Next, the four big whores attacked Washington, and Madame Hua personally defeated them.

Don't want Qiuxiang's collection of Tang Yin's poems fell to the ground, Xiao Yunhai took the initiative to bear the responsibility for it. Mrs. Hua wanted to kill him. Xiao Yunhai immediately used candles as drumsticks and wooden benches as drums, bringing a wonderful piece of percussion music.

In return, Xiao Yunhai was promoted to be the close senior bookboy of huawenhuawu, the prince of Washington.

The scenes in the movie make the fans laugh wildly. In particular, those classic lines are even more hilarious.

Until Ning Wang and his life-threatening scholars came to Washington to seek trouble, the film entered a climax.

Duizi spurts the blood of the pair Chuanchang, who is nicknamed "king of the king of the king", and the martial arts student is invincible. The funny plot and wonderful martial arts action make the fans crazy. Even the directors who come to spy on the enemy are brought into the movie.

After Ning Wang retreated, Xiao Yunhai's identity was exposed in public by Madame Hua, and another classic dialogue appeared.

Hua Fu said: "our" one day death powder "is made from seven different kinds of poisonous insects, together with hedinghong. It is colorless and tasteless, and can kill people without trace."

Xiao Yunhai said defiantly: "our" smiling half step top "is made of honey, Sichuan scallop, Platycodon grandiflorum, and snow lotus of Tianshan Mountain. It doesn't need to be refrigerated or preservative. In addition to its strong toxicity, it tastes delicious."

At this time, the painting style of the whole film changed, and it turned out to be an advertising mode.

Hua Fu said: "the people who eat our" one day death powder "will lose all their martial arts skills in one day, and their muscles and veins will flow backward, and they will go mad and become possessed by demons. Finally, they will burst their blood vessels and die."

Xiao Yunhai said: "no mistake! As the name suggests, a friend who has eaten "half a step with a smile" must not walk half a step or smile, or he will die of explosion. It's really home travel...

waffle said: "kill people..."

together, they said: "essential medicine!"

This divine transition, coupled with dialogue and funny music, immediately let the studio ring the biggest laughter since the film was shown.

"Oh, I can't stand it. I can't stand it."

"I found that I was going to be the first person to die laughing. My stomach was bursting with laughter."

"Yunhuang is too good. This kind of advertising mode even appears in the film, and it really talks about poison. It's really speechless. "

"If anyone dares to tell me that" Tang Bohu points to Qiuxiang "is not good-looking, I have to hit him in the face."

The comments of the fans were passed on to Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing. The young couple looked at each other with a smile, and they were completely relieved.

As the film continues, the life-threatening scholar comes to Washington to kill, and Xiao Yunhai comes forward to fight against him.

Xiao Yunhai felt that the action design was too simple for this plot in his previous life. This time, he and the martial arts master of luojiaban spent three days designing a set of wonderful action plays, which showed the ruthlessness and treachery of the life taking sword and the supremacy of the overlord gun incisively and vividly. After playing for more than three minutes, the life-threatening scholar was killed by a return shot.

Xiao Yunhai and other people's hard work has not been in vain, this play has won the unanimous praise of the fans, cheering constantly.

Finally, under the hindrance of Madame Hua, Xiao Yunhai exhausted all his life's learning, and selected Qiuxiang from dozens of women to win the beauty.

At this point in time, it's all over.

There were warm applause and cheers in the studio, and we all went out of their hearts.

"What do you think of the play, brother?"

"I'm laughing and my stomach is killing me. Can't I look good?"

"The cloud emperor is the cloud emperor. He is so talented in comedy that he should make more comedies. "

"Tomorrow I'll show my parents another one to make them happy."

"So coincidentally, I have this plan."

Hearing the comments of the fans, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing looked at each other for fear of being recognized, and their faces showed a smile at the same time.

Outside the cinema, countless reporters are waiting for the fans to show up.

Before, more than 20 film critics came out, with a trace of anger on their faces. When interviewed, none of them said that the film was good-looking, and all gave bad reviews. One hot tempered critic even described it as rubbish.

