Jun Nanxing was diagnosed with a rare blood disease when she was eight years old. Since then, she has found that everything around her has changed.

At that time, she didn't understand what her illness represented. Her parents, who thought she was always cool, suddenly became sad. Her older brother's attitude towards her suddenly changed.

They took her as a porcelain doll, afraid that she might bump into it, and asked her to eat a lot of medicine every day.

She was a few years older before she knew that no one could cure her illness.

By the time she reached the age of 14, she experienced her first terrible attack. At that time, she had a fever for a whole week, and the blood in her body was sometimes cold and sometimes hot, which made her want to die.

At that time, she also knew for the first time that her family had set up a research institute to study such blood diseases.

She was lying on the operating table of the Institute, half open eyed and vaguely watching the doctors and nurses, each of whom was working hard for her life.

At that moment, junnanxing had a decision.

She checked her own cases, only a dozen of the world's billions of people have the disease. And, no one can live beyond 20 years old

At that time, she really knew the length of her life. 20 years old was probably the longest time limit

If she died, her parents and brother would be very sad For so many years, they never gave up on her, but what if she still died

14-year-old Jun Nanxing sat on the swing on the balcony for a long time, and then thought that if she was not good, did bad things, was a bad child, and made them hate and bored, then they should not be too sad when she died.

Therefore, Jun Nanxing began to fly his own way.

She is always making troubles, pranks, repenting and letting her family clean up the mess for her.

They will criticize her, they will be angry, but it seems that Still love her

Jun Nanxing is a little confused, just think that he is not bad enough to make people dislike it.

She is a very stubborn person, once identified this matter, must not hesitate to carry on. Then, at the age of 18, her brother suddenly said that she had developed a cure for blood diseases.

At that time, Jun Nanxing was stunned.

In fact, she counts down her life every day, but unexpectedly, surprise and accident come together.

The day before the operation, she also met her brother's girlfriend. She is a very beautiful beauty, and she looks at her eyes very gentle, let Jun Nanxing can not help but put down the guard.

Because of the frequent illness in the past two years, Jun Nanxing stayed at home from school and did not go out to contact others. But it was strange that she felt very kind and wanted to get close to her sister-in-law.

Therefore, Jun Nanxing told her all the things and told her all her hesitation, fear and immature decision, without reservation.

When she finished, she suddenly felt relieved, as if all the shackles had gone away from her.

She had a good sleep and waited for the next day's birth.

Although still nervous, but there are so many people who like her and love her, she is not afraid. And she believed that she would recover, that she could continue to run and grow.

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