed medicine and handed it to butler and then butler went to see off doctor.

Meanwhile, in the room Liwei was staring at her with amusement. He slapped his head with his hand and said," did she fainted just because of a kiss? " he chuckled. He don't have anything to say. He thought, "what will happen when we improve our progress." At this thought, his eyes were filled with glint of light and passion.

He sat at the edge of her bed, while waiting and looking at her he and then he dozed off beside her.