Chapter 10: The Beings of the Lowest Floor (3)

Chapter 10: The Beings of the Lowest Floor (3)

[The 10th floor, a massive branch with countless offshoots. We identified the main species here as Category 3a lizards.]

The map continued to update.

Despite not being able to see the end yet, it was a tremendously vast place compared to the 'offshoot-* we had climbed up.

The main species were lizards, but there were many creatures that felt too extraordinary to be simply described as lizards'.

Winged lizards, swimming lizards, burrowing lizards, poison gas-spewing lizards, and so on...

And they were far too powerful to be mere reptiles.

[You-*re right. Therefore, the legion classified the lizards here into two types. One type is the weaker ones that can be easily hunted. The remaining ones are the massive creatures fitting the description of 'earth lizards-*.]

"Do we have a plan?

[Of course.]

As soon as the legion obtained the data, it adapted to the drastically changed environment and laid the groundwork for expansion in a new form.

There were many powerful creatures here, like the two-headed lizard we had slain last time.

To catch such creatures, the legion-*s soldiers grew larger and stronger.

[There-*s one problem. The Blue Scale Twin-headed Earth Lizard we hunted last time. It has been fully digested and turned into our nourishment, but we still haven^t digested its scales.]

"Why is that? Those scales, which are impervious to teeth and poison stings, seemed quite tempting...

[We currently lack the enzyme to digest its scales.]

One regrettable point was that we couldn*t fully utilize the power of the formidable enemy we had managed to bring down.

We succeeded in replicating the organ that spewed fire, but we couldn't overuse it once we realized that the fuel for the fire was a component accumulated over a long time in mushrooms.

"Time and diversity are our race's weaknesses.

Through this incident, I realized our weaknesses.

Although we possess explosive growth rates, the acceleration and shortening of time ultimately only apply to us.

We couldn't do anything about the time that flowed equally for others.

Also, as the accumulated data increased and the combination formulas became more advanced and diverse, there were more cases where it was difficult to realize if one part was


[The legion is well aware of that. That's why it tries to devour more. It's difficult... endless gluttony is both our medicine and poison.]

Medicine and poison.

I agreed with that statement.

To solve this problem, we had no choice but to grow again.

[Look. The next target is a cave. It's dark and humid, but there's plenty of vegetation growing. There are also aquatic creatures living in the flowing water.]

"It doesn't seem... particularly impressive?

[The legion made the same judgment. Immediately, the legion's soldiers moved.]

The legion always ensures thorough reconnaissance.

After such reconnaissance, if they judge something to be weak, they immediately crush and annihilate it.

Of course, it wasn't just me who admired the hunters. My classmates next to me were looking up information about the hunters who had hurriedly arrived, as if they were looking at celebrities.

"...Is that woman Cha Ji Yeon?

"Yeah. She's a C-rank, so not a very high rank, but it's a small company, so maybe that's why.

I alternated between looking at the scene and my phone at my classmate's words. The woman in a black suit standing in the middle of the intersection far away. And the woman with long sky-blue hair and blue eyes in the profile on my phone. They were the same person. The explanation stated that the hair and eye color were not dyed but discolored by her own abilities.

"The gate is open!

"Cha Ji Yeon's ability is lightning!

By the tenth year, people had grown accustomed to monsters and gates, observing the scene with cheers as if they were watching a show. I was no different. I watched anxiously for about a minute.


The moment something tore through space, a flash of lightning sparked from her body aimed at the gate. The flash of light that ran through her outstretched hand flickered several times. It was as if I was watching lightning strike nearby, the dazzling light and thunderous noise continuously resonating.



The situation was over. Cha Ji Yeon, still surrounded by sparks, slowly lowered her hand, and unidentifiable corpses began to pour out in front of the gate.


"Yeah, right. That's at least A-rank!

The overwhelming spectacle made people forget to cheer.


"Is that all for today?

"Yes, Ji Yeon. Good job. I have some work to do.

Cha Ji Yeon, who had left the scene behind, settled into the back seat of the car. Her manager stepped out for a moment to talk to the police, leaving her alone in the car.

[He is pleased. He said your learning is the most advanced among his children.]

"Thank you.

[The magic of lightning naturally strains your body. Don't overuse it.]

"I'll keep that in mind.

[Now, offer your blood.]

In the empty car, she murmured as if entranced by something. With a small sigh at the voice telling her to offer her blood, she pulled out a sharp knife from her pocket.

This knife, with an antique wooden decoration on the handle, was a 'gift' that couldn't be found anywhere on Earth.


She drew a long line on her palm with the knife. Blood naturally flowed out, but the knife seemed to absorb it all. Once a certain amount of blood was absorbed, the wound on her palm healed instantly.

"When will I receive the next gift?

[When you train more, suppress the humans around you, and reach the S-rank recognized among you. Or, if you kill other players' units.]

The unidentified voice echoing in her head disappeared like that.

By the time her manager got back in the car, she had already closed her eyes and fallen asleep, exhausted.