"Did the sequence analysis come out? Is there a known binding sequence?"

"Professor Li, the screening of amplified genes for non-small cell lung cancer is complete."

"Keep going, use cell transfection, RNA interference, cDNA chip or reverse transcription multiple link-dependent probe amplification and other methods to clarify the role of genes in the development of tumors!"


Finding targets is a very patient task, especially when the human genome database has not yet been established. Finding a target at this time is like looking for a corresponding tree in a whole forest with a leaf. It is not difficult.

Li Zheng’s experimental ideas are very clear, and Professor Ruiz’s research data on lung cancer is even richer. The integration of the two resources has indeed greatly saved the experimental time.

At the same time, the U.S. Congress has been upset about how much dollars should be invested in the Human Genome Project in the coming year. The U.S. Department of Energy and the National Academy of Medicine have sent people to Cold Spring Harbor to discuss laboratory preparations with Watson and others for three consecutive times.

The Chinese Embassy in the United States has repeatedly proposed to the United States its willingness to participate in the plan, but there is no following.

The time in the laboratory always flies extremely fast. In the second month after the experiment started, Li Zheng finally contacted the people in the Li Zheng laboratory and the ninth laboratory.

"Professor Li! I finally contacted you! You don't show up again. The principal said that he would go to court to sue you for breach of contract!" Sun Bin's yelling and screaming quickly attracted everyone's attention.

Li Zheng on the other end of the phone took the microphone away from his ear, "I'm not asking for leave." He touched his nose, appearing to have a guilty conscience, "How are you doing in the unlimited organ storage project? ?"

Li Zheng consciously is a very competent laboratory leader. No, when he has an experimental direction, he let the people do it, and cultivates his thinking and operating ability in practice.

Sun Bin on the other end of the phone was silent for two minutes, "Professor, you and Teacher Liu are gone, leaving our three-legged cats. Although Meng Jie stammers a bit, his experimental level is really good. Lu Keke and I So I can only fight against it."

"Lao Zheng left last month. He said he regretted not completing the last project in his scientific research career."

Li Zheng raised his eyebrows, "What about the experiment process?" He wouldn't let Sun Bin just fool around.

"Hey." Sun Bin laughed dryly. "According to your experimental design, we have screened out the 18 low-temperature antiseptic formulas that are most likely to be successful. It has been 33 days and nine hours since the storage experiment began. There is no obvious tendency for organs to fail!"

"We have reported to Researcher Liu last month, and Mr. Liu also came here specially. He said that after contacting you, he can write the second stage paper."

The corner of Li Zheng's mouth raised slightly. Although he knew this was the result, he was still happy to say it from Sun Bin.

"All of these 18 low-temperature anticorrosion formulas need to be registered for patents. This matter is left to you, Mr. Liu. As for the project papers, you should be familiar with this experiment. One person writes a section of his own responsibility, and ordinary SCI papers should not problem."

From the other end of the phone came the "crackling" sound like a glass product falling to the ground and breaking, and Sun Bin's obviously excited voice shifted, "SCI papers, are we?"

He never thought he could publish SCI papers.

"Let’s write it alone, send it by ourselves? Professor..." Before Sun Bin finished speaking, another person snatched the microphone over. He was about to have an attack. When he looked up, he quickly swallowed the curse from his mouth. , "School...Principal?"

Zhao Depei is standing next to him, panting, his face is as dark as iron, and his hand holding the microphone is exposed.

"Li Zheng! You still know to call!" Zhao Depei has been reporting to the Ninth Laboratory every day for more than a month. As soon as he walked to the door of the laboratory, he heard Sun Bin calling.

SCI papers? At Huaqing University in the 1980s, not many people published SCI papers, Sun Bin? It's not that Zhao Depei looks down on him, no matter how he ranks, SCI can't match him!

"Ah, Principal Zhao, how are you." Li Zheng rubbed his ears, "I will make up for the class when I come back. Don't worry."

"I'll talk about class later, I ask you, do you know Professor Watson?" Zhao Depei said solemnly.

Although the Human Genome Project is still in the preparatory stage, everyone in the biological circle knows that it is only a matter of time before the Human Genome Project expands to the international scope. China must participate in this project.

The Human Genome Project is of extraordinary significance to mankind. A retired American official once said that if the Human Genome Project is fully launched, its significance will be no less than that of the Apollo Moon Landing Project and the Manhattan Atomic Bomb Project. How could China miss such an opportunity.

