So in order to make the old man happy, Xia's father asked someone to make the old man's life story and the past with his old friends into a film comparable to a movie. He spent a lot of money to find a professional team to do it. This team usually does blockbusters and big productions with first-class technology.

"It's said that Mr. Xia specially asked someone to make a video about his life. When he was young, Mr. Xia went to war-torn areas as a peace volunteer to help many people in need. Maybe he will also appear in this video."

"Then we must have a good look."

The guests were all talking to each other, and the big screen came down. As we all know, the special program tonight is to witness the life story of Mr. Xia, so everyone is very proud and gathered together.

Mr. Xia's good friends also drank maintenance tea and said, "Mr. Xia, your son is really filial."

"I didn't expect to see what happened before. Now I think I miss it."

Listen to friends are boasting of their son, Xia old man blowing beard staring, a little happy did not show in the face.

He has no interest in these bullshit. If you really want him to be happy, forget it, it's impossible.

He only wanted to see Ran Ran, but ran ran was no longer there.

Even after a year, the thought of Xia Ranran's absence made his heart ache.

His most obedient and filial Ran Ran was gone.

If this unfilial son had not driven ran ran out, Ran Ran would not have been killed.

Now no matter what he does, he won't be happy. Master Xia knows that the reason why he does it is for his shares.

At the beginning, he said that he would leave it to Ran Ran. Later, Ran Ran Ran disappeared. They all wanted his shares.

But he never let go and refused to give it to anyone.

They were worried that he would donate the shares, so they tried to please him.

In the past, he had been guarding these shares in order to ensure Xia Ran Ran's future life. But now Xia Ran is gone, but he still has a strange obsession that as long as the shares are still there, Ran Ran will come back.

Perhaps because of this obsession, he has been sick in bed.

Later, the doctor said that if he wanted to be healthy, he had to see it. If no one was there, the things he had been thinking about would be gone.

Mr. Xia thinks about it. It's true.

That's why he was willing to attend the party.

But now it seems that this banquet has no special meaning, except to meet these old friends.

But he prefers to talk to his old friends quietly.

The big screen lights up, and Mr. Xia looks at it casually. Everyone is concentrating on the big screen.

Except for Zhao Meijuan and Xia Fu, until they saw the tall and straight figure that came in.

Here comes Muchen.

Zhao Meijuan steps forward quickly. She looks around, but she doesn't see Xia Chengxing“ Muchen, thank you for coming here, but isn't orange star with you? "

Murchen frowned: "orange star? She didn't contact me. "

It's normal for Xia Chengxing to return to m country on the birthday of Xia Laozi. However, she didn't contact herself when she came back, which is a bit out of order.

Before he had to deal with too many things, and did not want to summer orange star side.