Chapter 327 - Are you on leave?

"Dad!" Sky didn't have the heart to confirm but she wanted to ask. She sucked in a deep breath and started, "I'm sorry, I didn't let you talk last night. I know I'm not skilled and efficient like you. I'm trying my best in whatever I do."

Her eyes rimmed red and eyes moistened up. She looked up to stop herself from crying.

David sighed, "Silly lass! You did everything by yourself. I only helped you for two months in the beginning when you officially started without me and you already know about it. After that, I never interfered with anything except about your safety and to keep your identity a secret."

"I know you are just cajoling me to cheer me up." Sky whined as her tears fell from her eyes. Since she jogged away from the residential area, there was nobody in sight.

"Sky! It's a fact. I didn't help you." David didn't know what else to say.

How can she feel deficient thinking he helped in the work?

Sky believed him but not herself. "Then why is everything going so smoothly?"

David was speechless. Shouldn't she be happy if everything goes as per the plan?

"Lass, you worked on it. Can you stop doubting yourself?" David was well aware of her questions which won't be easy to answer other than Jai.

"Oh!" Sky thought to stop worrying David. "Then Chairman Harley, I want complete information about how the redevelopment committee chose us. If I'm not satisfied with the result, I will not come back."

"Sky! If you want to stay there, you can. Why are you giving this a reason?"

"Dad! It's true that I want to stay here to clear my mind. I also need complete details, I can't work and take credits for somebody's work." Sky replied seriously as she wiped her cheeks.

"I know! I will send all the details. I will go to the office for you. You rest properly." David had already asked to investigate, so he just had to wait for them.

"No!" Sky blurted out. "I mean, I will handle meeting from here. You just enjoy in my office. I will ask Arlo to prepare lunch for you. You will surely like his cooking."

David furrowed his brows hearing lunch and Arlo . "Lass! Just now, you said you can't work."

"But I can't neglect the well being of directors. They will cry a river if they know that you will chair the meetings." Sky didn't want David to worry about the meetings but she didn't tell him that way.

David's brows twitched uncontrollably. "Fine! I will just sit in your office."

After some light talk, Sky hung up the call and lied on the bench but got scared, "Ahhhh..."

She had slid down the bench and patted on her chest. After calming down she stood up and shouted, "Are you trying to give a heart attack to me?"

Sam was standing behind the bench for about five minutes without disturbing her. He had taken the same route for a jog and while returning he saw her and stopped.

He had received the call from Ethan previous night and got to know everything why Sky left the capital unexpectedly.

Sam didn't respond and just passed the water bottle to her. She took and drank a little before splashing some on her face.

"You coming?" Sam asked before leaving. Sky nodded and returned home with him.

Since both were wearing headphones, they didn't talk until a man stopped Sky. Sam also halted and stood there.

Sky removed her headphones and greeted plainly, "Hey! Brian"

"Sky! Long-time." Brian had a surprised look.

Brian Kent was Sky's schoolmate. He was about the same height as Sky. In sportswear, he looked like a simple man. He and Sky used to score high and he used to fight for the first rank.

"What's up?" Sky asked with a faint smile.

"Nothing much! I came out for a jog. Are you working anywhere? Since you are here on a weekday, are you on leave?" Brian asked.

Brian always wanted to top in the exams in the school, he used to make fun of Sky if he was getting first. Sky never competed with him for the first rank, she was studying and getting a good score. She never really cared about her marks.

"Kind of." Sky could recognize Brian's judgemental tone but still, she said the truth, "I'm working in Harley Corporation."

"Oh! Not a bad one. I thought you will work in some top companies or aboard. I'm working as the chief Project manager of R&D in Sigma."

Sam knew he was boasting about himself saying Harley was nothing in front of Sigma. But the point was he didn't know her position in Harley.

'Egomaniac ' Sky thought to herself. "That's great."

"Are you free today? Let's hangout." Brian suggested.

Sam smirked, "Why? Do you want to boast more?"

Sky pursed her lips to contain her laughter. "Sorry, I have a meeting."

Brian ignored her reply and glared at Sam. "Sky! is he your boyfriend? He is boorish."

Sam smiled instead of getting angry. Sky's lips twitched and her tone turned cold. "He is my friend Sam. Sam! He is a self-centered, narcissistic man I have seen in my school days. Brian Kent, my schoolmate."

Sam pursed his lips and controlled his laughter. Brian scoffed listening to her. "At least, I gained what I wanted unlike you working your ass off in that Harley and still have nothing."

Sky just smiled as that was what she expected from him. But Sam snorted. "Mr.Kent! Do you love your job? I can make it back to your dream. Do you want to try?"

Sky was surprised by what he said. She knew he won't bluff.

Brian laughed sinisterly. "A mere employee of Harley and her friend can't touch me. Let me see what can you do?" He gave a smug smile and leaned on his range rover car.

Sky didn't want to waste time on him. "Sam, Let's leave."

"Brian, Enjoy working in your sigma. I'm happy with my company." Sky wore back the headphones and started to jog.

Sam glanced at Brian, "I will make you regret your behavior"