Nixon visited China in 1972 and China and the United States established diplomatic relations in 1979. Since the beginning of reform and opening up, China has been working hard to integrate into the world. This international plan, in which almost all major powers participate, is a great opportunity for China to integrate into the world.

"Mr. Watson, of course..." Li Zheng was halfway through, and Ruiz walked out of the laboratory. While taking off his lab coat, he shouted to Li Zheng: "Let’s stop here today, Watson Invite us to dinner, Berg and the others are also there, Li, I will drive, you can get off later."

Well, no need to continue.

Zhao Depei on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, "Li Zheng, my English is not very good. Would you please translate what the person said just now?"

Li Zheng gave a dry cough, "Principal, what do you want to do with Mr. Watson, if I can help, you can just say so."

Zhao Depei took a deep breath and tried to calm the excitement in his heart.

"Human Genome Project, you know!"

"Yeah." Li Zheng glanced at the "Human Genome Project" experts who had been arbitrarily set aside because of his busyness and had time to read the meeting minutes, and nodded sincerely.

"The Human Genome Project is of great significance to China. We Chinese biologists and the heads of the central government all hope that China can participate in this project. China has expressed its views to the United States through official channels. Hope, but the response from the United States is that the United States is a democratic country and politics does not interfere with science. If China wants to participate in the plan, it needs the approval of the project team, and Mr. Watson is the actual person in charge of the project team!"

Zhao Depei spoke quickly, his heart beating quickly, as if he was about to jump out of his chest.

"this one?"

"That's what it means! China must participate in this plan that is related to all mankind! Li Zheng, I am not embarrassing you. We only hope that you can pass a message with Mr. Watson to express our wish for China. And sincerity.” Zhao Depei couldn't help feeling a bit of anger in his tone as he listened to Li Zheng's casual answer.

For this matter, several seniors in the Chinese biological circle ran around and did not sleep peacefully for several months, but Li Zheng did not seem to take this matter to heart.

Sure enough, he is a young man after all, no matter how high his academic level is, the priorities of things are still unclear.

"If this is the case, you don't need to ask Mr. Watson, I can give you the answer now. The Human Genome Project is still in its initiation stage. Although experts from various countries have held meetings, the research method is mainly independent, that is, the governments of each country have their own way. Research, the US Congress is still arguing about the scale of investment in the plan, and it is not a good time for China to participate."

"Wait a minute, you let me take care of it." Zhao Depei was stunned. This is different from what he heard from Chen Angang.

Zhao Depei is not a biologist, and all his messages are heard through Chen Anbang and other biologists. Not a good time?

National and domestic biologists have sharpened their heads and have to squeeze in. You said it was not a good time?

"Mr. Watson?" Zhao Depei asked suspiciously.

"Huh?" Li Zheng was taken aback for a moment, "No, it's my idea."

Zhao Depei was about to spit out his old blood, "Your thoughts, do you know the ins and outs of this matter, return your thoughts!"

Li Zheng touched his nose, "I know, I'm here at the expert meeting in June. I remember that the leave slip I gave you wrote..."


What did he hear?

written request for leave? Oh no, this is not the point, the expert meeting, is he there?

Zhao Depei tried to put these words together, "What! Are you here at the June Human Genome Project expert meeting?!"

"The meeting hosted by Mr. Berg and Mr. Gilbert? The meeting held by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory? Are you there?!" Zhao Depei's tone has never been so high, making him a little broken for a while.

Li Zheng held the microphone away from his ears.

"Principal, I wrote the reason for the leave completely on the leave slip..." Li Zheng said helplessly, "Of course, I only asked for half a month at that time. Now I have an experiment that I can’t go away. I think it might be necessary. Please go on."

Li Zheng tried his best to make his voice less guilty, "Maybe, it will take half a year." His voice was very soft. He had been employed for more than a year and was out of school for most of the time. He himself was a little embarrassed.

"This experiment is closely related to the process of the Human Genome Project. This is also an important willingness for me to say that it is not a good time. I think that as long as this experiment produces results, the debate in the American scientific community can stop, and the genome project will accelerate, even Direct development is not impossible. At that time, important countries all over the world will participate. I think it is possible to leave a place for China."

The author has something to say: I’m Zheng: I’ve never lost anyone in terms of pretence ╭(╯^╰)╮