With that, the woman pointed to the corner of the office, where there was a set of rattan chairs and tea sets, which seemed to be the usual place to entertain guests.

Kang Ying said thank you to her and took a seat in the past.

After she sat down, she raised her eyes to see other people in the office, those who read newspapers, those who are busy writing papers, and those who are busy writing papers. It seems that they all have something to do, but it also reveals a sense of leisure and laziness.

Kang Ying knew that if he was idle, he would find something to do for himself, so as not to let people say he was too busy.

Without disturbing them, she picked up yesterday's Qujiang daily from the tea table and read it with relish.

Now that there is no Internet, newspapers, radio and television are the most direct means for her to obtain information. So as soon as she has the opportunity, Kang Ying does not release her papers. She is also going to book some newspapers and magazines at the post office to learn more about the market of the times, so as not to be black everywhere.

Although we know more or less about the economic context of this era before, we know it from the ready-made literature, which are all cold data and macro concepts. Kang Ying feels that she needs more details to fill in when she lives in this era, so it's very important to get information.

Kang Ying was attracted when she looked at the newspaper. There was a political article in Qujiang daily, which happened to be contributed by LV County commercial head office.

However, Kang Ying knows that there are no private or enterprise operated media channels such as we media and microblog. The current political articles that can be published in Qujiang daily have to go through a lot of auditing, which represents the mainstream default view.

Therefore, Kang Ying read it carefully. The main title of this article is "deepening reform and activating mechanism", and the subtitle is: "some views of LV County commercial head office on the reform of state-owned enterprises."

The general content is about how to deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises and activate the post vitality.

Kang Ying felt happy after reading this article. This article is the best omen for her trip today. Because it reveals a signal that the people in the head office of Commerce intend to reform the shopping malls. They also see the disadvantages of their own work and have the idea of keeping pace with the times.

Seeing Kang Ying quietly reading the newspaper, he has a quiet and elegant manner. People who love to study always appear special, which makes people have a little respect and love in their hearts. Therefore, the woman who answered the phone has a good feeling for Kang Ying. She burned a pot of hot water, made a cup of tea, and put it in front of Kang Ying, saying politely:

"Have a drink. Manager Li is very busy recently. What can I do for you?"

It's not necessarily malicious for people in the organization to ask like this. It's just that they are chatting. Besides, Kang Ying is still a young woman with good temperament.

What makes people most curious is that although she looks young and looks like a female high school student who just graduated, she doesn't come to the office like most people. She feels the dignity here and is afraid of hands and feet. She has a calm temperament, which makes people who come into contact with her feel good.

In addition, Kang Ying is so good-looking, which is at least pleasing to the eye. We are also willing to talk more with good-looking people. To borrow Einstein's theory of relativity, the time spent chatting with beautiful women is very fast.

Kang Ying also wants to know more about this. She thanks each other for their hot tea, takes a sip of it, and puts the thanks into action, showing her sincerity. Then she picks up the newspaper and writes:

"Is this article written by someone from your commercial head office? It's amazing. I can't see it published in Qujiang daily. Mr. Shang is really hiding dragons and crouching tigers! "

The woman said with a smile: "this article was written by our manager Li, who has just arrived at the general manager of Commerce. He is young, has ideas, and can hit the" Qujiang daily "immediately. He is really a scholar!"

In Lu County, to say that a person is a scholar means to boast that he is very talented and can write beautiful articles.

Kang Ying knows that this kind of article can not be submitted casually. There are some specific ideas in it. If it is not approved by the county, it can not be published in Qujiang daily. This shows that some ideas and ideas of manager Li have been approved by the superior leaders.

Kang Ying is more happy when she thinks about it. If the leaders of LV county also support the ideas in manager Li's article, then she will be able to contract the shopping mall.

She remembers that in the 1990s, when the reform of state-owned enterprises was taking place, many enterprise workers, even civil servants and cadres, chose to stay without pay or resign directly, and went to the business world. Many of them still had a different life.

For example, Yu Minhong of New Oriental, a university teacher, Shi Yuzhu, who created the "brain platinum" brand with brainwashing and bombing advertisements, and Xu Jiayin of Evergrande are all promising figures who resigned at this stage.

In this era, "going to the sea" has become a hot word. In government enterprises and institutions, you can hear news about who has resigned and gone to the sea from time to time. It will cause a little sensation and inspire more and more people to quit public office and start a business.

At this time, if anyone has the courage to say that he wants to leave his official post and go to the sea, he will attract a burst of envious eyes around him.

This is a passionate era of entrepreneurship, and the hot youth promotes the hot upsurge of entrepreneurship. It's not like 20 years later, when someone resigns from a 200000 annual salary position in an enterprise for the sake of a 70000 or 80000 annual salary civil servant position, there is a lot of applause around him. He feels that holding an iron rice bowl is more comfortable and comfortable than holding a meager salary. Different times, different environments, different ideas, but at least as a businessman, Kang Ying is very glad that she was born in this era of entrepreneurial passion. Kang Ying feels that she has sensed a glimmer of hope in contracting a shopping mall. Sure enough, people can only find opportunities by moving. Before she made that call, she had no chance to contract a friendship shopping mall. Now she may have a 1% hope. Kang Ying talks with the lesbian in the office. Her long-term business life gives Kang Ying a kind of affinity. She can quickly get along with each other. As long as she wants to make friends with each other, she will soon become close friends with each other. This is the ability formed by the combination of observation and personality charm trained all the year round. Kang Ying talked with her several times and soon had a more in-depth exchange with her. She knew that her surname was Xiao Yingxia, and she was the deputy director of the general office of Commerce. She was mainly responsible for issuing documents and arranging visitors. No wonder she knew manager Li's whereabouts like the palm of her hand. Kang Ying also took the initiative to introduce herself, saying that she was an entrepreneur and planned to talk to manager Li about some business matters. Kang Ying is very generous and has good manners. She looks like a woman with deep knowledge, and she has the characteristics of a female entrepreneur in her conversation. Xiao Yingxia has no doubt about it. After sitting here for more than half an hour, Kang Ying and Xiao Yingxia have a good talk.