Chapter 200 - War Messsage!

"Are any Platoons close to Pameres Kingdom?" Asked King Zar as he stood on top of the Kingdom Walls, waiting in anticipation for help to arrive and hoping that the enemy doesn't arrive first, that would lead to this entire revolution crumbling into dust. It has been over 5 days and the aiding Platoons are nowhere to be seen, no sign whatsoever as if they didn't even depart for this journey despite the clear solid Orders.

To Pameres Kingdom's luck, the opposing Army surely required time to recover from that midnight attack or at least take a day to restock using the Forest as their primary resource, the Clear Lands doesn't commonly provide big game to Hunt unless that game is close to the mentioned Forest. If the opposing Army arrived yesterday it would be tremendously bad, because two Platoons (200 Guards.) and 3 Fire Controllers would need to hold off an Army that they thought as over 600 Soldiers. If only they knew that the Army had 800 men before that little attack, that night the Army just suffered minimal lossesW quantity-wise when considering the c.u.mulative count.

"No my King. Our troops haven't reported that they saw any Platoons yet." Answered a Guard closeby, since he was put in charge of delivering the message about such a matter. "If a Platoon is close, I will be sure to inform you as quick as Humanly possible."

"Maybe I should fly and check again." Recommended Eric, who didn't want to just stand by and wait for trouble to rush against the Kingdom Walls. "If I see our Platoon, I can at least tell them to make a run for it towards this Kingdom." He felt like a huge knot was tied around his stomach and it wasn't for good this time, so many people are already depending on him. Untrained or not, he is tremendously powerful but he still isn't ready to face an entire Army. 

But before he was about to blast off, King Zar slightly yelled his wishes. "No!" Out of stress of course, he doesn't want to be disrespectful in any way. "We need you here just in case the opposing Army arrives. In fact they should have arrived yesterday when taking their travelling rate into consideration. But the point is, we can't risk not having a large portion of our Arsenal here if the Army was to attack." Grabbing Eric's shoulder after and expressing his thoughts with a wide smile, King Zar added. "We need you here."

To lighten everyone's stress, Mogranius bragged. "It's not easy to recover once Mogranius attacks." We can't consider this as a brag entirely, it is also dumb bravery salted with a lot of self dependance. I mean, he sneaked his way into an Army and burned 50-60 Wagons worth of food and general supplies! That isn't luck.

Letting out a stressful sigh after, King Zar felt like he should add. "Which is my point, the attack you two did proved as big help. Our troops aren't anywhere to be seen! If the ill.u.s.tratian Army arrived at their desired time, we all would be as good as dead." Showing gratitude is a good form of keeping powerful people by your side, that's a rather firm fact. But this wasn't his aim now because he knew that every Fire Controller here wouldn't abandon Pameres Kingdom at such a time of need.

"Quit your worrying, we can hold them off." Assured King Michael with self confidence, it might seem overdone in some aspects but these people(Except Mogranius) barely know what a Grand Master of Fire Controlling is truly capable off, especially since King Michael barely shows off. As mentioned before, he had 312 years of practice and is still practicing. At least, he is here to ease all of this Burden from Eric. The expectations everyone has on him, are thrown over King Michael's shoulders now. Lucky for everyone, this burden is barely but dirt he can shake off his shoulder.

"Hold them off with 200 Guards? That's next to impossible, most aren't even Experts (Level 3) in Swordsmanship yet. Not to mention, Archery is just a secondary optional skill for each Guard." King Zar has a point, Archery for example would be impactful in this battle against hundreds of Soldiers. Tens of them could of been shot dead or slowed down at least, before the entire Army reached the Main Gate.

At least Eric was here to assure, "You don't have to worry about ranged attacks, three powerful Fire Controllers are to your aid." Hearing such a sentence coming from a Kid who doesn't commonly brag or even speak, King Zar found a bit of relief. But just a bit!

King Michael arrived at Pameres Kingdom exactly 4 days ago, he blasted off right after Eric arrived in his domain. It felt nice for these two Kings to meet in person once more (Apart from one more time when King Zar went to visit the Port, in order to travel to Zameria for the first ever deal he struck with them.). If only they didn't meet the second time for such a desperate matter, but a good one instead.