Reporters are very surprised, with Xiao Yunhai's identity and status in the entertainment industry, but where the film has merits, these film critics will not say so.

Now finally, when the first movie is over, the reporters immediately surround themselves as soon as the fans show up.

"Sir, may I have an interview with you?"

"Of course."

"What movie did you see?"

"Of course, it's" Tang Bohu points autumn fragrance "by Emperor Yun

"What do you think of the play?"

"Good looking, it's one of the best comedies I've ever seen, almost laughing from the beginning to the end. Fighting is not the sameAlways wonderful. "

"If you were asked to rate, how much would you rate it?"

"At least nine."

"Thank you for the interview."

…… .

"Miss, if you were asked to rate Tang Bohu's autumn fragrance, how much would you rate it?"

"It has to be above nine. It's wonderful."

……… After the interview, the reporters were surprised.

Critics called the play a rotten film, but the audience all said it was a good comedy, even with scores above nine.

All of a sudden, the reporters were at a loss as to what was going on.

Is it Xiao Yunhai who has offended these critics, or is the film just as hilarious as Charlotte's annoyance?

Just then, Jiao fangtao, Li Xun, Wu Jun and Zhang Xiaojing appeared. The reporters' eyes lit up and surrounded them respectively.

"Director Jiao, are you here to see Tang Bohu's autumn fragrance?"

Jiao fangtao said with a smile: "yes. I'm here to explore the enemy. "

"What do you think of Mr. Xiao's film? The opinions of critics and fans are quite opposite. We don't know who to trust

Jiao fangtao said: "if this film" Tang Bohu points autumn fragrance "is only regarded as a commercial film, it is undoubtedly a success. In my studio, including me, everyone laughed from the beginning to the end. I counted it in silence. Every two minutes, on average, there is a laugh, which can be said to be a classic commercial comedy. On the contrary, if you ask for its artistry, you may be disappointed. Because this film is similar to the previous "Charlotte trouble", according to the words of director Xiao, it belongs to the merciless, no acting, no artistic film. I think that's exactly the case. Those film critics will be the first to leave. "

"Before, everyone was not very optimistic about Mr. Xiao's" Tang Bohu points the autumn fragrance ". Director Jiao, after you read it, how much box office do you think it will be

Jiao fangtao thought for a moment and said, "I can't guess. However, I would like to remind all directors that Mr. Xiao's "Tang Bohu points autumn fragrance" is very popular with group photo fans. This film, with an investment of less than 100 million yuan, is likely to create a miracle. "

On the other hand, Li Xun did not mean to praise Tang Bohu's autumn fragrance.

"I bet this movie will be a black horse in this schedule, and it will be a black horse in the end. I say this not because Xiao Yunhai, Huang Bo and Bai Huijie are my younger brother and younger sister, but because they really have such strength. "

"Mr. Li, can you tell me why you are so optimistic about this film?"

Li Xun said: "first of all, the schedule of cloud audition is really suitable. Everyone wants to be happy and happy during the Spring Festival, and Tang Bohu's autumn fragrance can fully meet your expectations and make you laugh from the beginning to the end. Secondly, the price of the movie is cheap. It's eighteen for one person and thirty for a family. It's absolutely attractive to those who seldom watch movies. Finally, the satisfaction of the audience. When I came out, not only did no one say that the film was not good-looking, but many young people wanted to take their parents to see it again. Once this kind of word-of-mouth effect rises, we can imagine the extent to which "Tang Bohu points to autumn fragrance"

"Mr. Li, you should know that many film critics are not very optimistic about this film. It is estimated that the score on the movie watching website will not be too high."

Li Xun said with a smile, "have you forgotten Charlotte's troubles?"? It is also polarization, but the final result is nearly 2 billion box office. At that time, Yunhai was still a fledgling newcomer, without any fame, and was restricted by the amount of film layout. But now his fame, the world does not know that he is not too many people, he is also a shareholder of Xinhua summer cinema line, in the amount of film layout will not be constrained. From this we can guess how high the box office the movie will reach. "

"Mr. Zhang Xiaojing, do you think..."

the four people were asked by reporters for half an hour before they were allowed to leave. , the fastest update of the webnovel!