However, when he was arrested for a while, the injury was very painful. Shi Jiangyuan began to feel the tearing pain of the wound on his back. Although he dropped anti-inflammatory medicine, it was not pain killer after all, but it was very painful.

He is a man. He can't hum like a woman. It's not to belittle a woman. He thinks that as a man, he should be stronger, not to mention in front of Kang Ying.

When Jiang Yuan is not comfortable, Kang Ying feels that he is different, because when Jiang Yuan and she are together, they talk the most. Today they are alone, but they don't like to talk.

But Kang Ying didn't sleep all night last night. She was tired enough and didn't react very well. She said to Shi Jiangyuan, "why don't you sleep while no one comes to make a noise?"

Shijiang yuan shook his head and said, "no sleepiness, no sleep." In fact, it's too painful to sleep.

"I have to sleep if I'm not sleepy. How many hours did I sleep in the middle of the night last night?" Kang Ying loves him.

"Well, I'll sleep later." Shi Jiangyuan is perfunctory.

After more than ten hours, Kang Ying finally had time to sort out her thoughts. It was only then that she understood why the words of saving her life were mentioned by Shi Jiangyuan.

That's right. At the critical moment, it's just a few seconds away, and you're about to step into the gate of death, but you're pulled back by life. From hell to heaven, you can't express your gratitude too much.

Kang Ying said, "well, if you don't sleep, I'll stay with you. Thank you for saving me this time. I'll never forget your kindness. "

Although Shi Jiangyuan's back was very painful, he was amused by Kang Ying's words and said:

"Are you exaggerating? There's nothing to be grateful for, isn't it? You're with me, and of course I'll protect you. "

"If it wasn't for you, I would be dead this time. It's a strange feeling." Kang Ying sincerely expressed her thanks.

"No, I'm sorry to say that again." Shijiang didn't want Kang Ying to be too grateful to him. "No matter who was there at that time, he would do this. It just happened that I was there, so I did it."

When Kang Ying heard the words, she wanted to say nothing, but her gratitude still overflowed from the bottom of her heart, making Shi Jiangyuan uncomfortable.

If they are in a general relationship, of course, they don't care about each other saying thank you all the time. It would be nice if they could thank you several times, and they would be happy to hear that.

But he wants to develop a romantic relationship with Kang Ying. If Kang Ying is always grateful to him, when he confesses to Kang Ying one day, will Kang Ying feel pressure because of his life-saving kindness? But even this saving grace, had to accept his confession?

When Jiang Yuan thinks about it, he is silent. He doesn't want Kang Ying to be forced to accept himself for saving his life. He has made a wrong choice between gratitude and love.

Shi Jiangyuan hopes that once Kang Ying chooses herself, she only chooses him because she likes him.

Only then did Shi Jiangyuan understand why Kang Ying was so disgusted when he said thanks again and again for saving his life. He thought, has Kang Ying ever felt the same way he felt at this time?

Shi Jiangyuan seems to know Kang Ying's delicate mind better at this time.

Both Shi Jiangyuan and Kang Ying have a feeling that they are in the mountains, but they can't see each other clearly. In front of this heavy feeling, they all take a step back cautiously.

They are waiting for this saving grace to disappear, hoping that the other side will not make decisions against their heart because of gratitude.

Both Shi Jiangyuan and Kang Ying don't want each other to accept each other because they are grateful or help each other.

When Jiang Yuan lay numb on one side and subconsciously wanted to turn over, he accidentally pulled the wound on his back

"Shall I help you move your posture?"

Shijiang yuan nodded, but it was inconvenient for him to move.

Kang Ying stepped forward, held his neck, and carefully helped him turn his body slightly to one side. Even if he moved in a small position, Shi Jiangyuan felt much more comfortable.

When the medicine drips slowly, Shi Jiangyuan is really sleepy. Yesterday's soul stirring fight exhausted his energy. With Kang Ying watching, he fell asleep at ease.

Of course, in his sleep, Jiang Yuan was restrained by the pain from time to time, and he didn't sleep well. Kang Ying was on the side. When he looked at Jiang Yuan, he didn't wring his eyebrows slightly, and his lips were bent down from time to time. Then he realized that he must have felt the pain.

Kang Ying couldn't sit still, so she asked the nurse if she could add some painkillers to Shi Jiangyuan's medicine.

The nurse said that if you add painkillers, it will affect the healing of the wound.

Kang Ying, however, knows that this is an outdated theory, and there is more pain than that. He really carries forward the spirit of self abuse and suffering.

Kang Ying comes from later generations. She knows that it has become the consensus of later generations to make patients as comfortable as possible. Pregnant women will give birth in the way of painless childbirth, and the analgesic stick is also widely used in postoperative pain relief.

Kang Ying finds the attending doctor and asks him to prescribe a painkiller. Patients do not ask the doctor will not take the initiative to open, since the patient asked, the doctor also opened.

Kang Ying took the medicine from the pharmacy. When Jiang Yuan's bottle of medicine came back, it was only one-third. After a while, Kang Ying asked the nurse to change the medicine.

After changing the medicine, Kang Ying goes to the boiling water room to get some water. When it's convenient, Jiang Yuan will take the medicine later. Shi Jiangyuan didn't sleep well because of the pain in his wound. When he opened his eyes, he saw Kang Ying looking at him thoughtfully“ How long did I sleep? " Asked Shijiang yuan“ You don't sleep very long. It's more than an hour at most Kang Ying said softly“ Well When Jiang Yuan is awake, the pain on his back comes“ Do you have a pain in the wound? It's a painkiller prescribed by the doctor. If you take it, it won't hurt Kang Ying said. When he heard it, he didn't think much about it, so he took two tablets of it. Sure enough, after a while, the pain on his back dropped sharply under the action of the painkiller. Shi Jiangyuan joked: "my back is really bound to be stabbed. I was chopped once last time and almost lost my life. This time, I was stabbed again. After it didn't hurt, Shi Jiangyuan could tell jokes. At this time, the last bottle of medicine was finished. Kang Ying said, "then go on sleeping, keep your spirit well, and the wound will recover faster." Of course, Shi Jiangyuan won't refuse, and he knows that if he doesn't sleep, Kang Ying won't go to sleep at ease. He says, "OK, you should have a quick sleep. If you don't sleep, your face will turn white." At this time, Kang Ying had nothing to worry about. She yawned and closed the curtain. The light in the room suddenly darkened, just right for sleeping. Kang Ying lay down on the other side of the bed, but she was not polite to Shi Jiang Yuan. She was sleepy for a long time. As soon as her head touched the pillow, she quickly fell asleep. Because she was too tired, after a while, she began to shout. When the river is far away from the hospital bed, looking at her flawless face, can not help to mouth slightly Yang.