As for Eric and Mogranius, they took off for Pameres Kingdom a day after they crashed(Not literally.) on the two other Domains, both of them required a 12 hour recharge. A bit overdone, but they did travel overnight which contributed a lot more to this mass stamina loss. King Zar felt more than happy to have them here, it relieved a portion of his anxiety but it would be better to have 200 more troops here too, it would surely turn the tides in glorious battle.

Both of the Platoons(That are supposed to arrive.) would prove powerful since the one from Bale Town has quantity as an advantage, there are 125 Guards coming from there. Half of which are quite skilled too! As for the 80 Guards from Gaster Kingdom, they have been training under Woldemir's guidance for months now, they are a force to be reckoned with even though most qualify as Beginners(Level 1) in Swordsmanship.

Unfortunate for them, the moment they all have been fearing has arrived. A Horseman arose from a hill, marching down towards Pameres Kingdom, alone. This surely is just a messenger. The opposing Army itself, is for sure at least a Kilometer away to avoid an Arrow's range. It's a good move to avoid a possible ambush too, here in the flat lands it is a lot easier to do so in broad daylight.

It is interesting how this Entire Army found enough food to keep going for 5 days. People can survive without food for a couple of weeks or less depending on the used energy, but water? They wouldn't make it further than 2 days, their bodies would be forced into a shut down. The only couple of possible explanations would be that they either carried Leather water bags with them, or clay bottles in their tents possibly too. Or the War General was smart enough to order a few Soldiers to seek for any creek, it isn't impossible to find in a Forest thick with vegetation (Throughout the Warm seasons at least.).

The messenger arrived towards Pameres Kingdom, to find over 30 people over the walls already. Which proved one point for him, the "Fire Demons" have at least some association with King Zar. "This traitor send Demons to stop us? Worthless! The ill.u.s.tratian Alliance is unbeatable, we shall slay these Traitors and Demons in the name of Xakro ill.u.s.tratio l, his son Xakro ill.u.s.tratio ll, and the future God Xakro ill.u.s.tratio lll." An illas believer no doubt based on the wordplay, or at this point, his thoughts. But it proves one point, this entire Army thinks that they are doing a good deed with this Invasion. They aren't particularly evil, they just think they are slaying actual Demons.

The messenger stopped about 30 meters away from the Kingdom, not daring to come closer in the Fear of an Arrow being bashed against his head or worse, a Fireball. He almost even just dropped the message on the ground, and planned to fall back for 100 yards until a message is made clear.

Lucky for him, King Zar send out a Guard to fetch the message. The Soldier was still scared of the circ.u.mstances even though he was armed from head to toe with heavy Iron Armor, a Longsword too plus he is on a Horse which can be considered a strong upper advantage. The Guard of which was sent from Pameres Kingdom, just has an Iron armor on his Torso and a simple 70 Centimeter Iron Sword. That was all the Iron he was carrying.

Even under such circ.u.mstances, the Soldier tossed the message from about 6 meters away, refusing for the Guard to get any closer. Maybe because the approaching Guard is an Ignite? However, the Guard grabbed the message and simply returned taking steps backwards instead of turning his back on an enemy, a wise decision. King Zar got impressed.

Once King Zar got the message on his hand, he removed the little string around it and read its contents. It stated. "Greetings Traitor. I, War General Ace order you in the name of Grand King Xakro ill.u.s.tratio lll to surrender and face your punishment for your Crimes against the ill.u.s.tratian Alliance. If you surrender, you will be the only sacrifice unlike what losses your entire Kingdom will suffer if you refuse to obey our Command. Your little attack near Silver Kingdom can't stop the ill.u.s.tratian Alliance, we overcome anything and we shall do it once more. Come alone, face your fate and disarm your entire Platoons as well before leaving. Deliver all of their Weapons towards our Army, bring the Iron here with your own hands. If you fail to obey our Command, your entire Kingdom will suffer the aftermath."