After eating the popsicle, his hands were stained with some sugar water, some of which were sticky. Kang Ying asked the young man who sold the popsicle, "do you have water to wash your hands?"

The young man may have rarely met such a particular guest. He hesitated for a moment and then said, "you should wash your hands and go to our backyard. If there is a well, you can draw your own water."

Kang Ying thanks, goes through the store, opens the back door, and sees a green courtyard.

There are grape trellis in the courtyard. The grapes on the trellis are string by string. The green growth is gratifying. Papaya trees are planted around the courtyard wall, and the trees are also covered with fruits. It's really a unique place.

Kang Ying goes to the well platform in the middle of the yard, takes a bucket and draws water. The cool well water makes the summer heat subside. After washing her hands, she feels comfortable psychologically. Then she goes out to thank the young man in the freezer and leaves.

Seeing her leave, the young man of the icehouse was stunned for several seconds when he looked at her fiery back. He thought how could he not have seen such a beautiful girl before?

In fact, Kang Ying used to come here occasionally to buy ice bars. The bean cake factory where she works as a part-time worker is not far from here. In fact, the salary of the bean cake factory is very high. She can get about ten yuan a day.

Because the work of smashing bean cakes is really hard, sometimes when they are tired, the workers will come out and buy some snacks, such as popsicles and fairy grass cakes, which can be regarded as the motivation for their work.

However, Kang Ying was wearing plain clothes and trousers covered with bean cake ash powder at that time. She was not as brilliant as she is now, so the young man who sold ice hockey certainly couldn't recognize her.

Kang Ying felt that after a tour of the county, she knew something about it, so she planned to go back.

Thinking that there was no food at home, she turned to the farmer's market to buy some food. When Jiang Yuan's second aunt had a refrigerator, she planned to buy more food to save running back and forth frequently.

But at this point, the meat on the stall was not very fresh, and the good meat was almost bought. Kang Ying didn't want to eat the stale meat, so she bought some cucumbers, broccoli and other vegetables, and bought a live fish for the fishmongers to kill.

With a bag of vegetables in her hand, Kang Ying went to the supply and marketing agency to pick up her bike and prepare to go back.

Who knows, just as she got on her bike and was about to leave, she suddenly felt a thunder like voice behind her

"Sister, where are you going? Why did you buy so many dishes? My wife is about to give birth, and you won't come back to help me! "

Kang Ying looks back and holds the back shelf of her bicycle. Isn't it Kang Jun, the younger brother of the original owner?

Kang Jun is just like his name. He looks like Kang Ying. His facial features are three-dimensional, a bit like a girly star.

However, it's a pity that Kang Jun's temperament is poor. He has the strength to spoil himself in ugliness, which makes his outstanding features appear mediocre.

Since she has taken over other people's bodies, Kang Ying's parents, relatives and friends naturally have to be taken over by her, which is also helpless.

Kang Ying calmed down and stepped down the bicycle lane: "I've been in hospital these days, and I've just been out of hospital. I've forgotten that Xiaoqing still has a baby."

"The doctor checked her a few days ago and told her to have a caesarean section because the fetus was not in the right position. This is a big loss. It costs more than 300 yuan to have a baby by caesarean section, but less than 100 yuan to have a natural birth."

Kang Jun's eyes dribble, and Kang Ying knows what he's up to.

There is only one son and one daughter in Kang's family. Originally, they made up a good word. However, Kang Ying's parents devoted all their efforts and love to their son and let Kang Ying grow up.

Kang Jun was spoiled by his family. He was lazy and ignorant. He couldn't go on reading in junior high school and dropped out of school before finishing.

After dropping out of school, he didn't go out to look for a job. He played video games at home all day. Tetris could play for a whole day. Later, there was a game like "soul fight". He became more addicted and stayed at home all day.

Kang's parents also pamper him. They are young and able to work. They say that they are rich, not to mention poor, and they still have a bite to eat. So they always treat Kang Jun as a child and completely abandon him.

Until Kang Jun is old enough to talk to, it's time to find a daughter-in-law. With Kang Ying's betrothal gift, he is confident. After a blind date with a girl from a suburban restaurant, he soon got married. The bride's name is Wu Xiaoqing.

After Kang Jun got married, he still continued to play games at home. His food and clothing depended on his parents. He occasionally worked as a temporary worker himself. He had a happy life as a child.

But this kind of carefree is only a superficial phenomenon. Once the family really needs money and can't afford it, it will show up.

But fortunately, Kang Jun has a Kang Ying. Kang Ying is so capable and weak that he often asks his sister for money.

Kang Ying works in a bean cake factory with a high salary, and she will secretly save more than ten or twenty yuan to Kang Junhua without telling Fu Xinlang and his son.

In a flash, Kang Ying looks at Kang Jun warily and asks:

"Xiaoqing caesarean section costs so much money, are you ready?"

Kang Jun piled up an ugly smile and said, "my parents still have some savings there, but it's not enough. They are trying to borrow hundreds of yuan from you."

Kang Ying is a little hesitant. She doesn't know if she should tell Tang Jun about the divorce now. But when she thinks that they will know sooner or later, she will know when her parents come to her for money“ Kang Jun, it's hard for me now. I just divorced your brother-in-law. I'm renting a house outside by myself. I have no money“ what? Are you divorced? " Kang Jun was shocked when he heard the news. He looked at Kang Ying in a daze, but he immediately laughed and said, "it's OK to divorce. That brother-in-law doesn't do anything. It's up to you to support him. As my brother-in-law, I haven't even touched him for so many years. Sister, where do you live now? " As soon as Kang Jun looks happy, Kang Ying has no reaction to her divorce except for her initial surprise. She understands that Kang Jun is a white eyed wolf and just sees her as a cornucopia. It's a good thing for Kang Jun that she and Fu Xinlang divorce. After that, it's much more convenient for him to ask her for money. Kang Juncai doesn't care if his sister will be miserable after her divorce. Her biggest function is cash cow“ I live in the suburbs Kang Ying subconsciously doesn't want to tell Kang Jun where he lives now. His intuition is that if Kang Jun knows, it will bring endless trouble“ Why don't you go home with me and talk to my parents about it, they don't know yet! " For Kang Jun, Kang Ying is a living bank. Whenever he wants money, he goes to Kang Ying. Kang Ying can squeeze out more than ten or twenty yuan, which is not a small source of income for him. In the past, my sister had to give her mother-in-law all the money she earned. Now that she's divorced, wouldn't the money she gave her mother-in-law fall on him?