Chapter 199 - Wool Scarf

After shortly consulting this large issue with King Zar, it was Eric's responsibility to get his behind to Gaster Kingdom in order to inform King Michael as well. You might ask yourself, why would Mogranius put so much responsibility on Eric while he himself is just travelling to BaleTown? Well it is simple, Eric is a lot more powerful and can complete the task a quarter time faster without taking a large risk. After Mogranius put Eric's speed into moderation, the 5 hour travel helped Eric determine what speed would be appropriate for such a distance. We shouldn't forget that Mogranius is also supposed to travel 100 Kilometers in order to reach BaleTown.

So this time, given the slightly longer distance from Pameres to Gaster Kingdom, Eric had to pick up the pace a little bit if he wished to save precious time. Now, he had to cover 100 Kilometers in 5 hours instead of stretching it to nearly 7 hours using his recommended speed. Thankfully, he reached his newly determined goal without any casualties worth noting. The only problem he encountered throughout both travels, was opposing the cold wind that blew against his skin. He is a Powerful Fire Controller no doubt, an Electus, a Golden Blood too. But he is still a Human being, Vulnerable to the simplest colds or flues.

The weather is already cold since they just escaped February a few days ago. He feels sure that he is developing a Cold due to this travelling, half way there to getting it even. He was surrounded with Fur as clothing but it didn't prove completely useful since his head is exposed, which led to a pounding headache too. Mogranius faced a similar problem, his older bones aren't quite cut out for this long rush travelling anymore. Maybe when he was younger, like 46. It would prove less troublesome no doubt. But he reached his whooping 59 before they departed for this quest.

12 February to be exact. Odd enough, Commander Alia asked when he was born a day before his actual Birthday. So she made him a special Black Marlin dinner, she had to negotiate a little bit with Lia and King Michael too in order to sneak a bit of it without anyone noticing. Thankfully it didn't prove too difficult since it was just one Kilogram, it only costs 10 Gold Coins. However, Mogranius loved it and gave Commander Alia a little kiss on the cheek as a thank you! His stomach is the way to his heart.

The flying sure got Eric beat, he has been doing it for 10 hours straight and it tired him in every way possible. The first to see Eric arrive, was his father Woldemir. His heart sank when he realized how early Eric has returned here. The worst went to his mind in a blink, especially since he didn't see the rest of the Unit. He thought that the rest were attacked and didn't make it! "What happened? What's wrong? Why are you here so early? Where are the rest?"

Many questions indeed, Eric didn't know which one to answer first. So with a little bit of energy remaining in his body, he had the strength to answer. "I've been flying since midnight, I have no energy to explain in detail. Get the entire Platoon ready and head towards Pameres Kingdom, Xakro ill.u.s.tratio lll has sent an Army to invade us!" Walking away and heading towards his house, he turned around and told his father one more bit of information before he was going to pass out in his bed. "King Michael should be in Pameres Kingdom even if the rest of the Platoon can't catch up. We need a Grandmaster in our Arsenal. I will sleep and be there tomorrow, you start today." It's not like he doesn't want to stay and catch up with his father, nor does he intend to be rude or distant either. It's just that he is dying for sleep, he feels like he can collapse at any moment!

Understanding the dangers, Woldemir dashed towards the Platoon who were currently training and yelled out. "Every man get leather bags, fur bags, or anything else that can hold food and fill them to the top. We are heading to Pameres Kingdom immediately." Stressed indeed, he didn't think about other requirements. Thankfully he got reminded by a Guard who wasn't yet aware of the dire situation, so he could think a bit more clearly. "What about sleeping bags and tents?"

Grabbing his forehead and rubbing it with his forefingers and thumbs to relieve his stress, he gave it a quick thought and ordered. "Ugh right. We will have to settle who will carry what. This won't be a picnic but we need to get to Pameres Kingdom as soon as humanly possible."

As for King Michael, when he heard about these tremendously bad news he didn't even mention the Wheat Grain project thankfully which proves that he isn't a total cheapskate, he is profit minded but not to the point of selfishness. He immediately aimed to spring into action, swiftly ordering Woldemir. "Get the entire Platoon ready. We are departing today."

