Chapter 9: The Beings of the Lowest Floor (2)

Chapter 9: The Beings of the Lowest Floor (2)

[The legion is no longer a simple cluster of cells. Its a force that has devoured an entire ecosystem.] The concept of territorial expansion was easy to understand.

After all, it was common for humans to expand their territories and increase their productivity after winning wars.

[The energy that devoured the 8th and 9th floors has become the cornerstone, and the legion is now occupying this area.]

"No, but this isnt occupation...

[This is the way of the legion.]

I clicked my tongue as I looked at the screen.

The phrase ^territorial expansion was overly simplistic.

The gateway linking the 9th floor to the 10th floors corridor was slowly being engulfed by a squirming wall of flesh. This viscous, undulating mass was the living legion and its domain. It appeared more precise to perceive it as the legion merely augmenting its size, rather than expanding its territory.

By the time dinner rolled around, the expanding flesh wall had reached the vicinity of our target.

[The small scouts have more thoroughly scouted the destination. And the legion has started producing soldiers tailored to the enemy.]

"Are they the same type of lizard...?

[Yes. According to the data the legion currently has, its the most efficient and powerful entity.] It was armed with a thick black carapace, like scales, and strong jaws and long limbs.

The legions most advanced group tactics were still limited to those of ants and bees.

Although it was based on the strength-focused lizard, its operation was similar to that of ants.

[The new soldiers growing from the eggs will pour out by tomorrow. Then we will attack the target, slaughter it, and devour it.] "I dont think well lose. I was sincere.

The giant blue lizard we had observed was certainly bigger than any enemy we had encountered so far.

It was an enemy worthy of being called a boss monster.

But I was confident of victory.

The legions power wasnt just its soldiers, but also its nest, stored nourishment, accumulated data, and cognitive abilities. There was no way it could stop this group alone.

[The legion initiated the reconnaissance battle.]

Naturally, the legion was the first to move.

In this vast cave, amidst the dense mushroom forest, there was a creature.

The ruler of this cave. If we could suppress it, we could devour this place in its entirety.

[The scouts launched the first attack on it. Their weapon was the poisonous stinger on their tails. But the giant lizard killed three scouts with a single tail swipe. One managed to land on its back and stab it with its stinger, but the stinger broke.] "...Its strong, huh?

[The enraged creature spewed fire from its two heads. We have no resistance to fire. All the scouts were defeated, and a part of the legion that had stopped functioning became its prey.] The outcome was decided in an instant.

Seeing the creature, a mere lizard, roaring in victory, I froze for a moment.

This overwhelming two-headed lizard was on a different level from the small ecosystem lizards we had been dealing with.

Did we bite off more than we could chew?

I felt a moment of anxiety.

[If youre anxious, make a choice.]

[One-time Assassination Right]

As if reading my mind, the item I had appeared on the screen.

Are they entrusting this to me here?

My heart sank for a moment.

Depending on the choice I make here, the outcome could change.

Their momentum was slightly different from before.

They trampled over the native creatures blocking their path and didnt bother chasing the ones that ran away.

[They steal the beasts sight and aim for the gaps in its scales. They persistently cling to its vulnerable vitals.] The acquisition of simple knowledge doesnt help oneself.

However, one can develop it by processing and combining it on their own after receiving it.


The two-headed lizard, noticing the anomaly, was taken aback.

It had never been lynched by a group like this before.

[The legion initiated the war. Their target was one thing, the beasts vitals.] "Roar!

The enraged two-headed lizard spewed fire.

However, the legion would rather burn to death than retreat.

Once a strategy is set, they will definitely accomplish their mission.

[The beast, surrounded, stomped and swung its tail, killing dozens in one blow. However, those who had been waiting on the ground and in the sky all attacked at once, soon covering the beasts entire body. And in the exposed gap, the poison spike accurately pierced one of the beasts eyes.]

From the beginning, the legion had been focusing on areas not covered by scales, such as the eyes, reproductive organs, and excretory organs.

The flustered two-headed lizard screamed, knocked down the mushrooms, shook off its body, and started to run.

[...The beast fell into the legions trap. This place was a trap we had set from the beginning.]

At the caves entrance, the beast became ensnared in the sticky spider web that enveloped its body. The ambush squad, lying in wait like a lifeless mouse, relentlessly unleashed more spider webs and toxic chemicals. A horrifying scream reverberated throughout the cave and its entire corridor.

[The beast, ensnared in the trap, was drained of its strength. It could no longer spew fire. The legion ruthlessly plunged the poison spike into the beasts remaining three eyes. Before long, the beasts massive body ceased all movement.]


Victory. I watched it and staggered to sit on the bench.

I wondered if it was worth running around the mountain at this late hour. [Blue Scaled Two-headed Lizard: 3a2002] "A lizard..?

We caught a big one.

Now, it was submerged in the flesh wall.

Since they couldnt break the scales, they decided to digest and disassemble it whole.

[This is a moment recorded in history. Your efforts were not in vain. If you hadnt put in various samples, if you hadnt obtained more data thanks to them, if you hadnt achieved diversification of strategy and tactics, you wouldnt have achieved an efficient victory.]


[Now we can officially devour the bigger world.]

As always, the legion didnt stop.

They were born with an endless instinct to devour the world.

I, who had been blankly looking at my phone, staggered down the mountain.

"Why does your face look like that? Where on earth have you been?

"...A lot happened. Its really tiring.

Did my sister find it surprising enough to notice? I laughed it off, claiming it was just exercise, before retreating to my room and shutting the door.

My phone...was quiet for now.

The emotions that had overwhelmed me earlier in the day came rushing back. Why had I been so desperate, running around like a headless chicken? In that moment, I felt as if I was part of something bigger, a legion. It wasnt merely the fear of my life hanging by a thread, a reason that didnt quite resonate with me. It was something more profound, more real.

As I pondered whether to label this emotion as affection, a hollow laugh slipped from my lips.