Fu Xinlang asked involuntarily, "Kang Ying, is that you?"

Kang Ying fixed her eyes and saw that it was not Fu Xinlang. Who was it?

Fu Xinlang was wearing a soft tan T-shirt, a pair of blue labor trousers, and a pair of brown plastic slippers. I don't know how long he's been wearing them. The tongue of the slippers was cracked, and a red sleeve badge of the school guard was foolishly pinned on his arm. In addition, he opened his mouth to know how much advice he wanted.

Kang Ying nodded faintly, did not say hello, and walked away with the book in her arms.

People's eyes involuntarily with her back was attracted in the past.

Kang Ying's back is straight. She has an indescribable charm when she walks. Some students who like to see beauty pictures have tasted it for a long time before they think of it. Isn't it the charm of a model walking?

Graceful, noble and inviolable.

"Fu Xinlang, you know this woman. Who is it?" Some students asked curiously.

Fu Xinlang almost blurted out that she was my wife. But if you think about it again, he has divorced Kang Ying and married Bai Lianhua. Besides, his wife will be ridiculed?

He never thought that after Kang Ying's divorce, not only did she not lead a more miserable life, but she had a more nourishing life, and her whole life was more spiritual. And appearance and divorce, it is a underground, a sky, no match.

Fu Xinlang's heart seemed to be thundered at by his chest, and he jumped about "empty" and finally had to squeeze out a sentence:

"She's mine. She's someone I know. I just didn't know how she became a teacher. "

"Yes, I haven't heard that the school is going to have a new teacher?" There are also students attached to the road.

Some students said enviously, "I didn't expect you to know such a beautiful woman. Since you know her, why don't you go after her? "

Fu Xinlang was depressed to death. She was in the same household register with him more than a month ago.

Fu Xinlang feels as if he has been fooled by Kang Ying. Why has Kang Ying changed so much? Is Kang Ying who used to live with Fu really her? Fu Xinlang only felt in a trance.

Liu Hai was hit by Kang Ying's failure to chat up him. He was a little dejected and made a couple with Fu Xinlang.

Several members of the nursing school looked at their uncertain look, and felt that the atmosphere was strange, and they were silent.

Liu Hai didn't give up. Later, he went to ask the logistics teacher on duty in the school. Only then did he know that Kang Ying was a lecturer in the friendship mall, not a teacher in the school.

Liu Hai suddenly realized that no wonder he didn't see this figure in the school. It turns out Kang Ying is a training instructor.

Knowing Kang Ying's true identity, he thought, since he is not a teacher of our school and the other party is young, can he still ask her out?

As soon as Liu Hai thought of Kang Ying's appearance, he salivated, and unrealistic ideas floated in his mind.

Fu Xinlang's mind is very complicated. He didn't expect that Kang Ying seems to have a good life, which is much more nourishing than before his divorce. But now he married a black and strong white lotus

After learning about Kang Ying from the logistics teacher, Liu Hai was also on tenterhooks.

He saw Fu Xinlang alone in a daze in the woods of the playground, so he said to him, "come on, go to my dormitory and have a beer. Don't you have dried meat? It's a good time to drink. "

Fu Xinlang agreed to Liu Hai's invitation.

Liu Hai was very generous. He and Liu Hai went to the buffet and bought two bottles of iced Qianjiang beer. The boss opened the lid. They took the beer and sipped it while walking to the dormitory.

Liu Hai sat down on the edge of the bed and drank a mouthful of beer before sighing:

"I didn't expect that the school flower I met today turned out to be a lecturer who was invited to give lessons to the staff of the shopping mall. I thought it was really a teacher of our school. If it was a teacher of our school, it would be a big joke. "

"Oh? Can she teach others? " Fu Xinlang was stunned. Why didn't he realize Kang Ying had the ability?

Can Kang Ying make a living by giving lectures to others?

If Kang Ying can make money by this skill, why did he have to work in such a hard place as the bean cake factory when he was at home?

Fu Xinlang was puzzled for a moment. He didn't know which Kang Ying he knew.

"Well, brother, do you think I have a chance?" Bangs poke Fu Xinlang.

"What chance?" Fu Xinlang looked at the bangs blankly.

"The chance to chase that teacher! I'm a sophomore now, and I'll graduate in two more years.

You've been studying for two years, but I've been studying for three years. I'm in my 20s now, and I've reached the legal marriage age of the country. If I can catch up with her, I can get married after graduation! I guess it must be one or two years younger than me. "

Liu Hai thought of Kang Ying's white and flawless face in his mind, and he couldn't help but read a lot.

Fu Xinlang has a bad feeling in his heart. Can he say it? Let Liu Hai chase his ex-wife?

Fu Xinlang turned his eyes and said, "you didn't ask about other people's situation. You don't know if they have a boyfriend. If you don't catch up, you will be laughed at."“ That's true. I'll try to find out again. If she has a boyfriend or gets married, I'll make a joke. " Liu Hai slaps Fu Xinlang on the shoulder. He feels that it's good for Fu Xinlang to be his own dog commander, so he is willing to share his views on love with him“ Let me tell you, the most important thing for a woman is to choose a long and good-looking one. What is the biggest pursuit of a man in his life? It's just power and women. Men need power for women. You need to know that power is the medicine for walking and exciting the feeling of spring. Without power, beautiful women will not follow you. In the final analysis, men live for beautiful women, even if they pursue power, they also live for beautiful women. I must marry a beautiful woman in my life. It's worse than death for me to marry an ugly woman Bangs talk. Fu Xinlang almost didn't choke on Liu Hai's words. According to Liu Hai's words, isn't he the most unsuccessful man who lost a beautiful ex-wife and married an ugly ex-wife. Especially the most terrible thing is that Bai Lianhua's demand is very strong. He doesn't care whether Fu Xinlang wants to share a room with him or not. On the night of his wedding, he directly locked the door and put him to sleep. When Bai Lianhua found out that he couldn't do it, she even forced him to take a kind of medicine and let her finish the first time of her life with her under the action of the medicine. Fu Xinlang had the feeling of being forced to use violence by Bai Lianhua. Moreover, after taking the medicine that time, Bai Lianhua acquiesced that he was not good at that aspect. She stewed kidney and bullwhip for him every day, greatly tonifying his body. All day in the room, she made Fu Xinlang smell like meat, and now she has a sense of fear when eating.