The investigator smiles awkwardly again. They can't tell that Zhang Bufan has been asking them to follow Jiang Yuan, can they? It's not very good to push the leadership out of the top pot, although it's really Zhang Bufan's work.

Just as he was talking, the pager on the bedside table of Shijiang yuan suddenly vibrated. Shijiang yuan asked Kang Ying to take the pager and saw that it was a foreign number. Shijiang yuan looked at the number and was not familiar with it. He was thinking about who it was?

When the two investigators saw the pager coming from Shijiang yuan, they took out a big brother, also known as the "big brick" first generation mobile phone from their bag and handed it to Shijiang yuan

"Mr. Shi, please use our mobile phone to call back."

"Oh, Lvxian police are so rich now, they use cell phones?" Shijiang is farsighted and joking.

Nowadays, the people who can afford to use mobile phones are all local tyrants, because they have to pay the computer owner for making and answering phone calls, one dollar a minute, which ordinary people can't afford.

"No, no, it's supported by the police here. I'm afraid it's inconvenient for us to contact here." The investigator said.

When Jiang Yuan is not polite, with their mobile phone back to this number.

What Shijiang didn't expect was that the beepers were the Northeast guests.

"I'm sorry, brother. We went to Russia some time ago. Yes, it's profitable to sell domestic light industrial products, clothes, shoes, hats and household appliances to Russia. Ha ha!

Today, I got your pager when I got home. I'll come back to you as soon as possible. You said it's important to find us. What's the important thing? The railway's approval is ready, isn't it? Mr. Shi, I said that you are too conservative. Would you like to trade with us in Russia? "

Northeast merchants speak with Shi Jiangyuan in a loud voice.

Shijiang could not help but be stunned. He didn't expect that these two merchants were really merchants from Northeast China, not who sent them to frame him.

Shi Jiangyuan simply turned on the hands-free and asked the other side: "two brothers, I wish you a lot of money. We will discuss Russia later. I want to ask you, didn't you drink with me that night in LV county? How did I get to Wanhong Hotel later? "

"How did you get to Wanhong hotel? Ha ha, of course we put you up. Isn't the first one in the hotel? It was going to break up. Lao Gu said that he was not satisfied and wanted to drink more. You said that you would take us here to have a special meal. You drank too much, and we carried you on the road. You also sang a song, "me and my motherland". Ha ha, brother Shi, you are so interesting!

Then we went to the Wan Hong restaurant and went to the Wan Hong restaurant. We drank three bottles of Baijiu. We drank the most. You drank about 22, and we were all drunk, and then you fell asleep on your stomach.

At this time, Lao Gu had drunk too much and wanted to vomit, so I took him outside. Can't he vomit in the box?

However, when Lao Gu finished vomiting, I found some water for him to clean up. When I went back, I found that you had already left.

At this time, Lao Gu had almost drunk, so we went back to the hotel to sleep. The next day, there was something urgent at home, so we went back quickly, and we didn't say goodbye to you. I'm so sorry! "

Businessmen from Northeast China came with a forthright attitude.

When Jiang Yuan heard this, he put down the big stone in his heart. He had already turned on the hands-free. The two investigators heard clearly, and they couldn't help looking at each other.

It seems that it's true that Shi Jiangyuan went to Wanhong hotel for dinner, but he accompanied the Northeast merchants. It's a coincidence that he and Fu Xinlang ate at Wanhong Hotel on the same day.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, I'll talk to you about the approval later. Don't worry, it's up to me."

Shijiang yuan responded with emotion. This business is good for him and the two northeast merchants. Now their words have helped him clear away the injustice. Shi Jiangyuan is very happy.

"OK, brother Shi, I'll go back to LV county and have a drink with you."

"It's OK to be a guest, but I don't dare to drink so much. I drank too much that night, and I can't remember how to go home." Shijiang yuan has a lingering fear.

"Ha ha, young man, don't be afraid. You'll be able to drink as soon as you practice."

The two sides said something more polite, but Shi Jiangyuan hung up.

Kang Ying was relieved to hear these words. With these words, the last suspicion of Jiang Yuan was cleared.

When Jiang Yuan returned the phone to the investigator, said: "I'm afraid this phone call cost more than ten yuan, but it's really worth it. It cleared my name."

The investigators were embarrassed again and said, "Hey, how can Shi always do such a thing? We all know that Shi is always wronged? Only team Zhang seems to be in a daze. I don't know what he thinks. He's always aiming at you. "

One of the investigators was quick to speak, and inadvertently threw the pot to Zhang Bufan. Another investigator glared at him, indicating that he said too much.

Kang Ying was understanding and said, "it's OK. Just catch the real criminal. Team Zhang, that's for work, too! "

"Yes, he's just too serious."

At this time, the investigators have put down their guard and regard them as their own. Besides, this time, Liu Kun, Huang Mao and Lao Liu were all found by Shi Jiangyuan, but the credit will fall on them. Although they are ashamed of it, they will not lose their credit in vain. Since they have picked up other people's advantages, there is no good for them, At least give some good color, right? When Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan heard that, they laughed and did not comment. One of the investigators said, "this year, you two will definitely be able to be rated as a good Samaritan."“ Ah, forget it. You've caught people, so we won't take credit for that. " When Jiang Yuan Road, he always does not like to show his face, and people for credit. The two investigators quickly said: "we have our credit. You are from the people, and you also have your credit. If you help us to arrest criminals, you are just doing what is right." At this time, Kang Ying said firmly: "OK, you must help us apply for this honor of being brave for a just cause. We're going to decide." Shi Jiangyuan was puzzled at first. He took a look at Kang Ying and thought that Kang Ying was not such a person fighting for merit. Then he understood that Kang Ying must use this honor to wash away his grievances, so Shi Jiangyuan stopped talking. The suspect saw the situation, and when he heard Kang Ying, he hurried like a chicken pecking at the rice spot. "That is for sure. At once, we caught three suspects who fled. It was a great achievement. No civil organization is so fierce as you." There was a wave of business talk between the two sides. The two investigators saw that Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan's emotions were really calmed, and they didn't react too much, so they left with relief. It's not easy for them, either. If Kang Ying and Shi Jiang Yuan go back and complain about it to the Discipline Department, they will definitely be punished for their irregularities. Now it seems that they have eliminated their dissatisfaction with them and can finally go back to make a deal.