"I already am, leave that to me. Eric wants you at Pameres Kingdom today. I think you can make it. They need you there." Woldemir is quite aware that King Michael is nothing less but a Grand Master in Fire Controlling, Eric spoke a bit about Michael's value too before he passed out. At least they can absolutely rely for him to be there.

Confident enough about his own abilities, King Michael assured. "Oh I can make it in 3 hours." Asking another question as he was already walking out of the Throne room to start his journey. "Did Eric leave for Pameres Kingdom already?"

Before Woldemir was about to answer, Alama followed King Michael and tied a Scarf around his neck. "This will keep you warm throughout your travel." Giving a little adorable smile before she continued. "But I want it back later." The scarf seemed to be knitted from wool, obviously imported and expensive too since there aren't any sheep here or in Pameres Kingdom either for that matter. Ordered from the Zamerians maybe? Anyway, It was purely white and quite eye catching too! Reaching out for King Michael's cheek, she granted him a light kiss and expressed. "Be back safe please." I suppose she has conquered her shyness, this even indirectly expresses how she feels about him. King Michael wasn't ready to think about this now with an upcoming battle close, but this sure felt nice.

Trying his best not to comment on such a personal matter, Woldemir stuck to answering King Michael's question. "No. He is passed out in our house. He told me that he has been travelling for 10 hours!"

Giving Alama a little smile as a thank you, King Michael became a bit shy and decided to fight off that shyness by focusing on the conversation he was having with Woldemir. "He travelled for 200 Kilometers? He will get a month long cold!" Worth noting, he has no intention of ignoring Alama's cute little deed. He is just nervous.

"That's the least of our concern right now." That's something rough coming from a father, but he understood this situation. "Please get to Pameres Kingdom!"

Mogranius had it a bit harder, he took a bit longer to reach BaleTown since his energy is very close to being completely depleted. It took him 7 hours to arrive! Not a dandy experience but he flew at his own preferred speed. A risk considering that time isn't by their side, but it would be an even bigger risk if he passes out mid air and didn't manage to deliver the message.

When he reached BaleTown, he could only exchange a few words before he passed out face first on the mud. Unlike Eric, he can't push nearly 200 Kilometers over night or under 12 hours for that matter, without completely depleting his stamina. "Pameres Kingdom. War! Get there now!"

"What do you mean?" The Guard who Mogranius flew towards, couldn't quite understand what all of this is about.

Before Mogranius was about to elaborate on that question, he dropped on his knees and passed out. It became a further problem since barely anyone in this town knew who he is! Most of them didn't have the chance of meeting him, even when he stopped at Pameres Kingdom along with the rest of the Unit for a week.

No one became hostile even though they saw him fly to Town. Since he is a Wizard, most felt half sure that he was sent by King Zar. Mogranius' explanation however, wasn't good enough to make proper sense. This can be a further delay and make the situation indeed a lot worse, they can't afford to waste any time.

To his luck, one Guard arrived in the scene who was familiar with this Fire Wizard. He has seen Mogranius in the Castle once and scrolling through the local markets to buy a new Black Robe. Interesting enough, Mogranius was wearing the same Black Robe he bought. It was only muddy since he crawled under Wagons a few hours ago. "I know him. What did he say? What is he doing here?"

"I'm not sure. He just mentioned that there is a War in Pameres Kingdom and that we need to get there now!" A simple misunderstanding at this point, the war or best described, battle. Didn't start yet! But it is about to start a few days later. I suppose the Guard didn't understand that concept out of panic.

"Acknowledge Guard Commander Delrus Aze of this information. We need to get the Platoon ready to depart as soon as possible!" Luckily, the Guard who knew Mogranius is a bit more organized, calm. He took charge of this situation.

"What about the Fire de... Wizard?" That word almost slipped, but the ill.u.s.tratios are used to that name. The "illas" influences were indeed strong in Pameres Kingdom. Luckily King Zar removed most of such a mindset using a better offered life as a bribe.

"Well he obviously has been travelling for over 100 Kilometers. My Grandfather told me that their Magic depletes easily, he just needs some recovery time. Let's get him into a comfortable bed at the Guards bundle room."