But take another look, Fu Xinlang is stunned. Isn't this his ex-wife Kang Ying?

No, how could it be Kang Ying? Or Kang Ying's twin sisters, who look a little like her, but are much more beautiful than her.

"Oh, who's this girl? It's so good-looking, but it's a school flower in our school

Bangs see Kang Ying on the edge, eyes are straight, mouth slightly open, as if saliva is about to flow out.

Fu Xinlang was shocked. At this time, he denied his vision again. How could the woman, who was called the school flower, be Kang Ying?

Kang Ying always looks down and submissive. Although her hair is dark, it is covered with thick bangs. She has never dared to look up at him. Moreover, because of overwork, Kang Ying's skin is rough and ugly, and her face is yellow.

How could this picturesque, white and graceful woman be Kang Ying?

Fu Xinlang couldn't help sighing that he was blind. He must have been in a trance.

"Well, you say, shall we go forward and ask if she is a new girl this year? I've heard that counselors have also asked some new students to come to the school to help sort out the files. "

Bangs poked a paramedic in the arm.

"Hey hey, I dare not say hello to her. I'm so beautiful and I'm ashamed of myself. If you really want to say hello to her, maybe you can talk to her again."

"Yes, Liu Hai, don't you have a girlfriend? Why don't you talk to her, maybe something good will happen. " There are good people egging on.

"Who says that Liu Hai has no girlfriend? Isn't he secretly in love with the flower of the foreign language department? What's Zhao Meili's name?"

"What's the Department of flowers, Zhao Meili, how can this classmate be beautiful?"

The team members of the nursing school were a little excited.

Bangs give everyone a burst of encouragement, thinking up, quickly with the sleeve to straighten his hair is not messy, pull the red sleeve seal on his arm, actually hold his head high to the opposite Kang Ying walked past.

Holding a pile of handouts, Kang Ying turns around and closes the door. She doesn't notice that a group of nursing school members are walking in the opposite corridor.

When she closed the door, she raised her head, but the tip of her nose almost hit the chest of a white shirt. She was startled. She quickly stepped back two steps and looked up. However, a smirking young man's face appeared in front of her.

Kang Ying calmed down and saw the three words "school escort" written on the red armband of the other party. Knowing that it was a student here, she gave a gentle smile and asked:

"Classmate, what can I do for you?"

"No, nothing. Oh, no, it's not

When Liu Hai saw Kang Ying's smile, he felt that the beauty of spring flowers was just like that. He was dazzled and lost in Kang Ying's beauty. He couldn't extricate himself, and his words were confused.

"Oh? Is it something or nothing? " Kang Ying is magnanimous and calm.

She looked at the boy in front of her. He was red in the face and scratched his ears. Was he ill? Then he asked with concern:

"Classmate, are you sick? If you are ill, go to see a doctor. I see your face is so red. Are you suffering from heatstroke? "

Liu Hai calmed down, but his ears were burning with pain

"I'm not sick. Are you a new student this year? What major? I'm Liu Hai from the physics department, and I'm the publicity committee member of the student union. "

Bangs finally calm down, to show their identity when also taut the chest, said his ability.

To be a propaganda committee member in the student union is equivalent to being a middle-level cadre in the unit. He has a bright future. The implication of bangs is very obvious.

Kang Ying didn't have a big reaction. She had been out of touch with the school for so long. When she was in college, whether she was a student union cadre was no longer the standard for assessing her future work ability.

She is no longer assigned to the University, so the selection and employment of the unit is also based on personal ability, not whether you have been a student union cadre as an important reference.

Therefore, Kang Ying has no special feeling about the "loud" title of publicity committee member of the student union.

Seeing Kang Ying's face as usual, he didn't respect him because he was a student union cadre. Liu Hai couldn't help feeling disappointed.

In the past, he used to take this title, but he charmed many girls. Unexpectedly, today in front of Kang Ying's eyes, it's like a mud ox entering the sea without any waves,

After thinking about it, Liu said, "thank you for your concern. Can you tell me which department you are from? What class? Are you here to help the counselor sort out the information? I haven't seen you before. Are you a freshman

Kang Ying suddenly realized that the young man had come to talk to him.

Kang Ying in her previous life, when she was at school, had been studying hard. She was mediocre in appearance, and she was not good at packaging herself. Therefore, she was unknown in her school days. Let alone being accosted, she even confiscated a love letter.

After graduation, she devoted herself to her work again. When she was radiant with the glory of a successful woman, she was not the one that ordinary men could afford to chat up.

And the men of the same rank with her basically have families, so it's impossible to chat up with her. It's the first time in her previous life that she was accosted by someone so childishly and clumsily. Kang Ying was a little at a loss at first, but soon she calmed down and said to Liu Hai, "I'm sorry, classmate. I'm not a freshman. I'm a teacher who comes to give lectures." Kang Ying emphasized the word "teacher" in particular, which immediately opened up the distance from Liu Hai's student identity. Liu Hai is more sociable, but people in this era are still relatively simple. When he heard Kang Ying's words, he was as shy as a piece of red cloth and stammered: "teacher? You are a teacher? It's impossible, so young! " Although Liu Hai is a cadre of the student union, he is still a student. Students want to play with teachers, which is a big shame. Liu Hai didn't react. He thought Kang Ying was a new teacher in Normal University. He immediately wished there was a hole in front of him so that he could get in and hide. Kang Ying gave a tolerant smile and said, "if you're OK, I'll go first." Bang turned quickly and let Kang Ying pass. The students behind the bangs were stunned when they heard their conversation. Of course, some people secretly laugh that Liu Hai used to use his identity as a publicity committee member of the student union to hook up with girls who are not familiar with the world from time to time. This time, he finally lifted a stone and hit his own foot. When Fu Xinlang saw Kang Ying coming, he was struck by lightning. He didn't expect that this beautiful woman who attracted bangs to take the initiative to chat up was really Kang Ying. Yes, when Kang Ying came near, he saw the mole under the root of her right ear. In the past, he thought the mole was very ugly, but now it has become the most important symbol for him to recognize Kang Ying. The mole grows under the earlobe and is only a little bigger than the tip of a needle.