Chapter 4:meeting his parents

he usually don't talk a single word but today morning . I made breakfast he is waiting for me . I am still in my shorts .suddenly he called my name . I have to say now my name was so different when he spelled it . yes what do you want I am sounding rude . yes I have to act otherwise he will find my little crush on him. he said today his parents are coming . I have to say they are not like him . when he is not at home . his mother used to come and gave me the same warmth my parents gave me . when he is not at home . I used to call my mother and father . they are very sorry about this marriage . his parents also were very sorry about me . actually I am happy they are giving us a visit. I will cook decently to night and wear something decent . a long dress not too much revealing . time is 5 o clock . wow , he came home . hello , I said . how was your day.

fine he always talk in single words .

his parents Charles kingman and Maria kingman arrived . I made ginger tea because his mother likes it . for his father coffee .his mother said honey , you remember our preference s . that is my daughter . thank you mom . I called him . honey , what do you want ? I know you like black coffee but if want to taste something different I am OK with it. your thinking how I know he prefers coffee .when I waited outside his office his secretary used to take coffee so I guess . now Ethan face is blank . his mother " darling you know Ethan used eat cookies a lot ". is it honey you never said it. now my turn to surprise baby I think you never asked me. he said . coming near me and holding my waist. I yanked his arm and started to chat with his mom . I can say she is like a mom to me . mom said darling you look good that why my son is holding you . I am blushing and no more words . "mom stop it " . my words . she is saying" I think I will get my grandchildren soon .

we headed to dinner my cold husband is sitting like stone .his father had given him some advice . we all completed dinner . mom and dad are too Frank . they said " pasta was good but dessert was not good" . I really appreciate them

next time I will make better dad .they went . as soon as they went he started complaining what is your problem .

Ethan , listen to me please I am begging . they are old people. they must never feel like their son has a problem . they are very good people not like you .they don't need to stress . whatever the problem is between us . I love them as much as I love my parents . I will never make them feel sad . they have come for a day . do they need know how much we hate each other.

Ethan point of view :

back to Lisa point of view:

this is man giving cold stare but my heart is crushing . why should he very handsome .my mind is not at all good .OK , I gained some words I will sleep in next room . your wish he said . again a cold answer .I am feeling drowsy I am losing balance everything is blank . I woke up . now I am in my old room . beside a doctor and Hitler (my husband) . doctor what happened ? too much stress he said and your husband had a panic attack due to your condition. doctor left us and Hitler said Lisa take rest and I will sleep on couch. anything needed ask me . OK good night . first day we are smiling.