At the gate of the Xia family, there is an endless stream of guests.

Main hall of Xia family

Zhao Meijuan was so anxious that she could not stop walking back and forth.

"Why hasn't orange star come back yet? She said she would come back today. "

"Today is the old man's ninetieth birthday. Muchen is here. Why doesn't she come?"

According to Zhao Meijuan, Xia Chengxing should have come back a few days ago.

But she didn't go back to Xia's house, and didn't go to her own house. Zhao Meijuan thought she was just looking for friends, but today she hasn't appeared, so she thinks it's not right.

Summer orange star this person does not like others to control her, but she is very accountable, at least the important day will never drop the chain.

Zhao Meijuan is afraid of summer orange star accident.

Xia's father was so dazzled by Zhao Meijuan that his eyes were almost spent. He said: "I'm sure it's OK. I'm nagging all day. Do you really want to have an accident with my daughter?"

"Isn't it still early? Maybe the children are dressing up and want to make the whole show gorgeous."

This is what Xia Chengxing will do. Xia Chengxing likes to show her beauty.

Zhao Meijuan was infuriated by Xia Fu's disapproval. She said angrily, "why don't you care about your daughter at all? This is your only blood."

"If something happens to orange star, your Xia family's blood will be broken."

Zhao Meijuan's eyes are red.

Xia Fu was also enraged by this sentence. Yes, Xia Chengxing is his only blood.

Their Xia family has no son to inherit, if even the daughter has an accident, it's really a stepchild.

But at the thought of them, Xia family could have had a smart and fat successor. If it wasn't for Xia Ranran, his successor would have come to the world.

He really regretted that he didn't break the disobedient girl's leg.

He wished that there had never been Xia Ranran in the world. How could Xia Ranran be compared with his successor.

She has no such value. A criminal's daughter killed his son.

Hu, I feel that something is pressing Xia Fu's chest, which makes him burst out.

Zhao Meijuan's crying made him very upset, but what she said was right, and today is my father's birthday.

His father never talked to Xia Ranran because he drove him away before, and he didn't attend the birthday party he held for him. It's rare that his father was willing to let go this time, so he must not let anything affect him.

So Xia said, "don't cry. I've asked people to find my daughter. I should find her soon."

"Don't worry about that. Come out to meet the guests. Otherwise, what will it look like?"

"Muchen hasn't come yet. Maybe orange star is waiting for him."

"Under the protection of Muchen, the orange star will not do anything."

Zhao Meijuan is very optimistic about Muchen, because Muchen is so good to her daughter, it should really be like what Xia Fu said.

Maybe Muchen is coming. She has to go out and meet people.

Zhao Meijuan added another powder, and then went out with Xia Fu to welcome the guests. As time goes by, the reception hall is full of wine, clothes and sideburns, and the birthday party is about to begin.

Before Muchen and Xia Chengxing arrived, Zhao Meijuan asked people to broadcast the photo of Xia Laozi first.

This time, a lot of old friends of Mr. Xia are here. They gather together for nostalgia and reminiscence of the past.