After the guests and the hosts had a good time, they all went to sleep separately at night. As for the quality of sleep, only they knew whether it was good or not.

At least Kang Ying is fresh and fresh when she gets up. Her young body is good. She is tired. As long as she gets enough rest, she can be full of vitality immediately.

But what makes Kang Ying's eyes drop is that Liang Ying actually gets up early and makes breakfast for everyone.

Liang Ying made a western breakfast sandwich. But it's a modified version of the sandwich.

When Kang Ying came into the kitchen, Liang Ying just took out the freshly baked bread from the oven. Kang Ying asked her, "do you get up early to make bread?"

"Yes, I'd like to make sandwiches for you, but the only side dishes are eggs and sausages. The ingredients are incomplete. "

Liang Ying is worthy of going to a professional training school. She sliced the baked bread, put fried eggs, tomatoes and sausages on the sliced bread, put four sandwiches in snow-white plates, put wild flowers with dew in the middle of the table, and put the bottles of flowers in beer cans they had drunk. Everyone put a cup of newly brewed Tieguanyin tea on the dining table. At a time, the beautiful picture of breakfast was outlined, and it looked very tasteful.

Liang Ying explained: "this is a mixed version sandwich. A formal American breakfast should be served with bacon, coffee, juice or cereal. There's no choice but to use tea instead. "

"It's very rich. I don't have enough materials here. Sorry, I can't give full play to your skills." Kang Ying said.

Kang Ying knows how to be grateful when breakfast is carefully prepared.

Just then, Shi Jiangyuan came out of his room in short clothes and shorts. When Kang Ying saw his dress, she knew that he was going to run. Suddenly, she said:

"Shi Jiangyuan, you wait for me, and I'll change my clothes and go running."

"Well, I'll wait for you." When Jiang Yuan heard that Kang Ying was running, he was slightly surprised, and a smile appeared on his face.

Although his smile is not very bloomed, but because of such a small, strong and essence, but let Liang Ying startling.

She gets up early in the morning and washes her hands to make soup. She doesn't get Shi Jiangyuan's attention. Kang Ying wins Shi Jiangyuan's smile with a word. Liang Ying is lost in her heart.

Before she can react, Kang Ying has changed into a short fight and come out in sports shoes.

It was the first time that Shi Jiangyuan saw Kang Ying dressed like this. He couldn't help but see her in front of his eyes. He felt that she was really heroic. Her long black and thick hair was tied behind her head. Her short clothes and shorts showed her long hands and feet, which was like an athlete.

When Jiang Yuan's heart can not help a burst of praise, always feel that Kang Ying from time to time to change the image, all in the point, exudes different image charm.

"Let's go!" When Kang Ying called him, Shi Jiang Yuan realized that he was slightly distracted.

Two people walked out of the hospital together, and forgot Liang Ying who was still in the kitchen.

Liang Ying watched them go out with each other. She was so angry that her brain suddenly went blank. Then she threw the fruit knife on the table and made a "bang" sound.

"What's the matter? Early in the morning, there was so much noise! "

Zhao Shihong came out of the wing room and was stretching in the yard.

Liang Ying quickly picked up the fruit knife that bounced to the ground and said, "it's OK. It's the fruit knife that fell to the ground."

"Oh." Zhao Shihong should be a, eyes is not without doubt, fruit knife fell to the ground can send out such a big movement?

Shi Jiangyuan and Kang Ying ran slowly along the village road. He worried that Kang Ying didn't have the strength to run too fast, so he slowed down.

At this time, the fiery red sun was showing its head from the other side of the mountain. The air smelled of cool grass, and the oxygen was sufficient. As Kang Ying ran, all the cells in her body were blooming and shouting.

She couldn't help sighing. Today, she saw that Shi Jiangyuan was going to start the morning run, so she thought of running with him. I've been here for more than two months, and I forget the taste of morning running.

In the past, she got up at 5:00 every morning, ran for half an hour in the gym at home, and then did strength training for half an hour, which has formed a rigid memory in her body, which has enabled her to maintain a good figure in her 40s, and also enabled her to have enough energy to cope with the work of the day.

After I came here, everything was in chaos. It was only by chance that I had the chance to continue to exercise today.

In the future, as long as she is not too nervous in the morning, she must get up and run, at least three or four days a week.

Kang Ying said to Jiang Yuan happily, "I will get up and run every day in the future."

"Don't you feel bitter? Many people usually feel tired at work and don't want to move. And the students also want to run in order to cope with the school physical education The river is far away.

Today's adults do not have the concept of exercise and fitness at all. At this time, we have just had enough food and clothing for a few years. With the memory of starvation in the past, we have a disgusting attitude towards the consumption of physical strength.

No one will want to do something that consumes energy for nothing. Maybe some people will say that with the Kung Fu of running, I might as well cut a few mu more rice. I think running is a matter of eating and supporting.

Kang Ying lived in an era of great material wealth, and people's living standards have reached a certain level. Running has become a new hobby of the middle class, and people in the circle of friends clock in every day. For Kang Ying, sports and fitness have been integrated into her blood, and she will not be affected by the views of the times. At least, people who have sports but not exercise have different physical fitness after middle age. Kang Ying said: "as long as there is nothing special, I will get up and run." When Jiang Yuan seemed to meet a bosom friend, he said with a smile: "you are still the first girl I know who said to keep running." When Jiang Yuan intentionally controls the rhythm, he finds that Kang Ying's running speed is not slow or weaker than him, so he slowly spreads his legs and Kang Ying follows him. When she gasped evenly, she said, "your breathing is good."“ Yes, I do it in three steps. " Kang Ying said. It's not easy to see how she looks when she talks. Only those who keep running all the year round can do so. The best state of jogging is that you can easily talk with people around you while running. Aerobic exercise consumes the most energy at this time. Shi Jiangyuan and Kang Ying went around the village for about five kilometers, half of which was on the mountain road. Shi Jiangyuan realized that Kang Ying's physical fitness was still very good. He slowed down a little, and Kang Ying could keep up with him. Kang Ying didn't look tired after the 5K race. Shi Jiangyuan saw that she was in a good mood, just like he had done something he had been longing for for for a long time and finally got support.