Zhou Leping really said that Zhu GuanLiang was invited out by Mrs. Yu at last. She didn't know what the mother and son were talking about together. She was angry and humming. She took Yunqing's shoulder, panting and fanning with her sleeve. "Do you think there's something wrong with him? There is something wrong with that lady Yu. She wants to marry me. Do I agree? "

Cloud light way, "someone marries you to be very good."

"What do you mean it's good to have someone marry me? Do I worry about getting married? With my face, where can I not be a beautiful woman

"You are in Qi state. To them, you are an enemy and a traitor. No one dares to marry you. Even if you escape back to Zhao state, you are a guilty minister and eat bear heart and leopard gall, no one dares to ask you."

He muttered to himself, and finally suddenly said, "except for Zhu GuanLiang, it seems that you really can't get married."

Zhou Leping punched him, "who are you from? If I can't get married, I won't, so I have to marry someone, I have to marry him? "

Cloud light did not speak, silently looked at her one eye, continue to look at the front of a trance.

It wasn't long before Zhu GuanLiang came out. The maid at the door asked him hello. He laughed and cried. He went out to take her hand and walked out as if there were no one else.

Zhou Leping clenched his fist and shook off his hand. "Have you been in love with me secretly for a long time? Why didn't I find so many advantages in me?"

"The onlookers can see clearly, but you really don't have so much, but who told me to love my house and love my dog? I just said so many words against my heart, and I don't know if I will be struck by thunder."

He also sighed. She should be the one who sighed!

"What did you tell your mother? Won't you discuss how to sell me

Zhu GuanLiang pinched her arm, "sell you? In the past, there was a lot of meat, and maybe it sold at a good price. " Squeeze her face again, "now nobody wants it except me."

"I will not marry you." Afraid of him pretending to be deaf, she resolutely repeated, "if I don't marry you, you will die of this heart. Although Laozi is indeed born beautiful, but emotion can't be forced. It's hard to turn things around."

"It's not sweet, but just quench your thirst."

It's a pity that Lang Youqing didn't mean to marry her. She really didn't want to marry him.

"I went out for a trip these two days and bought a lot of things. I'll go back and have a look, but there's something you like."

"I don't love those little ladies' things, so don't waste your time."

Zhu GuanLiang was addicted to pinching her face. "Other people are little ladies. Are you big ladies? You are a woman, and those rude words and deeds in the future... "Fu Er sighed again," I don't expect you to change. You can do whatever you want in front of me, but you should be a little more restrained in front of outsiders. "

"You don't like it? I don't like what you said earlier. I can't change it. It's like this when I was a child. What's left in my bones is hopeless. "

"It's not that I don't like it. In fact, when I hear you call yourself" Lao Tzu "with this face and facial expression, I think it's cute. Maybe that's what I like."

Zhou Leping's goose bumps are going to fall. Maybe that's what he likes? How did he say this seriously? Is his tooth not sour?

He went out to consult his master these days. When he was young, his master also had some romantic affairs. He had seen women with Zhou Leping's personality. However, no matter what personality a woman has, if she meets a man she likes, she will unconsciously become gentle and amiable. The rough one will become gentle, and the gentle one will become more gentle, Because they want to pretend to be the best in front of the people they like.

He recalled how Zhou Leping looked in front of him. He had never been gentle, not to mention gentle. He had no scruples about rude words, but he was different to Zhao Shiqian.

Although I have never seen how they got along with each other before, the sentence "brother Shiqian" that night really upset his appetite. Now I think back, it is still like a thorn in my chest.

She doesn't know how to be gentle, but she doesn't know how to be gentle to him, because she doesn't like him in her heart.

However, there is another truth in Yigu Zhenren's words: love at first sight and love after a long time are all love. As long as you are sincere and the other person does not understand your mind as long as he is not a piece of wood, childhood may not be reliable, and becoming a monk on the way may not be able to become a Buddha.

But the deep meaning is shameless.

Zhu GuanLiang has just been shameless and praised her a lot without conscience. Every day I see her in the same room and bed, there will always be times when she will be moved.

He did find a lot of good things when he went out this time. He gave Mrs. Yu a single box, and the rest was for her, not to mention the jewelry. She was dazzled by the glittering gold of a large box, and some red cloth. It was quite well prepared. It seemed that she had figured out what to do with her before she left.

"What's so rare about these things? You can buy them everywhere. As for running out and buying them?"

The chief bodyguard beside Zhu GuanLiang was not willing to say, "naturally, these gold and silver jewelry are all made by famous people. Our highness drew them himself and asked someone to make them. Besides, this cloth is made of silk. It's also made of ordinary silk. It's natural silk."

"What's this? Dowry? "“ Naturally“ I don't know if your highness five knows that a woman in the state of Zhao has to have her mother's family to send her off. My mother's family is not here, so I can't kiss her. " Yunqing was pulled to her by Zhu GuanLiang. "Last time you advised me to keep him alive, you said that he was kind to you. You are also from Zhao state. It's good to let him be your mother's family and help you see off your relatives." No matter what she said, he always had a way to deal with it. Zhou Leping's head was buzzing and he reached out to help Yunqing. In the end, he was intercepted by Zhu GuanLiang halfway“ What's wrong? "“ It's a headache. I think I'll have to sleep it for another two or three months to get over it. "“ No, I'll give you two injections. It's the same After all these years, Zhou Leping's desire to die has become more and more serious recently. The fifth Prince's marriage is a big thing. There are many things to prepare inside and outside. Therefore, Zhou Leping still has time to find a way to recover the situation. Zhang Yingning, who should have appeared in front of her and pointed to her nose to let her go, didn't make any noise after hearing the news. Instead, she only saw the little princess on both sides to see her and asked her whether she was going to marry Zhu GuanLiang. Zhou Leping shook his head. "Maybe, maybe not." Anhe asked, "what does that mean?" It means I don't have to marry if I have a way, but I have to marry if I have no way.