Zhou Leping met many girls who were dissatisfied with their marriage and didn't want to marry men they didn't love and didn't even know before they got married. She had no choice but to commit suicide. At that time, she never thought that she would be forced to marry one day.

Princess Anhe holds her cheek and looks at her innocently. She has been talking about the benefits of marrying Zhu GuanLiang for a long time. Zhou Leping wants to sleep.

"In fact, I really want you to marry my brother. Since I was a child, I especially adored the chivalrous women in the book. Last time on the flower festival, you were not afraid to ask for death. I like the bearing and the action of avoiding the assassin's sword very much. But my mother didn't let me practice martial arts and said that I would hurt myself. If you were my fifth emperor's sister-in-law, you could teach me martial arts."

Zhou Leping opened his eyes and looked at her through the cracks in his eyes. "Do you want to be a chivalrous woman?"

Anhe nodded heavily! I really want to

Looking back on her childhood, she also had a dream of chivalrous women. She felt that flying on the eaves and walking on the wall and holding a sword was very natural and unrestrained. But after practicing martial arts, she realized that all this was just a beautiful vision described in the book, which was not true at all.

"Little princess, chivalrous women are not so easy to be, and their martial arts are not so easy to learn. You are delicate and tender, and you can't bear hardships. You'd better forget it."

Anhe shook his head stubbornly, "no! I can bear hardships. You teach me. I'm not afraid of them. "

Women's martial arts practice is more difficult than men's. women's strength is naturally smaller than men's, and they are not as strong as men's, so they have to work a hundred times harder than men's. in order to make peace and give up, she untied her clothes and showed her the wound on her back. "At the beginning of this knife, I was in a daze. There was a blank in front of me. At that moment, I almost thought I was going to die, Later, he was carried back. There was no Ma Fei San, so he was born. The silver needle went through the skin and sewed up the wound. At that time, he really felt that death was liberation. "

Sure enough, calm eyes full of fear, fingers gently stroked her wound, distressed way, "still hurt?"

"It's been so many years. It's no longer painful. What you see is just the tip of the iceberg. There are still many scars on my body. Some of them have been removed by Zhu GuanLiang, but these old scars will stay on my body for a lifetime."

She pinched Ann and shuilingling's face. "You are so beautiful. If you have scars on your body, how ugly it is. Isn't it good to be a little princess?"

In Anhe's eyes, there was more admiration, "but I still want to be a hero like you. Just teach me. I will be able to bear hardships."

The whole family is determined that one thing must achieve its goal, or they will not give up. First the elder brother and then the younger sister, how can they all do this?

Zhou Leping thought that she didn't want to give up easily, and it was hard for her to do so. "Practicing kung fu is not a matter of a day. It's usually practiced since childhood. You're so old, and your bones are strong and not soft. You should split a fork first and let me have a look."

Anhe didn't say a word, a stem fork split down, not obvious and split a vertical fork, looking forward to her, "is that so? Is that all right? "

Zhou Leping took back his chin and asked her to get up, "this... Splitting is just a basic skill. Can you do it? It's also a basic skill. At least one hour at a time. Are you ok? "

Anhe shook his head. "That would make my legs very sour."

"Acid is right. Only if you have a good basic skill of horse stance can you be more solid. When you can do horse stance for an hour, come back to learn kung fu from me."

The little princess is spoiled, let alone an hour. Maybe she can't hold on to a cup of tea. When she has enough time, the day lily will stop.

But Anhe was very motivated. "I will work hard. Then you must be my sister-in-law!"

The child is very deceiving. Zhou Leping then said, "if I marry your brother, I can't teach you Kung Fu. Then I'll be around him all day, and he won't let me teach you."

"Brother Huang will not."

"He will."

It must be that Mrs. Sheng Yu colluded with Shan Ning and Zhu GuanLiang not to let an he learn kung fu. As long as she moved out, she would be afraid.

Sure enough, Anhe hesitated, struggling with how to choose.

Anhe thought about it for a long time, and finally bowed his head and said, "well, you'd better marry my brother Huang."

It's Zhou Leping's turn to wonder, "why do you want me to marry your brother?"

Anhe lowered his head and poked his finger, "brother Huang likes you very much. He has never made jewelry for me, nor has he made clothes for me with Tencel silk. He is only so kind to you."

"These are things outside your body, which can't explain anything. Besides, I'm your enemy. How can I marry my own enemy in this world?"

Anhe thought about it, nodded, and then shook his head. "It's not the enemy. Brother Huang said that you are not the enemy. He said that you are just... Stupid."

God forbid Zhu GuanLiang to make such a rumor behind her back. Where is she stupid?

Zhou Leping chuckled and said, "tell me more, what else did your brother say about me?"

Seeing that she didn't look angry, Anhe said boldly, "he said you were stupid. He said that you didn't even know how to go back when others hurt you. He was so stupid that he was waiting to die there. Without him, you would have died many times." Zhou Leping held back his anger, "and then what? What else did you say? " Anhe didn't notice anything wrong with her. He continued, "he also said that you are blind and blind. You can't tell who is good and who is bad. You don't know your own sister."“ Any more? " Anhe shook his head. "It seems that's all." Then he felt guilty and said, "but these don't seem to be good words. Aren't you angry?"“ I'm not angry She suppressed her anger and said, "I'm not angry at all. What he said is the truth. I'm stupid and blind, so I'm not worthy of your brother. I'll be wronged if I marry him."“ Don't be aggrieved, don't be aggrieved. Although you have many shortcomings, and you are stupid and lack of insight, your brother still likes you very much. " Zhou Leping couldn't hold back for a moment and raised his voice. "He said I'm short of heart?" An he was startled and hesitated, "it's not... It's not. It's also a lot of good things about you."“ That's all. I'm not angry. The truth is what he said. " When I said that, my heart was already full of anger. I couldn't help but burst out. When she said it in a funny way, I didn't expect that she said so many bad things about her behind her back. Good boy, I wish you good luck!