Chapter 204 - EX

"No, don't you have sisters on your own? Or just mother? Why the fuck are you asking if she's a virgin? Or discussing if she's great in bed? Don't even dare think about her breast! Do you have the rights!?" Yazeno exclaimed as he gritted his teeth. Glaring at them. 

"Zen, calm down. They're joking."

"It's not funny! How is that a joke?!" Everyone was bewildered by his loud voice. 

"Zen, it's normal, we're adults, having dirty jokes is normal." Margo, his ex-girlfriend tried to console him yet he peered at her angrily. 

"Fuck off." He stormed out of the room, his Margo followed him and the boys who remained were smacked on the head by the girls. None of the people in this room was clueless about Yazeno's overprotectiveness and love for his sister. Some girls also told his ex regarding that saying that it might be the reason why they broke up. 

After a few minutes, Margo convinced Yazeno to get back in the room and everyone said sorry to him. After all, no Yazeno means no life-party. 

"So, I'm curious, are you that protective when it's about your sister? Because I remember, your friend cat called me too when you were courting me. You told them off, but never got this mad."

"You shouldn't have asked, he's a complete sister's boy. We can understand, if my sister is that pretty, well."

"Shut up, Darell." 

"No, I admit I'm protective of her, but I have reasons, Margo." Yazeno defended himself to his ex. 

"Have you ever considered… incest one of the reasons?"

"Woah, woah, woah!" The crowd turned alive. Someone finally speaks up the truth!

"What?" Yazeno was bewildered hearing her.

"I mean, you could have been in love with your sister."

"Are you out of your mind?"

"Hey, let's cut off the morals and shit. Love has no boundaries, and you told me, you never found the true love you've been looking for to the girls you dated? How do you know? How could you say it's not loved? Unless you already know that you're in love." 

"That's crazy Margo," he denied and she laughed it out. 

"I'm not disgusted, you know. And everyone in this room had a hunch, maybe it's just you who were clueless because you keep on denying it to yourself." 


"You have a critical forbidden love, mister hopeless romantic." 

That was when his ex-girlfriend pointed out he had a serious sister complex and the rest of his friends agreed, telling him the situation where they could defend their stance and proving that he was definitely in love with his sister. 

Yazeno wasn't convinced, he doesn't have that kind of complexity, he can't be into his sister, that's incest. Much worse, his sister has someone she loves---she had the right to be in love with someone else---how was that the worst-case scenario?

Yanarym glimpses at Yazeno's troubled expression after hearing his thoughts through Guide-sama. 'That was the trigger? The ex-girlfriend?' She sighed. 'At least, he's still confused,' she added and ate a spoonful of cold snacks. 

Yazeno looked back, from the day that Yanarym came back home to their family. Honestly, she's a great sister, despite being cold and stoic with him, he never felt an outcast when being alone with her in one room. At some point, he began to get clingy on her to the point he stopped a year at his school just to be with her all day and night. He was never satisfied unless he had her attention. Whenever she goes to visit him at his school, he bragged about her to everyone but also gets jealous when she appreciates someone else. He became mature when their mother died but began to act spoiled if she's around the vicinity. 

He peered at her hand, he was always physical with her. Because he felt comfortable and warm with her skin. He never thought dirty thoughts of her, he was simply admiring her. It's not loving --- of course, he loves her but not in that way, how could he ...? 

"Hey, Zen, what's your order?" His train of thoughts was aborted when Yanarym called him. She smiled at him and muffled his hair, "Do you miss your ex-girlfriend? You're too occupied thinking of her?" 

"No, no. just -- whatever your order is." He said Yanarym appeared to be concerned, "What?"

"You look sick, does he, Cailly?" She said Cailly nodded, "are you still having a hangover?" 

"What? No. I didn't get drunk yesterday."

"Oh, yeah?" Yanarym did her best to prevent Yazeno from over-thinking. Surely, Yanarym can't be idle, she had to lay out her plans tonight. She guesses, she had to put an all-nighter to process her three months plans. In addition, she also had to observe the male lead so she could proceed with her next movements. Before it's too late she had to do something about Yazeno's rapid realization about his feelings. 

"I want wine sis." She said to Cailly.

"You can't have alcohol."

"I'm not driving and it's just a glass. It's healthy for the heart." She reasoned. Cailly gave in and ordered a glass of red wine with their steaks. 

The date was over after Yashnile and Maddi spent two hours on the karaoke and Yashnile successfully walked Maddi to the train station. He offered her a ride but she strongly declined, he didn't insist because he doesn't want to make her uncomfortable.

Returning to the mall and meeting the three that were playing on the Quantum, Yashnile first got all the perfumes he bought before fetching them. When all was settled on the car, he gave them each, and the obvious favoritism was displayed. 

"You bought Ate Rym another set?" Yazeno frowned not because of dissatisfaction receiving only one perfume and Yanarym had seven. But because he wanted to buy her that set for her graduation, Yashnile bought it on a whim.. He could not wait to graduate and manage their business and earn a luxury to Yanarym.