Early the next day, Jun Nanxing was sent for surgery.

Su Li and Jun Beilin's family have all gone. Now she has met Jun Beilin's parents, and their relationship has passed the Ming Road. Although there is not too much emotional entanglement between them, but the light is also very good.

Confess everything, tell each other everything, do not conceal, do not cheat, trust each other, and then you can be sincere.

The operation took a long time, Su Li accompanied Jun's parents and Jun Beilin to wait outside for a long time, during which she also let 2333 steal to touch in and saw many times. Her patient appearance also makes the parents of Jun's family feel satisfied at the bottom of their hearts.

At least, we can see that she is a kind and caring girl.

As expected, the operation was successful, even if it was only for a while, and the effect would rise. After all, it's mixed with the system pill, which will naturally be faster.

Everyone was relieved.

Out of the previous agreement, Jun Beilin told Ling an everything and gave her a sum of money to express her gratitude.

Ling an was ecstatic, as if she were a new student.

Since the danger has been lifted, Ling An'an wants to go to Fu Sirui again. However, as soon as this idea comes out, she is shocked by Jun Beilin's next words.

"You can leave, but my institute is a secret and can't be known to anyone else. So, leave according to your original plan and don't appear in s city again. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude. You should understand that I can do it

Ling An'an was still afraid of him and agreed immediately.

No matter who Fu Sirui is, she can't compare with the mood that she wants to escape from here.

After Ling An'an left, Su Li's task was completed.

She blinked and thought the task of the world seemed too easy.

Sure enough, the points are poor, even the system pill did not earn back.

However, things have been like this, and Su Li is not so complacent. With ten days left, she decided that it would be better to finish the finishing work in the world.

The first thing is to fulfill the promise to send Ling An'an's parents to her, so that she can at least have a dependence.

The second thing is about Fu Sirui. His memory recovered, and then the first time he came to the Sheng family to look for her, but found that Jun Beilin was also there.

He realized that he really didn't have a chance. In the past, he naturally understood Sheng an-wan's thoughts, and even thought about their future life.

But I didn't expect that I experienced these things after I lost my memory

Frustrated, Fu Sirui chose to go abroad for development. It is terrible that he will not come back in recent years.

The third thing is about Jun Nanxing.

She recovered very quickly, and during this time she also established a very good relationship with Su Li, and even felt very sticky to her. Well, it's even more exaggerated than the north facing of Nianjun.

As a result, the two brothers and sisters quarreled again.

Su Li sat in the middle of the two, with an apple in her hand. After she had peeled and cut into small pieces, the brother and sister had not stopped.

She sighed helplessly, "Jun Beilin, can you let your sister as a brother?"


"Jun Nanxing, can you not talk back to your brother?"


"What's more, do you want apples? If you don't, I'll take them."


Looking at the two immediately reached out with a fork to fork the apple in her hand, Su Li couldn't help laughing. It's a good day. It's a pity that we will go to the next mission in a few days.

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