"A bowl of noodles will make you look like this. Who are you going to show pity to?" Qin Tian frowned and looked at me scornfully.

I clapped my hands, stood up, raised my head and glared at him, "I'm just basking in the sun here. What's in your way? You don't have to be sarcastic here

Qin Tian slightly frowned, "that bowl of noodles you originally prepared for me, your stupid assumption that my result is the same as you now, do you think everyone is as stupid and bad as you?"

I rolled a white eye, said righteously, "it's you who asked me to make supper for you on your own initiative. I didn't want to do it willingly."

"So you're going to get back at me like this?"

I moved in my heart and turned to look at him with some consternation.

He frowned slightly, his eyes becoming more complicated.

"You can deal with other people with that little trick. Don't play any tricks in front of me in the future, otherwise your end will be very ugly, including Yin Jianhua." He gave me a cold look and left with Tom.

The sun on his body suddenly became very cold, is it possible that he has investigated what?

My hands subconsciously hugged the shoulder, won't, must not think wildly, like that will only disorderly own position.

In the afternoon meeting, Shi Minyuan was also there. I rushed to the meeting room in a hurry and sat down to see him sitting opposite me.

I feel nervous and embarrassed, but I can't help it. I just have to be brave and follow the process of the meeting.

It was the first time that we appeared at the meeting as colleagues. The central issue discussed at the meeting was about the marketing design of art villa.

He always looks down at the information in front of him. When others speak, he doesn't look up, but he will record something silently.

I secretly looked at him several times, almost ignoring the content of the meeting.

When it was my turn to speak, I stood up unnaturally. He looked up at me for a short second, and then he lowered his head.